In the vast wilderness, there was a dead silence.

Tang Wan, Zhao Gan, Mo Xingcang, Long Kun and other powerhouses looked at the crescent-shaped space crack, their pupils trembling violently.

A sword tore apart the space, even they couldn't do it!

How advanced is that ancient sword!


The spirit-slaying sword was too sharp, and the moment Moji cut off Moji's right arm easily, Moji didn't feel any obvious pain, but felt a chill after the broken arm. Only then screamed with a pale face.

Screaming, Mo Xingcang and the others were awakened instantly.

"Bastard, you mean!"

Demon Xing Cang's eyes were about to burst, his son had already been killed by Chu Yi, and now his daughter was in danger, so he completely ignored everything, turned into blood, and shot in the past.

But just as he burst out, a white figure flashed in front of him, and a pale golden flame rose from his hand with a bang.

call out!

The ancient bronze lamp swayed violently, and the pale golden flame roared towards Mo Xingcang at an extremely high speed, like golden lightning flashing past in the dark night.

At the same time, an overwhelming terrifying heat wave ignited a large area of ​​air and shrouded Mo Xingcang.

"Not good! It's that kind of flame again!"

Mo Xing Cang seemed to subconsciously think that it was the flame that Chu Yi attacked him when he was in the ancient monument of the Great Desolation, and the violent true energy erupted in an instant, and he stopped and tried his best to defend.

But even Xue Qing couldn't defend against the flames, and he obviously couldn't defend even more.

Pooh!It was directly pierced through the heart, and the vitality dissipated.

Chu Zhan, the leader of the Great Puppet City Branch, was abused like that by the Great Demon Sect and the Chitu Sect. Tang Wan was also furious, so naturally his subordinates were merciless.

"This lamp is too scary, run away!"

Zhao Gan, who was about to come to help from the rear, saw the flames piercing through Demon Xing Cang, and then piercing towards him. It was so hot that he immediately dodged away with a changed face, and fled for his life into the distance without looking back.

Long Kun at the side also fled in a hurry.

After a frightening shot, he was immediately targeted by Logan, and the flames were fired again, burning his head into nothingness.

As for the others, all of them were frantic and fled in all directions.

Logan chased after her.

the other side.

Waves of severe pain came from the right arm, making the terrified Mo Ji tremble.


With a flash of wind and thunder, Chu Yi, who was urging the dragon wings, flashed in the sky above Mo Ji, stepped on Mo Ji's belly, and stepped her to the ground 20 meters high.

"Don't—" The figure quickly fell to the ground, and Mo Ji pleaded in fear.

But Chu also ignored it.


Under Chu He's staring gaze from afar, Chu Yi kicked Mo Ji from a high altitude to the ground.

Immediately, the ground within a radius of one foot of Mo Ji exploded, and the rocks shot up to a height of more than ten meters.


At the same time, there was a crisp bone cracking sound.

When all the rocks fell, it could be seen that Mo Ji had been stepped on the ground by Chu Yi to a depth of more than two meters, her chest was even flattened, and a blood-stained rib broke and pierced her left chest.

Afterwards, Chu Yi lifted Mo Ji out of the pit and threw it in front of Chu He like garbage.

"Xiao He, I leave it to you."

Chu also handed the Lingling Sword to Chu He.

Chu He looked down at the dying Demon Girl, a cold light of resentment flashed fiercely in her eyes, and then streaks of sword light poured down like a storm.

Amidst Mo Ji's screams that were extremely shrill and gradually subsided, Mo Ji was chopped into pieces.

It doesn't look like a person at all.

After finally venting, Chu He's body softened and his strength was exhausted.

Chu Yi quickly helped her to the side and sat down, panting heavily.

Holding Zhan Ling, Chu Yi glanced away. At this time, a faint morning glow appeared on the eastern horizon, which was a bit dazzling on the edge of the endless night.

All around, corpses lay everywhere, and shrill and desperate screams could be faintly heard from afar.

Logan is still slaughtering.

"Then Xue Qing and Zhao Gan seem to have run away. After all, their strength is not weaker than Elder Tang's."

Chu Yi looked at it for a while, but he didn't find the two of them, so he sighed softly.

Later, they will inevitably be retaliated wildly by the headquarters of the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect.

However, it will take at least a day and a half for the two of them to return to the headquarters of the imperial capital, and it will take at least a day and a half, so there is no need to rush away.

With a move in his heart, Chu Yi and Chu He chatted. He went to the big puppet city, and when he came out, he was already driving a carriage.

When she came back again, she found that Logan had finished the slaughter, Su Yi was stained with blood, her pretty face was pale.

Obviously, although she can exert the power of the ancient bronze lamp to a great extent, the consumption is obviously not small.

Getting down from the carriage, Chu Yi took out two jugs of water and handed them to the two women.

After Tang Wan drank a few drinks, her clear spiritual eyes saw that Chu Yi's lips were still a little chapped, so she handed it to Chu Yi and said, "You should take a few sips too."

Chu Yi smiled, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

"This is back to you."

Tang Wan reluctantly returned the ancient bronze lamp to Chu Yi. The ancient bronze lamp could greatly increase her strength, and it was really a treasure for attacking.

Chu also saw Tang Wan's reluctance, and smiled slightly: "Elder Tang, you have helped us a lot this time, and I will thank you very much later, although it is not as good as this ancient bronze lamp, it is not too bad. "

"Really?" Tang Wan was overjoyed immediately, her spirit eyes sparklingly looked at Chu Yi.


Chu Yi smiled and nodded, and then said: "Okay, let's go, go back to the city to deal with the injury of the leader, and then leave the big puppet city as soon as possible."

At that moment, Chu Yi and Chu He gently lifted the unconscious Chu Zhan into the carriage, and slowly drove towards the city.

When the carriage drove slowly in the city, the sky was already slightly bright.

The frenzied fighting outside the city last night obviously disturbed the people in the city. At this moment, the city was in chaos, and they fled towards other city gates with their families.

First find a medical clinic that is still moving, and ask the doctor to help Chu Zhan deal with his injuries.

"Life is no longer a problem, but alas!"

The doctor sighed and said nothing more.

After leaving the hospital, the three of them arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, and saw that the mansion was also in chaos, and occasionally a few corpses could be seen lying on the ground.

"Miss, you are finally back!" Perhaps knowing that Chu He and the others had won the victory, many members of the Martial League who had fled originally returned, and they were overjoyed to see Chu He.

After some greetings, Chu He asked with some concern: "Where are the others?"

"They were all captured by the Great Demon Gate and locked in the dungeon."

So, Chu Yi and Tang Wan went to the Great Demon Gate, but unfortunately when they arrived, the building was already empty and they had escaped completely.

After rescuing all the people from the Martial League, Chu Yi directly took Chu He's words and told them to flee directly. Soon the people from the Yin Puppet Sect and the headquarters of the Great Demon Sect will come back.

After dealing with the matter, the two returned. Seeing that Chu Zhan was still in a coma, the three discussed their next whereabouts.

"It's definitely not appropriate to go back to the imperial capital directly. Those from the Great Demon Sect and the headquarters of the Yin Puppet Sect will definitely be intercepted and killed halfway, so they can only go back by detour."

Logan thought for a while and said.

"That..." Chu Yi and Chu Hebaba looked at her.

Tang Wan smiled gently and movingly, "I know an absolutely secret place, let's go hide for a while first, and wait for the Great Demon Sect and the Yin Puppet Sect to toss enough, and then we will wait for the opportunity to return to the headquarters of the imperial capital."


"You'll find out later."

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