Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 10 Quarrel

On September 9th, the day of military training came quietly. Ye Zishu, who had been hiding in the dormitory, had to go out to participate in a class that every freshman must go through.

The duration of military training at Tsinghua University is relatively long among major domestic universities, generally only about half a month, while the duration of military training at Tsinghua University is nearly a month.

With experience, he is no stranger to the movements that need to be completed in military training, and his physical fitness is still good, so he basically has no pressure.

The only thing that makes him more anxious is that military training is considered physical work, which consumes a lot of energy. In order to maintain the overall health of the body, the food expenses are much higher than before.

Every time he was on the way to the cafeteria, he had to weigh the little money in his pocket, wishing to spend it, but he had to spend what should be spent, and every penny was indispensable.

Every day when he returns to the dormitory after the military training, he still maintains the previous work and rest schedule, almost always fighting at night with the lights on, which makes his roommates feel anxious every day.

Although they also knew Ye Zishu's current predicament, according to his work and rest schedule, they were really afraid of sudden death one day.

At first they would persuade them, but Ye Zishu didn't take it seriously. Every time he agreed, he still went his own way, and then they simply stopped persuading them.

Ye Shu did this because on the one hand, he knew his physical condition, and on the other hand, he was full of energy and had a very good sleep quality. Maintaining this state for a long time would not have a negative impact on his body.

Although he only sleeps for four hours a day, the quality of sleep for these four hours is not worse than the eight hours for ordinary people.

Moreover, he has been in such a busy state for a long time. If he is allowed to relax completely and live a slow-paced life, he may not be used to it.

On September 9th, due to insufficient manuscript paper, after the military training, he planned to go to the school's small shop to buy some more paper and, by the way, some pen refills.

Now paper consumption is very fast, and the money consumed is second only to the money he spends on food, but this is a part that must be invested, and it cannot be saved.

On the way to the small shop by taking a shortcut, he saw the ponytailed girl who asked him to help carry things, and a slightly older boy beside him, and the two seemed to be arguing.

Originally, he didn't intend to meddle in other people's business, but when he saw the two arguing, he had to pay attention to the situation over there. After all, he was a classmate, and if something unexpected happened, he felt uneasy.

The two seemed to be focusing all their attention on the quarrel, approaching him nonchalantly, not noticing.

When he came to a place 10 meters away from them, he found a curb next to him and sat down, wanting to hear why they were arguing, which would determine his next actions.

"Don't come to school in the future, stay away from me, I don't want to see you again!" the girl shouted excitedly.

"Is it wrong for me to care about you?" The boy asked a little aggrieved.

"Your concern is right, and you are the one who is wrong, so what you do is wrong."

Hearing this, Ye Zishu thought it was a relationship dispute, but he didn't expect that in this age, there are people who fell in love so early. He thought that everyone was "in heat, but in ceremony".

Hearing that they seem to know each other, he originally planned to stand up and walk. He has no interest in intervening in other people's emotional disputes, which will only be thankless.

Besides, he is not very familiar with this ponytail girl, and the concern just now was only based on the consideration of protecting the girl and avoiding unnecessary harm.

But before he could stand up, he heard the boy say, "I'm your brother. I care about my sister, but I'm rejected by my sister. You're the only one!"

These words completely overturned his previous conjecture, but aroused his interest. In this era, there are many brothers and sisters, no matter in the city or in the countryside.

There are also some brothers and sisters who have accumulated a lot of conflicts due to various reasons, resulting in a not very good relationship, but they are rarely like them, as if they are enemies.

"Is this my problem? I said a long time ago that if you don't change, you will treat me as a sister without me, and we will never communicate with each other.

But you still don't take it seriously, don't look for me again until you completely change your mind, and I won't care about you anymore. "The ponytail girl raised her voice an octave and shouted fiercely.

After finishing speaking, the ponytail girl slapped the bag away from the boy's hand, and left without looking back, leaving the boy standing alone, at a loss.

Seeing his struggling eyes and expression, Ye Zishu, an outsider, felt a little distressed. Ye Zishu, who was planning to leave directly, planned to chat with this buddy.

"Brother, where is there no fragrant grass in the world, why bother to fall in love with a single flower, the melon that you force is not sweet, find someone who loves you, so that you can know what is hot and cold about yourself!"

In order to be able to catch up with the conversation, he deliberately interpreted the relationship between the two as a drama between lovers, and walked to the man with a tone of watching the excitement.

"Which onion are you, don't worry about other people's affairs!" The man said with a vicious expression.

Just now he could let go of his dignity to his sister and let her scold him, but when facing outsiders, his fragility just now seemed to disappear in an instant, and his face was fierce, which could indeed scare many people.

"Don't you don't like to listen. "Onlookers are clear, authorities are obsessed." As an outsider, I can see clearly than you." Ye Zishu didn't care about his words, and continued to persuade.

Seeing that he didn't get in, the man waved his fist and warned him that if he didn't walk away, he would beat him.

Ye Zishu is also immune to his threat of force. He may still have scruples outside the school, but inside the school, forgive him for not daring to fight with him.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?" Facing Ye Zishu with a hippie smile, the man was completely defeated and asked weakly.

"Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death to promise each other. I just don't want to see a clank man trapped by love, and I just want to cross you out of the sea of ​​suffering."

"Then you are looking for the wrong person, that girl is my sister!" The man was so annoyed by him that he had to reveal their relationship.

"Oh, then you are a failure enough to be so disrespected by your own sister!"

It's good that he didn't say this, although what he said before made the man unhappy, at least it didn't poke the pain in his heart, but this sentence completely made the man explode.

Seeing the man rushing towards him suddenly, Ye Zishu knew that something was wrong, so he quickly dodged aside, but he was not bad at experience, so he also changed direction and grabbed Ye Zishu by the collar.

"Hurry up, or don't blame me for being rude!" The man's face was ferocious, his eyes were red, as if he wanted to choose someone to eat.

At this time, Ye Zishu didn't dare to smile anymore, for fear of angering him again and acting irrationally, his face regained his composure, and he patted the hand that was holding his collar.

Said: "Anger makes people lose their minds, let go first, if you make a bigger mistake, you will really lose your sister."

Hearing his words, the man's blushing face finally receded, he let go of his collar, and suddenly squatted in front of Ye Zishu, holding his head and crying silently.

Ye Zishu didn't know what to do at this moment, he had seen girls cry a lot, but it was the first time in his life that a man cried helplessly.

"A man doesn't flick his tears lightly, but he hasn't reached the point of sadness." Could it be that he really has unspeakable difficulties that lead him to be a person that his sister hates?

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