Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 531 Changes in the situation

Under the gaze of the two, a woman in fluttering white clothes walked over quickly.

The woman is about 27 or [-] years old, with jade-like skin, pretty face and gentle temperament.

"It's Elder Tang!"

Chu He whispered, and Chu Yi hurried up to meet her.

"Are you from the branch of the Great Puppet City?"

This Logan was obviously a warm-hearted person, as soon as he came up, he asked with concern.

"Reporting to Elder Tang, yes." Chu He replied respectfully.

"Okay, let's go first, and we'll talk about the details on the way."

With a wave of Tang Wanyu's hand, a little silver light quickly magnified and transformed into a three-foot-big silver flying boat, with two golden characters "Wumeng" on one side of the boat.

"This is a false sacred weapon, with haste, go up."

Tang Wan smiled at the two who were stupefied, stepped on her slender feet, with a graceful body, and stepped up gracefully.

A holy artifact is an existence that surpasses a king-level magic weapon. Although it is a fake, it is not comparable to a king-level magic weapon.

The two came back to their senses, and immediately boarded, Tang Wanyu, who was standing in the front, waved her hand, and a majestic qi was poured into the flying boat.

The mysterious inscriptions all over the flying boat shone brilliantly, soared into the sky quickly, and then quickly broke through the sky in the direction of the big puppet city.

Standing behind the flying boat, Chu Yi and Chu He couldn't keep their eyes open as they faced the howling wind. Soon they saw that the flying boat was submerged in the clouds, and they could touch the flowing clouds with their hands. They had a feeling of flying through the clouds.

The speed of this flying boat is nearly ten times faster than their flying magic weapon!

In as little as one day, you should be able to reach the Great Puppet City!

"Okay, now tell me the details of the big puppet city."

Ahead, Logan steered the flying boat forward without looking back.

Chu He stepped forward and said it again as if he was in the palace just now.

During the narration, Tang Wan looked back at Chu Yi three times successively, each time with a touch of surprise in her spiritual eyes.

"Okay, look at your looks. You must have not slept for a long time, right? Take this opportunity to get a good night's sleep. I will go to the place you mentioned to pick up President Chu first."

Seeing Tang Wanwan's back with a sweet smile on his side face, the two felt a sense of intimacy, and the other was as considerate as a big sister from Lin's family.


Both leaned against the boat and fell into a deep sleep.

Chu He is well aware of Tang Wan's strength, and Chu also can feel it. Although Tang Wan is young, her vast aura is obviously much stronger than the older generation's Chu Zhan and Liu Qing. With her returning to the big puppet city, she should be able to Baoda puppet city is safe.

Of course, it has been ten days since they left Chu Zhan. During these ten days, the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect may have attacked the Wumeng branch of the Great Puppet City.

But in this situation, no matter how worried they are, it will be of no avail. It is better to take the opportunity to rest, recharge your batteries, and return to the city later to better assist Logan.

After the two of them fell asleep, Tang Wan turned her head and took a deep look at Chu Yi, and murmured: "However, in the late stage of Transforming God Realm, he was able to win the first place in the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument. It can be seen that he has a combat power close to the middle stage of Void Refining Realm. It's quite powerful! Maybe it's a genius."

Down below, on the side of the gate of the imperial capital, Liu Qing wearing a cloak suddenly looked up at the flying boat that was rushing through the sky.

With his extraordinary eyesight, he saw the two big golden characters "Wumeng" on the side of the flying boat.

"It's from the Wumeng! This kind of flying boat is usually only owned by the Wumeng elders. It's so fast, I'm afraid it's urgent and going in the direction of the big puppet city. Could it be that someone from the big puppet city branch notified the Wumeng headquarters?"

Liu Qing was silent for a while, thinking it was possible, after all, the imperial capital had four gates, and the people from the Martial League might think that he might set up an ambush here, so he hid in the passing carriage

"Forget it, I've waited for three days in vain anyway, I'd better go to the headquarters and ask for help! Hmph, Mo Xingcang, and that bastard Chu Yi, I'm going to cut you to pieces when I go back this time!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Qing took off his cloak directly, his eyes were stern, and he hurriedly walked towards the city.

Chu Yiyu was gently pushed and shoved in his deep sleep, and when he slowly opened his eyes, he saw a pretty face in front of him smiling at him in the dark night.

"Elder Tang, are you here?"

Chu Yi quickly sat up, looked up, and saw that Chu He beside him was also woken up.

The flying boat has stopped, and it is stopping on the wilderness a thousand meters outside the big puppet city, and the surroundings are quiet.

In the night sky, the stars are sparse and the moon is waning, and the sky is about to dawn.

Chu Yi and Chu He, who were sleepy, didn't realize it for a while, why did they stop the flying boat outside the city?

"The situation in the city is unclear now, maybe the support from the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect arrived earlier than you, so it is not appropriate to startle the snake."

Tang Wan looked at the gate of Yancheng, and said softly.

The two reacted, nodded, and got out of the flying boat.

The cool wind blew by, and he was slightly jittery, and suddenly he was fully awake.

With a wave of Tang Wan's hand, the flying boat shrank rapidly, turning into the size of a finger and being pointed at by her.

"Elder Tang, why didn't you see my father?"

Chu He looked around suddenly, and asked with some concern.

"Earlier when I arrived at the place you mentioned, leader Chu, I found that he was gone. I left a line saying that he had returned to the big puppet city. I also knew that there was probably an ambush in the city, and I would not return to the city rashly."

Hearing this, the worry on Chu He's face faded a little.

Then, Chu He and Chu Yi looked around, where did Chu Zhan go?

"Okay, it's useless for you to think too much now, you go back to the city first, and I will follow far behind, waiting for the opportunity."

Logan said.

The two suppressed their worries and walked towards the city gate side by side.

When the two walked hundreds of meters away——


Suddenly, there was an extremely sharp piercing sound in the night sky far behind, and the two of them suddenly showed a look of surprise and looked back quickly.

In their surprised eyes, a golden light in the distant night sky rapidly enlarged, and turned into a golden giant sword in the blink of an eye. There were two people standing on the giant sword, and they were about to pass through the air above their heads.

That kind of extreme speed seems to be faster than the flying boat controlled by Logan before.

"Elder Xue, wait!"

Suddenly, a somewhat familiar voice came.

The golden giant sword rushed out ten meters away in inertia, and then stopped suddenly.

"Little bastard, little bitch, it turned out to be you!"

When the two looked at the giant sword in more and more bewilderment, they finally heard the somewhat familiar voice, it was Liu Qing!

At this moment, Liu Qing smiled ferociously at them, stretched out his arms, and rushed towards them like a ferocious bird pouncing on its food!

The change in the faces of the two was not because of the unkind Liu Qing.

An old man with white hair and childlike face was standing on the golden giant sword at the moment, apparently Liu Qing had invited reinforcements from the headquarters of the Yin Puppet Sect.

The speed of controlling the giant sword seems to be faster than Tang Wan. Could it be that the strength is stronger than Tang Wan?

Now, it's a little dangerous!

The situation is like a mist that changes with the wind, treacherous and unpredictable!

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