Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 233 Changing Loan to Investment

It was much easier for such a big taxpayer to buy land than Phoenix Software Company at that time, and the capital city government readily approved it just by mentioning it.

Moreover, it was sold at the original purchase price of Phoenix Software Company. It stands to reason that more than a year has passed, and the land price in the capital has risen, so the price should be more expensive.

Faced with such a cheap land price, Pei Qing was not polite, and directly delineated 600 million square meters of land to build it into the world's largest pharmaceutical research and development center.

The total investment is estimated to be as high as 100 billion yuan. After completion, it will become a veritable medical city. Ye Zishu was also shocked by Pei Qing's boldness at the beginning.

You must know that the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company was only 100 million square meters at that time, and the staff residential area was only 200 million square meters. This is also a veritable super-large headquarters in China.

As a result, Pei Qing encircled 600 million square meters of land as soon as she came up. According to Pei Qing, she will have to invest in the future anyway, and she can buy it all at once, which can also reduce the overall cost.

At that time, Ye Zishu even wanted to ask her if she was afraid that he would take away all the profits, so she might as well build such a large headquarters by herself to save some money for herself.

If she didn't know that Pei Qing should not be such a person, otherwise, the last time he went to borrow money, not only was Pei Qing not unhappy, but she was very happy to help him solve his problems.

However, according to Tai Chi Health's revenue capacity, spending 100 billion yuan to build a good headquarters does not have any pressure, and it will solve the problem of office space usage for a long time in the future.

However, the construction plan of the entire headquarters is based on four phases of construction. The first phase of construction is mainly to meet the needs of existing business development, and the scale is not very large.

"When do you plan to start the second phase of construction?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It depends on how much financial support you need. If the required funds are huge, the second phase will be delayed. If enough funds are left for us, we can start the second phase now." Pei Qing said.

At present, the profit of Taiji Health Care Company is mainly lent to Wancheng Foundation, which accounts for the largest proportion of funds. In addition, the Huanyu Group led by Wang Chuanfu also borrows funds from Tai Chi Health Care Company.

"How much money do you currently have in your account?" Ye Zishu asked.

"If all the funds in our account are converted into RMB, it will be 300 billion yuan." Pei Qing said.

"So many?" Ye Zishu was surprised when he heard this figure. He thought that 200 billion yuan would be enough. After all, things must be developed step by step, but he didn't expect it to be 100 billion yuan more.

"You have underestimated the effect of our elderly health care products. Before, it only covered fewer regions and cities, and there was still a large blank market that had not been developed.

This time we have opened a lot of franchised stores, covering many more regions and cities. In fact, the average sales per store is lower than before.

The main reason is that new stores are slow to attract customers. After the customers of these new stores become regular customers, the sales revenue of each store will increase a lot.

In addition, some of our new stores have begun to extend to marginal areas and small cities, which will also affect the sales performance of single stores, which is unavoidable. "Pei Qing said.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu said, "Do you still have plans to continue to build directly-operated stores?"

"We don't have any at the moment. We want to wait until the current results are consolidated before continuing to expand the number of directly-operated stores, but this will have to wait until a year later." Pei Qing replied.

If you want to sell your products all over the world, you can find distributors in addition to building direct sales stores, but Ye Zishu has concerns about finding distributors.

But if you build your own direct-sale stores, it doesn't feel like a good idea. Direct-sale stores mainly cover cities. If you also cover rural areas, the number will be too many, and management will be very troublesome.

He thought of the direct online sales method, but online shopping has not yet appeared, and even if it did, it would take a long time for consumers to get used to it.

So after thinking about it, he still didn't make a suggestion, and let Pei Qing follow her own plan. The current development is too fast, so it's better to stabilize her position.

"How much income do you expect to have this year?" Ye Shu asked.

"This year's income is hard to predict. If it is just a health care product for the elderly, it is expected to bring us about 1500 billion yuan in income throughout the year.

However, the experiment of the three health products you gave last time went very well, and they are expected to be launched in April this year. We are not yet able to evaluate the market potential of these three health products.

However, we expect the annual revenue to reach 2000 billion yuan, so there should be no major problems. After all, the three new health care products are also very effective. "Pei Qing said.

Last time he gave three formulas of health products, which are health products that promote the redevelopment of human bones, which can make people grow taller after drinking it, and have a great effect on children's height development.

At the same time, it can also have a good effect on the healing and improvement of human bones and other bone-related problems. However, this kind of health care product will not be drunk like the old-age health care product.

The effect of promoting bone growth in the early and mid-term is relatively good, basically reaching the limit of human genes on human height, but in the later stage, if you want to break through the limit of genes, the effect will be much slower.

It’s not that there is no effect, but it may be possible to grow 1 to 1 centimeters in the first year, but it may only increase by 2 centimeter in the next 5 years, and the use of this health care product cannot be interrupted for a long time in the middle.

Unless the family is really not short of money, ordinary people will definitely not be willing to spend so much. You must know that the price of this health care product is much more expensive than that of the elderly.

Since the health care products for the elderly are taken for a long time, the price is relatively low, so that more elderly people can afford them, and they can afford them for a long time.

However, health products that promote height development cannot be taken for a long time. Once the height reaches a certain level, they will stop taking them. The profit-making cycle is relatively short, so the price is much more expensive.

According to Ye Zishu's estimation, the period of taking it is generally 3 to 5 years. If you have good genes, you can reach your ideal height after taking it for 3 years. At the same time, it can also promote bone development and make your body healthier.

If the genetic height is not very high, it is almost enough to take it for 5 years. Although you can continue to grow taller if you continue to take it, the effect will continue to decay.

As for the latter two health products, they are health products that promote a harmonious relationship between men and women. For this market, even Ye Zishu can't say well.

There is no specific statistics on how many people need this product, because this is a very private matter, and it is very difficult to understand the market.

"You also know that most of the funds of Tai Chi Health Care Company are lent to Wancheng Foundation, but Wancheng Foundation's business model will cause their revenue to not grow rapidly in the short term.

This means that it is impossible to repay the money in the short term, and the loan to Wancheng Foundation requires funds after deducting the company's taxes.

So I think it will be much more convenient to turn Wancheng Foundation into a subsidiary of Taiji Group so that you can fund Wancheng Foundation, and you can save a lot of taxes. "Leaf Book said.

If Tai Chi Health Care Company lends 1000 billion yuan to Wancheng Jiye every year for 10 years, the accumulated debt will be as high as 1 trillion yuan.

At that time, even if Wancheng Jiye's real estate projects spread all over the country, it will still not be able to pay back the money from Tai Chi Health Care Company, and this will still be without interest.

If the interest is calculated according to bank interest, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Wancheng Foundation to repay these loans in its lifetime, so it simply put this company under the Taiji Group.

In this way, the loan becomes an investment, and the investment is naturally included in the operating costs of the Taiji Group, so there is no need to pay so much tax.

It's not that Ye Zishu is unwilling to pay taxes, but that the real estate industry consumes too much money, and if it can save part of the money, it will save part of it. Anyway, after the industrial chain is established, governments all over the country will benefit.

It's just that the funds that originally needed to be paid to the capital city government were invested in various parts of the country through Wancheng Foundation, and then flowed into the entire industrial chain related to the real estate industry, becoming tax revenues for various places.

According to the trajectory of the previous life, the document was issued in 1998 to stop the real estate distribution, which means that the transaction of commercial housing was finalized in the form of policy in this year.

But people may have to wait until after 2000 when they really have the money to buy houses. Before that, Wancheng Foundation’s revenue mainly relied on property rental, and the income from buying houses was not large.

He has thought about this decision for a long time. Anyway, no matter which group it belongs to, it belongs to his industry, and there is no loss for him. Moreover, although Wancheng Foundation is under the Taiji Group, it is very independent.

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