But now is not the time to think about it, Liu Qing has already rushed over with a pair of bloodshot eyes like lightning!

Chu Yi killed Liu Qing's two sons one after another. This was a deep blood feud. Not only Chu Yi, but also Chu He who was close to Chu Yi was definitely the target of Liu Qing's killing.

"Huh! Logan?"

Suddenly, the old man on the golden giant sword sent a cry of surprise.

"Huh?" Almost at the same time, before Liu Qing could reach him, he stopped suddenly, staring at the back of Chu Yi and Chu He with deep fear.

Behind the two of them, a white shadow led to afterimages, rushing towards them like fleeting shadows.

In an instant, Qianying had already appeared beside the two of them, her spiritual eyes stared at the old man on the giant sword solemnly: "Xue Qing!"

This Xue Qing is an elder from the outer sect of the headquarters of the Yin Puppet Sect. He is over sixty years old, and his aptitude is much deeper than her, and his strength is stronger than her.

"It really is you, Logan, are you also here to support?"

The giant sword disappeared, and Xue Qing floated down from the sky with a smile.

"That's right!" Logan responded.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Liu Qing knew that the woman in white was the support of the Wumeng Headquarters, but he smiled lightly. As the suzerain of the Yin Puppet Sect in the Da Puppet City branch, he also knew Tang Wan, and his strength was not as good as his Xue Qing was invited.

After deciding to enter the imperial capital to ask for help on the middle side of the city gate, Liu Qing knew that the Great Demon Gate and the Martial League would also ask for help this time, so he added fuel and vinegar to the two forces at the headquarters of the Yin Puppet Sect.

Moreover, it was promised that all the gains from the suppression of the two major forces would belong to the headquarters, so the headquarters sent Xue Qing, the most powerful of the outer sects.

Xue Qingshi ran up to Liu Qing, looked at Chu Yi and Chu He indifferently, and said, "Liu Qing, these two little bastards killed your two sons? And threatened to destroy the branch? "

"Yes!" Liu Qing said respectfully.

"Liu Qing, you're spitting blood! When did we say we were going to destroy your branch?"

Chu He said angrily.

"Hmph! Seeing the powerful Elder Xue from our headquarters coming, you were so scared that you didn't admit it right away?" Liu Qing looked aggrieved and gritted his teeth, as if serious about something.

"You..." Chu He's eyes were full of anger, and he wanted to criticize.


Suddenly, in the direction of the gate of the city, the continuous sound of gongs and drums sounded, accompanied by loud shouts.

"It's Liu Qing and the others!"

"There are also those two devils, Chu Yi and Chu He!"

"Quick! Quick! Summon the sect master and Elder Zhao to arrest him!"

Amidst the shouts, hundreds of people rushed towards the city gate like a tide.

Obviously, this is the snare that the Great Demon Gate ambushed at the gate of the city.

Summon the sect master and Elder Zhao to arrest him?

It seems that Mo Xingcang is not dead!

Elder Zhao, it seems that Mo Xing Cangbi called for support from the headquarters of the Great Demon Sect before!

Well, now the branch of the Wumeng League in the big puppet city is probably in danger.

In this way, if Chu Zhan, who was wandering around the big puppet city, heard that he disappeared, how could he just sit idly by?

Chu Yi and Chu He looked at each other, and they both saw the deep sorrow in each other's eyes.

Therefore, the two immediately turned their attention to the men and horses who were rushing towards the gate of the city like a tide, and wanted to inquire.

"There are people from the Chitu Sect!" Chu He looked at the approaching people, and suddenly his eyes froze.

"Chitu Sect?" Chu Yi muttered.

"Its suzerain, Long Kun, was one of the powers who joined forces with Mo Xingcang outside the ancient monument of the Great Desolation that day. It seems that Long Kun may not have died."

Chu He explained to him, so that's the case.

"Elder Xue, please stop Logan, I'll kill those two little bastards!"

At this time, Liu Qing saw that the master of the Great Demon Sect hadn't arrived yet, so he immediately clasped his fists to Xue Qing who was at the side and begged. charge.

"Bastard, I could see clearly that day. You detonated the strange fire, and you just displayed such terrifying power. Now that you don't have the strange fire, I can easily slap you to death!"

Liu Qing looked at Chu Yi with disdain, and made a pat gesture as he spoke.

Tang Wan, who was beside Chu Yi, was about to protect Chu Yi.

call out.

A burst of fierce zhenqi whizzed over, trembling in the void, directly hitting Logan's heart.

Tang Wan stopped quickly, and slapped it away with a palm wrapped in thick and true energy, but her delicate body also trembled slightly, looking at Xue Qing who shot casually, her face was solemn, and her tone was cold and stern: "Xue Qing, it's your puppet!" The people in the sect branch made mistakes first, so you don’t want to discriminate between right and wrong!”

Xue Qing smiled lightly and spoke domineeringly.

"Logan, no matter right or wrong, if the two little bastards beside you killed the two little geniuses of our Yin Puppet Sect branch, then they must die here tonight!"


Reasoning doesn't work, and the strength is not as good as Xue Qing, Tang Wan was completely helpless.

Then, Tang Wan felt that Chu Yi at the side stuffed something into her hand.

"Elder Tang, let me use this for you. Infuse true energy, ignite the real fire, and use it to attack."

"This is..." At the same time, Xue Qing's eyes, who had been looking at it calmly, suddenly focused on Tang Wanyu's hand, revealing a deep look of horror.

"It's that ancient bronze lamp again!" Liu Qing's face changed, not only stopped immediately, but also took a few steps back.

When he was at the Great Desolation Ancient Monument that day, Chu Yi relied on this ancient bronze lamp and the blessing of the strange fire to almost wipe out all the powers.

It must be a very terrifying weapon!

At this time, Tang Wan also saw the ancient bronze lamp, her spiritual eyes froze immediately, and her cherry mouth opened slightly.

As an elder at the headquarters of the Martial League, she has great insight. She knows that the ancient bronze lamp is a very high-level magic weapon, at least it is a top-grade holy-level weapon. up!

In any case, with the blessing of such a powerful magic weapon, her combat power will definitely skyrocket a lot!At least on par with Xue Qing!

"Boy, give me your ancient bronze lamp, and I will spare you from dying."

Xue Qing's fiery voice of giving alms came.

"Get out." Chu Yi looked at Xue Qing who was staring at the ancient bronze lamp covetously, and sneered.

"What? How dare you scold me like an ant?!" Xue Qing was furious, blowing his beard and staring.

"Get out!" Chu Yi sneered.

It's all an endless hostile relationship, so he naturally doesn't care about anything.

Xue Qing was even angrier, and a terrifying aura instantly filled the audience.

"Old Xue, that kid got that ancient bronze lamp from the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, he should have other inheritances." Liu Qing who was beside him struggled to stabilize his trembling figure, and gave a voice of encouragement.

"Boy, I will kill you!" Xue Qing's cold eyes were even colder, and his figure was like lightning, and he directly rushed to Chu Yi.


At this moment, the wick of the ancient bronze lamp in Tang Wan's hand suddenly burst into a pale golden flame, and after a quick flicker, it roared towards Xue Qing.

The terrible high temperature that followed caused Xue Qing to stop immediately, his face was solemn, and his hands propped up a thick shield-like defense.

The pale golden flame hit it and quickly burned it through. Xue Qing's old face covered with goose skin turned pale in fright. Under extreme speed, he barely managed to get out of the way. The big pit, everything in the pit was burned into nothingness by the terrible high temperature in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yi was dumbfounded. The flames Tang Wan urged with her true energy were obviously far inferior to the Heavenly Devourer Flame, but in the end, the power surpassed that of the Heavenly Devourer.

Obviously, the current him is far from being able to exert the power of the ancient bronze lamp and the sky bite.


A flash of fire flashed across his eyes, and Liu Qing's miserable screams immediately sounded.

But seeing that Liu Qing's dantian had been penetrated into a scorched black hole the size of a bowl, he was writhing on the ground in pain.

"Now, he's in your hands."

Tang Wan chuckled lightly, then rushed towards Xue Qing with a playful smile.

Chu Yi and Chu He looked at each other, with a sinister smile on the corners of their mouths, and walked towards Liu Qing.

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