Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 212 Borrowing Money Has Benefits

In terms of personnel training, he doesn't want to say any more. He is actually very restrained. If he wants to train 1 people a year, it is all right.

It takes at least 4 years to train a newcomer into a qualified talent, and by that time, it will be after 97.

In the past four years, because of his little butterfly, the domestic economy will definitely leap to a new level, and the demand for cultural and entertainment products will not be as simple as it is now.

The cartoons he watched when he was a child in his previous life were basically imported from Japan. It is a bit ironic to let cartoons from other countries accompany the childhood of most people in this country.

Shengshi Film and Television Company not only wants to occupy the fast-growing animation market, but also assumes its own social responsibility.

If even leading companies are unwilling to take social responsibility, do you expect other companies to undertake it?You can't rely on others for everything, you should consciously take it on yourself.

Only when everyone and every enterprise assumes corresponding responsibilities within their own capabilities can the country develop better and better, and the society will become more harmonious.

Of course, he is not a pedantic person. He also has his own stubbornness on some issues, such as the domestic box office distribution system. Because he is not satisfied with this distribution method, he simply puts the film in the warehouse to eat ashes.

This is difficult to do in the eyes of others. After all, mosquito meat is also meat, and there is always some income in domestic distribution, at least it is much better than putting it in the warehouse to eat ashes.

But he just did it that way, he just asked Zhang Guoli to test it out, and if he didn't get the result he wanted, he simply stopped doing activities and let these people torment themselves, so he wouldn't accompany him.

"By the way, is there any sign of loosening the domestic distribution system?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Although we haven't paid attention to this during this period of time, we haven't received any news about it, so there shouldn't be much change.

In my opinion, although our animation films have achieved great success abroad, they are animation films after all, and their domestic influence is still too low.

China is still accustomed to treating animated films as children's toys, and it is relatively difficult to rely on animated films to form external pressure. "Zhang Guoli said.

Ye Zishu nodded, expressing that he understood. Although he had fantasies, he also thought that it would be difficult to create strong pressure simply by relying on animation movies!

He hopes that the next "Titanic" will be the world's box office champion, and with the unprecedented box office champion, it can truly exert strong pressure on the country.

"How is the release of Titanic going?" Ye Shu asked.

"We have already negotiated with distributors in major film markets around the world, and we have been promoting it for a while, and it will be released three days before Christmas." Zhang Guoli said.

Hearing what Zhang Guoli said, Ye Zishu calculated that it would be the day after tomorrow. With the box office success of several films in a row, Shengshi Film and Television Company has become more and more influential in the international film market.

If there is no need to take care of other people's festivals, but to set the release time according to our own festivals, it will really show the strength of Shengshi Film and Television Company.

Of course, business operations are for profit. If you want to do this, you need a large share of the domestic film market. Otherwise, you still have to take care of other people's feelings. After all, to eat other people's food, you must know the rules.

"Although it hasn't been released yet, I still have great confidence in the box office, so you should act immediately around the spin-off industry of this movie.

Like before, it was a bit seriously lagging behind. After a long delay, the popularity has weakened a lot, which still has a great impact on our earnings. "Leaf Book said.

"I understand that in fact, when the animated film "Kung Fu Panda" was released, we had already adjusted our work in this area, and now we have dedicated people to take charge of it, and the action is much faster." Zhang Guoli said.

"Well, this is a good sign. By the way, "Crazy Alien" should also be released on Christmas, right?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Yes, the scheduled time is only one day later than "Titanic"." Zhang Guoli said.

"Have you analyzed whether this arrangement will have a great impact on the box office of the two films?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We don't completely rule out that there is no impact, but I don't think the impact will be particularly large, because the audience targets of the two are different.

"Crazy Alien" is mainly aimed at children, and the atmosphere is relatively relaxed, suitable for family fun, and may attract people who like to watch such movies.

And "Titanic" mainly attracts young couples, and it may also attract married couples. It can also attract some people who like special effects with its excellent special effects.

Therefore, we believe that there may be an impact, but it will not be very big, and there may even be a positive effect. The quality of the two films is very high, which will improve the reputation of Shengshi Film and Television Company.

This will make some people have high expectations for another movie after watching one movie, thus increasing the overall number of viewers. "Zhang Guoli said.

There is some truth to this analysis. No matter what the facts are, Ye Zishu will not be too worried after such an arrangement. The global film market can still accommodate two films at the same time.

On top of that, there doesn't appear to be any strong contenders this Christmas, which could potentially garner more box office, crowding out other films.

After chatting about the business, Ye Zishu asked, "How much cash is currently in Shengshi Film and Television's account?"

When Zhang Guoli heard Ye Zishu's change of subject, he didn't react for a while, but he was just stunned for a moment, and then immediately replied: "There are currently 70 billion yuan in cash in the account."

Ye Zishu knew that there was a lot of cash in Shengshi Film and Television Company's account, but he didn't expect there to be so much, so he asked curiously, "Why so much?"

It’s okay if you don’t ask, but Zhang Guoli is a little embarrassed to ask. For a company, having too much cash reserves is not a good thing.

This shows that the company has not implemented its future business plan, and the money has not been used. Only when the money is used can it be used to make money. If it is in the hands, it can only eat interest.

"It is mainly the box office revenue of the three animated films, video tape revenue, and peripheral licensing revenue, of which the video tape revenue is still very considerable." Zhang Guoli explained.

Ye Zishu calculated carefully, out of the 70 billion yuan in cash, 5 million yuan in cash needs to be prepared for the acquisition of Miramax. In order to be more generous and avoid accidents, 6 million yuan should be ready.

Then there is their own operating funds. At present, they haven't discussed what they should shoot. They don't know how much money is appropriate to keep, but overall it shouldn't cost much.

The rest is the shooting cost of several scripts he took out, and the animation film mainly pays the production cost of Phoenix Special Effects Company.

At present, it is basically calculated on the basis of more than 5000 million yuan per unit. Although it is a very large number in China, the cost is low in foreign countries.

Then there are live-action movies, the shooting of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Lord of the Rings", the special effects part is still calculated according to the cost of animated movies.

Most of the cost is the shooting fee and the actors' remuneration, of which the actors' remuneration accounts for the majority, but the shooting cost is much lower.

In order to reduce expenses, all the scenes may be shot indoors. As for elements such as the movie background, they can be produced with special effects, which is no different from the real thing.

However, these two films are series films, and he hopes to finish the filming at one time, so as to prevent the actors from being too famous and paying too much later.

Of course, it is also possible to sign multiple film shooting agreements with the cast and crew of the first film in a row, but there will still be accidents in the middle, so he thinks it is more cost-effective to shoot all at once.

"Kunpeng Information Technology Company is preparing to enter the streaming media business. Before that, it needs to purchase a large number of film and television drama copyrights, and recruit a large number of journalists and various media professionals.

These works need to cost 50 billion yuan in the initial stage. At present, Phoenix Technology has a lot of research and development projects, but it can only count on Phoenix Software, and the funds are a bit tight.

So I want to borrow 50 billion yuan from Shengshi Film and Television Co., Ltd., and I may be able to repay the funds next year. What do you think? "Leaf Book explained.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Zhang Guoli said with a smile: "I thought it was something, I did it like this before, and I don't have any opinion on it."

Ye Zishu is the boss of the company and owns 100% of the shares. Borrowing money is actually just a matter of his words. He can ask for his own opinion, which has already shown his respect for himself.

He had no reason to object, and it was useless to object, so he simply agreed, not to mention that the remaining 20 billion yuan was enough for Shengshi Film and Television Company to carry out the next plan.

"I won't let you suffer. Originally, "Pirates of the Caribbean" only shot one film this year. After I go back, I will write the next four scripts together, and then you can shoot five films in a row.

In this way, after your project starts, you don’t need to spend too much trouble, the overall cost can be greatly reduced, and then you can play one movie every year, which also reduces the follow-up pressure. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Zhang Guoli was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect to have this unexpected harvest. Shooting five films in a row means that he will have a stable income for the next five years.

"If you buy the copyright of "The Lord of the Rings", I can also write three scripts for you in a row, and I can shoot all of this series at once." Ye Shu continued.

This made Zhang Guoli ecstatic. In his opinion, the 50 billion yuan loaned out was really worth it. With these 8 movies alone, it would bring even more profits to Shengshi Film and Television Company.

After talking about this, Ye Zishu told Zhang Guoli about the casting of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Lord of the Rings". He believed that the original cast would be more secure for the quality of the film.

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