Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 213 "Do Not Succeed, Or Die!"

The matter was almost finished, Ye Zishu asked Shengshi Film and Television Company to help make a copy of the animation movie script, and he was going to get it to Phoenix Special Effects Company to explain the good things to them.

When the staff took the script to copy, Zhang Guoli suddenly said: "When "Crazy Alien" was released this time, Disney revealed the idea of ​​acquiring our company."

"What do you think?" Ye Zishu asked calmly.

"Of course I can't agree, I refused in person." Zhang Guoli said immediately.

Hearing Zhang Guoli's words, Ye Zishu nodded and said, "It's normal for them to want to acquire, after all, they are hailed as acquisition masters in the industry.

Although we don't produce many movies, all of them can be regarded as high-quality products, and the box office revenue they bring is very good.

Especially in the field of animated films, we already have a great reputation. In a few years, we may surpass Disney in the field of animated film production.

This will definitely arouse Disney's attention and vigilance. Although they have gained a lot of benefits in the process of cooperating with us, there is no better way to eat them all.

They already have an acquisition idea. If the acquisition fails, they may adopt other methods. There may be variables in the cooperation between us and them.

You need to make plans as soon as possible, and when our cooperation with Disney cannot continue, your business will not be affected in any way. "

The reason why a giant is a giant is that it has two magic weapons of resources and funds. Facing a competitor, it first uses resources to kill the opponent, and if it cannot be killed, it uses funds to acquire the opponent.

In the field of film and television culture, it is still very difficult to use resources to completely defeat competitors. After all, this belongs to the field of brain power creation, and it is difficult to copy and imitate.

Moreover, the content they produce themselves may not necessarily be successful. Many famous movies we have seen are all made out of many failed movies. Success is only a minority, and failure is the majority.

Since Shengshi Film and Television Company cannot be defeated from the movie itself, and Shengshi Film and Television Company has no shortage of funds, it is very difficult to acquire it, unless they are willing to pay a sky-high price for the acquisition.

Not to mention whether they are willing or not, even Ye Zishu himself will not be willing. Although he can sell the company and form another company, it will be a waste of his time.

Moreover, he founded the film and television company, not entirely because of money. Although this reason accounts for the majority, he also has ideals.

He hopes that in the field of animated films, he can at least be on an equal footing with Disney. If he can beat Disney, that would be even better.

This is why he is very obsessed with copying Disney's animated films. Although doing so may not necessarily bring about Disney's decline, it should also have an impact, at least he feels good about it.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that he is very dissatisfied with Shengshi Film and Television Company's slow layout in the animation field, so that Shengshi Film and Television Company entrusts New Oriental to train 5000 animation talents every year.

If Shengshi Film and Television Company wants to develop independently in the future, it will definitely need to conduct fierce competition internally to find excellent works from among the many failed works.

Instead of being like now, each of the works he produced is a masterpiece, and there are no failed works. This is impossible in the normal commercial field, at least not for a long time.

So he hopes to establish many animation studios, and each animation studio will have its own production plan. When the time comes, you will know whether it is a mule or a horse.

In this way of raising Gu, Tencent was also very good at playing in the previous life. When there are many uncertain factors, although it is expensive to do so, it is the safest way, and only giants can afford it.

Fortunately, Shengshi Film and Television Company is not listed, and he does not agree to be acquired. Disney has no way to complete the acquisition, at least not needing to guard against thieves all day long.

"The purpose of my establishment of Shengshi Film and Television Company is, on the one hand, to make money, and on the other hand, I hope to be able to compete with Disney in the field of animated films, or even surpass them.

In the field of live-action movies, if it can compete with Universal, Paramount, etc., if it can do both, then Shengshi Film and Television Company will be the world's number one film and television giant.

The start of Shengshi Film and Television Company is relatively smooth now. This one has laid a solid foundation for becoming a giant. Whether you can achieve this goal in the future depends on the performance of your management.

You can convey this belief in the company. If you don’t want to be a general, you are not a good soldier, and if you don’t want to be a super giant, it’s not a good film and television company.

If such a concept can be recognized by all employees of the company and become the true belief of the company, then you will be halfway to becoming a film and television giant. "Leaf Book said.

At least for now, he has not seen such a belief from Shengshi Film and Television Company, and they even have a relatively serious dependence on him, which is not what he wants to see.

He hopes to set a high goal for all employees, and then strengthen their beliefs and move towards this goal. Maybe their mental outlook will be completely different.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Zhang Guoli was shocked by Ye Zishu's lofty goal, but he felt that it was still possible to achieve it with hard work.

The main reason is that Shengshi Film and Television Company started very smoothly, so smoothly that it does not look like a normal film and television company. If it really develops smoothly according to the current situation for 5 to 10 years.

Then it is really possible that Shengshi Film and Television Company will become a super film and television giant, although the current achievements are based on the script and ideas provided by Ye Zishu.

But Ye Zishu is the boss of the company, so it is impossible for him to resign, so this cornerstone of stability can be used for a long time.

As long as this cornerstone is stable, they develop desperately to make up for the shortcomings of Shengshi Film and Television Company, and it is not impossible to realize it.

Seeing Zhang Guoli's excited expression, Ye Zishu decided to add more fire, so he said: "In my belief, if you don't succeed, you'd rather die!

If a company has been doing nothing for a long time and becomes one of many ordinary companies, it will be of little value to continue to operate such a company.

Now Shengshi Film and Television Company is still in the start-up stage. I hope that all employees of the company can get rid of the start-up mentality as soon as possible, because your strength does not allow you to still have such a mentality.

If after three to five years, Shengshi Film and Television Company has not changed much, maybe I will have other ideas, and I will feel that there is no need to waste time on it. "

Zhang Guoli was originally excited, but when he heard Ye Zishu's words, his heart beat. Although these words were spoken peacefully, they were full of murderous intent.

If the boss really thinks that Shengshi Film and Television Company has no great development prospects and chooses to close the company or sell it directly to others, it will be their management that will suffer first.

If the management has no real skills, whether it is closing the company or selling the company, it will be difficult to survive in the new environment.

Of course, it's not just the management that will suffer losses at that time, but the people below, besides those with real skills, those who just dawdle will also have a high probability of being kicked out.

Although Ye Zishu has never done anything to close the company, but with the talent of the boss, it is really possible to look down on the mediocre company and act uncharacteristically, which is not impossible.

But all geniuses will do some abnormal behaviors, and these behaviors are often very different from the normal situation, so Zhang Guoli still believes Ye Zishu's words.

What's more, Ye Zishu doesn't only have Shengshi Film and Television Company under its umbrella. Without Shengshi Film and Television Company, he is still a rich man and does not have much impact on the overall industry.

This is different from the boss of only one company. If there is only one company, without the company, the boss himself does not know what to do next.

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