The morning glow is brilliant.

A silver flying boat flew away from the big puppet city at a neither fast nor slow speed, and went towards the direction of the imperial capital.

more than an hour later.

The flying boat flew down from the clouds and flew into a vast forest.

In some dim woods, Chu Yi carried Chu Zhan on his back, and walked behind Tang Wan with Chu He.

This is an uninhabited primeval forest. There are many ancient trees three to five meters thick, towering in the sky. The luxuriant canopy blocks the sunlight, and the roar of ferocious beasts can be faintly heard from afar.

Chu Yi and Chu He looked bewildered. Although there is no one here, it is not an absolutely secret place.


At this moment, Logan in front of her stopped, in front of a big tree with a diameter of five meters.

"It's here."

Tang Wan turned her head and smiled mysteriously at the two of them, stepped aside, and did not immediately reveal the answer to the mystery.

The two immediately walked up and looked at the big tree in front of them, but after a while, they shook their heads even more bewilderedly, there was nothing strange about it at all.

"I also happened to trigger the opportunity back then."

Tang Wan's voice sounded a little emotional, but she stretched out her slender hand, surged with true energy, and lightly pressed on a protrusion on the tree.

An unbelievable scene appeared in the two people's field of vision. Where Tang Wanyu pressed her hand, a two-meter-long vertical crack appeared in the tree, and then slowly opened to reveal the hollow tree inside. Wooden hanging ladder.

The two were dumbfounded.

"Go in, here is a hidden place for a strong man. After I entered, I found a chance, and it was by virtue of that chance that I was able to become the elder of the Wumengwaimeng."

Unexpectedly, Logan still had such extremely coincidental opportunities back then.

When several people entered one after another, the cracked bark on the top slowly and completely closed.

From this point of view, it really is an absolutely secret place.

The hanging ladder is very long, up to 60 meters, and the three of them flew down slowly.

The space below is rather huge, and a huge fiery red glowing stone on the protruding dome illuminates the entire space like a miniature sun.

There are more than a dozen hills, with fragrant grasses, peanut trees, and even a few spirit butterflies dancing.

In the mountains, a gurgling stream meanders through, and there are fish playing in the stream, splashing a few pieces of crystal water from time to time.

By the stream, there are five simple stone rooms.

It is simply a paradise.

"Supernatural workmanship!" Chu Yi and Chu He sighed together, their eyes shining brightly.

This is still a good place, suitable for enjoying your old age.

Afterwards, Chu Zhan was placed on a stone bed in a stone room, and the three of them sat around the stone table outside and drank the stream water scooped up from the stream.

Chu also noticed that there was a tomb without a tombstone in front of a hill farther away, and it should be the original owner of this place, obviously Tang Wan buried them back then.

"Chu Yi, didn't you say before that you want to give me a powerful magic weapon?"

Suddenly, Tang Wan's eyes lit up, she put down her cup, and stared at Chu Yi fieryly.

"Huh? Good, good."

Chu Yi smiled, then turned his hand and took out a black dagger, and handed it to Tang Wan.

Tang Wan took a look, and immediately exclaimed: "At least it's a holy-level top-rank!"

"Xiao He, this sword is for you."

Chu Yi took out another three-foot long green sword and handed it to Chu He.

Among the inheritance of the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument, among those magical weapons, the Spirit Slaying Sword ranks first, reaching the level of a divine weapon, and it is a fifth-order divine weapon.

A pitch-black dagger, a quasi-sacred weapon.

A green long sword, a Tier [-] artifact.

Chu He saw that the green long sword was stronger than Tang Wan's but not weaker, and immediately smiled sweetly: "Yes!" He played with it fondly.

Seeing that the green long sword was stronger than hers, Tang Wan couldn't help being a little envious, but there was no way, since Chu He was Chu Yi's girlfriend, she would naturally have preferential treatment.

At the same time, she was also a little surprised. These magical weapons were probably obtained from the Great Desolation Ancient Monument. It seemed that everyone underestimated the strong man in the Great Desolation Ancient Monument!

"I still have a sword technique here, but there is only a Jade Girl sword technique that is suitable for you women. Let's study it together."

Chu also spread another old ancient book handed over.

"Yeah!" The two girls were overjoyed again, and hurriedly gathered together to study.

"Holy level low-grade swordsmanship!"

Soon, the shocked voices of the two women came, and they stared at Chu Yi.

Cultivation techniques are more precious than magical weapons, and even the Wumeng headquarters might not have such advanced sword techniques.

Chu Yi smiled lightly, brother, there are god-level ones here.

However, god-level swordsmanship requires extremely strong true energy, but Chu at the late stage of transforming gods may not have such strong true energy.

Raising his palm, Chu Yi took out a middle-grade holy sword technique.

It's called the Aurora Sword Technique.

The swordsmanship in the world is only fast, and the practice of this Aurora swordsmanship is a fast word.

At the moment, Chu Yi also settled down to study.

On the other side, the two girls who were studying the Jade Maiden Swordsmanship suddenly looked at each other. The practice of the Jade Maiden Swordsmanship requires a virgin body.

They nodded slightly at each other, and they were still perfect.

Soon, the two girls settled down to study again.

There is no time in practice, and time passes by unconsciously.

Four days later, Chu Yi was practicing the Aurora sword technique in the stream.

There are ten types of Aurora swordsmanship, and Chu Yi is currently practicing the first type of sword drawing and slashing.

When a monk draws his sword, the first step is naturally to draw the sword. If he draws the sword slowly, he may be killed by the enemy, and vice versa.

At the same time, the moment the sword is drawn is also the most powerful.

Chu Yi suddenly drew his sword, and in an instant, the sword split the air, and a spatial crack spread one meter away.


At this time, the sword chant came out.

One can imagine how fast this sword is.

Huh, I'm almost going to succeed in practicing this style.

Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Chu Yi put away the Spirit Slaying Sword, then came to the hanging ladder, flew up, and reached the door, the bark slowly opened.

Going out, the door automatically closed again.

Chu Yi leaned against the tree trunk and waited quietly.

Now, it has been half a month since the Heavenly Devouring Flame dissipated, it should have recovered and came to find him.


Suddenly, Chu Yi looked at the forest ahead, his eyes lit up.

A flash of white light came through the sky like lightning, came to him in an instant, jumped up and down for a while, and then circled around Chu Yi, like a child rejoicing to see his long-lost parents.

Chu Yi also had a smile all over his face, and after Tian Zhu flew around for a while, he swung his palm and flew into his palm.

He left here immediately and went to the depths of the forest

more than an hour later.

Back again, back to the underground world, Chu Yi called the two girls who were practicing swordsmanship together.

With a lift of his palm, Tian Che appeared.

"Have you recovered?" Chu He secretly said.

"Chu Yi, is this your strange fire?" Tang Wan looked straight, and saw that this strange fire was extraordinary, not comparable to ordinary strange fires.

"Yeah. Xiao He, just now I injured many monsters outside, and then healed them with the healing ability of different fires. Now I plan to heal the leader's injuries, but there are differences between humans and beasts, so there is a certain danger."

Chu also warned.

Chu He looked into his eyes, and said seriously: "Go and try, no matter what the result is, I won't blame you! Because if Dad is still awake, he will agree 100% if he is so bold."

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