Ye Zishu was by the man's side, and after he calmed down, he said, "Can you tell me about your experience, maybe it can help you."

Although his family is living in hardship, they are still optimistic, and with the harmony between their brothers and sisters, although it is a bit hard, they have not yet reached the point of collapse.

Although my pockets are empty now, my hope for the future is stronger than anyone else, and my mentality is naturally much better. The difficulties in front of me are only temporary.

The man glanced at him and sat down on the curb. He didn't trust his help, but it didn't prevent him from telling his experience. At least there was an audience, which could relieve his inner distress.

"My mother is an authentic farmer in Yunnan, and my father happened to be assigned to my mother's village when he went to the countryside to become an educated youth. After spending more time in contact with each other, we developed feelings for each other.

In addition, at that time, I felt that there was no hope of returning to the city, and my father was getting older and began to have the idea of ​​starting a family, so the two of them combined and gave birth to me and my sister.

In 1978, a large number of educated youths began to return to the city, so my father had the idea of ​​returning to the city.

Seeing the educated youths who went with me back to the city one after another, this idea became more and more intense, and finally made up my mind to bring my mother, my sister and me back to the city. "

"Your father is not bad, at least he brought his wife and children back with him." Ye Zishu commented.

He also knows something about the educated youth returning to his hometown. Although there are no educated youths there, he has learned about it in his previous life, and there are related books and film and television dramas.

In order to return to the city, many educated youths have exhausted various means, and there are not a few who abandoned their wives and children. From this perspective, his father can be said to be a kind and righteous person.

"But after returning to the city, because my grandparents were away, my father had no unit to take over, so he could only do some part-time jobs in the city to maintain the family's expenses.

My mother uses her tailoring skills to do some mending work in the city. Although the family is a little poor, at least we are still very happy.

It was only when I was 10 years old that my father put himself in because he saved a drowning man, which immediately put the barely maintained family in trouble.

I still remember the scene where my mother washed her face with tears every night. As the eldest son in the family, she must shoulder the responsibilities of the family.

It’s just that I was only 10 years old at that time, not to mention that I didn’t have a job to do, even if I had a job, I wouldn’t want such a young child.

In order to reduce the burden on my family, I started to hang out with the unemployed youths in the city, doing some sneaky things.

I thought I could hide it from my family, but I was caught once. Because I was young, I couldn't run fast enough and was caught.

From then on, my mother knew what I did. I still remember my mother was so angry that she tied me up and beat me, but to be honest, I don't blame my mother. "

"Is it because your sister hates you for doing this?" Ye Shu asked.

"Sneaking chickens and dogs is commonplace no matter in the countryside or in the city. Although it is disgusting, it is not a big thing." The man said.

This is true. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. The most important are two aspects. One is the lack of material, and the other is the lack of parental discipline.

Especially in families with multiple children, parents are busy with work and making a living, and it is impossible to take good care of each child. It would be nice to be able to go home for meals.

"My sister and I are two years apart, and we were studying in the same school at the time. My sister's grades have always been very good, and she is the only consolation for my mother after hard work.

That's why I treat my younger sister like the apple of my eye. Whenever someone bullies my younger sister, the elder brother will naturally find his way back. "

Hearing this, he already knew the reason. There was an older brother who was a bastard. Although he made others dare not bully her in school, he also brought great pressure to her.

She not only needs to face the gossip of her classmates and teachers, but also the situation of having no friends, because everyone avoids being implicated and is unwilling to make friends with her.

He also saw this kind of situation when he was studying in his previous life, especially in the junior high school stage, when the students were in the rebellious stage, there were more moths of all kinds than in any other stage.

Seeing that he didn't intend to continue, Ye Zishu asked, "You don't have a serious job either?"

"Not to mention whether there is a unit, even if there is, no unit is willing to take me." The man said helplessly.

This is true. There are still relatively few job opportunities now, and the layoff wave in 1993 will soon come. He can still imagine how difficult it is to find a decent unit.

It is now on the eve of the night, the performance of state-owned enterprises is generally not very good, and the scale of the private economy is not large, and most of them are still in the south.

Even now, the relationship between public and private is still being debated, which makes people who originally wanted to start a business in the sea hesitate, and further hinders the development of the private economy.

In addition, the positions in state-owned enterprises are basically inherited from the father's business. Even in a well-run enterprise, there are not many vacancies for outsiders. From this perspective, the situation of men is understandable.

When it is difficult for a person to even survive, he feels that there is nothing wrong with taking a crooked path, because survival is more important than everything else. This is human nature and has nothing to do with others.

"Then you are still hanging around on the street?" Ye Zishu asked.

The man didn't speak, but just nodded. It seemed that he also knew that it was not good to do so, but there was no other way.

"I think your sister doesn't want to talk to you. It's not that what you did before embarrass her, but she is worried that if you continue on this road, something bad will happen." Ye Zishu said.

He can still see that the man loves his sister very much, and also has a strong willingness to share the pressure for the family. It is remarkable to rule out some of his behaviors.

They must have seen the crackdown in 1983. At that time, the men should not have been too old, and they would not have received too severe punishment for doing some sneaky things.

The second crackdown in the previous life took place in 1996. If this continues, the man may really fall into it. This is not just talk.

"I know, but I can't help it." The man said helplessly.

This kind of nature is not too bad, and he is still willing to help people who have strongly changed themselves but have no way out.

"How about you do something for me?" Ye Zishu asked.

He seems to have nothing to do now, but after many jobs are on the right track, he may not be as leisurely as he is now. Having an errand runner can reduce his workload a lot.

Hearing what he said, the man glanced at him, but didn't talk to him, because he didn't look like a rich man with what he was wearing, and he was still a student at school, so it was difficult to gain his trust.

"I'm serious!" Ye Zishu emphasized again.

"Then how much salary do you pay me?" the man asked.

When Ye Zishu heard this, he was also stunned. He didn't expect the man to be so straightforward, and it was really difficult to answer this question, because he really had no money in his hand.

"Although I don't have money for the time being, I should have money in a short time. How about you come to me again in two months?" Ye Zishu said.

"Why are you confident?" The man looked at him in disbelief.

Ye Zishu smiled, pointed to his head, and said, "That's all!"

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