With the end of the auction, the Qingshi Square was once again crowded with people, but the crowd did not disperse immediately, but quietly looked at the two battlefields on the square with curiosity.

In one place, Xue Lao was fighting fiercely with Mo Longzi.

In another place, Chu Yi and Liu Yang had a short fight, and Liu Yang was trampled to death on the ground.

"Killing that guy actually killed Liu Yang? He has eaten the heart of a bear!"

"This big puppet city is the sphere of influence of the Yin puppet sect, how dare that guy kill Liu Yang?"

"This guy is a cruel and merciless person, I can't afford it, I can't afford it"

Seeing Chu Yi trampling Liu Yang to death, the crowd was dumbfounded.

Chu He, who was behind Chu Yi, also stared blankly, and then said with condensed eyes: "His cultivation is obviously a bit vain, could it be that he just broke through with the help of the Huashen Pill in the auction?"

Thinking of this, Chu He was even more horrified. A monk needs a quiet environment to break through the martial arts cultivation base. If others disturb him, he may fail to break through, or even die due to the chaos of true energy.

But Chu Yi dared to break through in the tens of thousands of auction venues. This guy's courage is not ordinary!

In front, after Chu Yi trampled Liu Yang to death, he leaned over and grabbed the Overlord Bow carried on Liu Yang's back. The moment he lifted it, his body sank, it was so heavy, it might not weigh more than five hundred catties!

A bow is so heavy, I really don't know what kind of terrifying power it can burst out when it is fully drawn?

Without thinking too much, with a quick thought, he put it into the Xumi meson bag in his sleeve robe.

Because at this moment, two rapid breaking wind sounds approached rapidly!

When he looked up, he saw the furious Mr. Xue and the horrified Molongzi flying towards him. Obviously, the two stopped their violent confrontation.

"Little bastard, you dare to kill the second young master of our Yin Puppet Sect. Now, not only you, but all your nine clans will be implicated, and all of them will die without a place to die!" Old Xue, who rushed close, roared angrily.

"Boy, give me all the high-grade spirit stones and overlord bows on your body, and then join our Great Demon Sect. I will protect you!"

Mo Longzi said with a look of appreciation.

He could tell that Chu Yi was definitely a genius. Not only was he courageous, he dared to devour the God of Transformation Pill to break through his cultivation at the auction, he was decisive, and directly killed Liu Yang. He actually instantly killed Liu Yang who was in the late stage of Transforming God Realm.

Seeing the two people approaching, Chu Yi suddenly took out the Overlord's bow again, and at the same time took out a pot of ordinary iron arrows and put it behind his back, drew out an arrow, put it on the bowstring, and pointed towards the direction of the two people.

At this time, Chu Yi was covered with dragon scales all over his body, and his arms were filled with infinite power. With a deep creaking sound, he gradually pulled the Overlord Bow away.

The two people in front suddenly felt a chill all over, feeling a deadly murderous intent, immediately erupted with true energy, and stopped in mid-air.

At the same time, Chu Yi sneered, quickly put away the Overlord Bow, controlled the flying magic weapon, and flew out of the big puppet city at full speed, flying tens of meters away in the blink of an eye.

The two realized that they had been tricked!All of a sudden they were furious.

"Mo Longzi, let's cooperate and hunt down that little bastard together. After the matter is completed, all his resources will belong to you, and others will belong to me, how about it?"

"make a deal!"

After the two quickly reached a consensus, with a strong sense of confidence on their faces, they drove towards Chu Yi with the magic weapon.

They have all reached the threshold of the Void Refining Realm, and their strength is far beyond that of Liu Yang in the late stage of the Transforming God Realm!

They are confident that they can defeat Chu Yi alone, let alone cooperate?This time it will definitely come in handy!

Behind them, Chu He looked at their backs as they went away quickly, her phoenix eyes flickered slightly, and she suddenly took out the flying magic weapon and drove after them, not knowing what she was planning.

Over the big puppet city, night fell, and a long rainbow quickly pierced through the sky.

But behind that long rainbow, there are still two faster long rainbows chasing, gradually approaching, and it seems that they will catch up in less than a minute.

"Little bastard, you can't escape, stop quickly!"

In a long rainbow in the rear, there was a sneer of old Xue's sneer.

"Shameless brat, even if you hand over all your resources now, I won't keep you!" In the other bloody Changhong, Mo Longzi also sneered.

"Huh?" The two of them just sneered, when a surge of true energy surged from the Changhong in front of them.

And as the fluctuation of true energy increases, the speed also increases.

"That kid seems to be using the God Transformation Pill to improve his cultivation!" The expressions in the eyes of the two changed.

"Demon Dragon, hurry up and mobilize you to break the God Orb and attack him!" Old Xue urged.

But before Mo Longzi took out the God-breaking Orb, Changhong in front of him suddenly froze in his whistling movement, turning into Chu Yi who was aiming at them with the Overlord Bow covered in forest-cold dragon scales.

The next moment, the Overlord's Bow was pulled to [-]% full.

"call out!"

A howl of arrows pierced the sky and the earth, extremely sharp.

An iron arrow shot towards the center of Mo Longzi's eyebrows at a very high speed, the violent power fluctuated, just approaching, it made Mo Longzi feel as if he was suffocating.

With a wave of Mo Longzi's palm, a rainbow of light whistled out, hitting the arrow cluster with incomparable precision.


The god-breaking beads of the low-grade king-level magic weapon were so tough that they directly smashed the iron arrows into powder and scattered them all over the place.

"Boy, my God-breaking Orb is a more advanced existence of the Overlord Bow given to you!"

Seeing this, Mo Longzi raised his chin and said proudly.

"Dragon Claw of Mietian God!"

After losing one blow, Chu Yi completely ignored Mo Longzi, let out a soft drink, and bent his bow and arrow again, but this time he fully drew the entire Overlord Bow, and a terrifying wave locked onto Mo Longzi from afar.

It made Mo Longzi feel cold all over in an instant, as if falling into an ice cellar, his scalp was about to explode.

Just now, Chu Yi has completely digested the energy of the God Transformation Pill, and his cultivation has approached the late stage of the God Transformation Realm since then!Once again, the dragon claws of Mietianshen are activated, and the power is naturally far from what it used to be.

Under the blessing of the terrifying power of the Mietian God's Dragon Claw, the arrow was fired again, and under the cover of the terrifying howl of the arrow, the air was full of strong fluctuations.

"Break me!"

When Mo Longzi saw Chu Yiqianger's arrow shot towards him, his face became solemn, and he roared, and the majestic true energy was instantly poured into the Poshen Orb, turning into a seven-colored divine light and screaming out!


The God-breaking Orb shattered the iron arrow again, but at the same time it was also shaken and flew to the back of Mo Longzi, losing control for a while.


At the same time, Chu Yi grinned grimly at the two of them, and his arrows roared continuously, shooting five arrows in a row.

Now, with the blessing of Overlord Bow, Chu Yi's strength has reached the early stage of the Void Refining Realm, and the two of them have only touched the Void Refining Realm, so how can they be Chu Yi's opponents?


After dodging the first arrow, Mr. Xue was pierced through the chest by the second arrow, and his flesh and blood exploded instantly, revealing a blood hole the size of a sea bowl!Transparent!Very penetrating!

With a shrill howl, Mr. Xue floated down like a kite with a broken string.

At the same time, after Mo Longzi dodged the first arrow, he didn't completely dodge the second arrow. A terrible wound was drawn on the left side of his face, exposing his white cheekbones!

The third arrow was blocked by the God-breaking Orb he recalled in time, and at the same time, he retreated quickly, grabbed the God-breaking Orb and said: "Boy, I won't trouble you anymore, the people of the Yin Puppet Sect will come soon!" If you are going to be hunted down, run away quickly!"

After saying that, he turned to leave.

"Hmph, it won't be too late to kill you on the Great Desolation Ancient Monument!" Mo Longzi thought coldly at the moment, as long as he breaks through to the Void Refining Realm, and with the help of the power of the God-breaking Orb, it will be enough to crush Chu Yi!


But Chu Yi's response was, three arrows without thinking!Pointing at the three vital points of Molongzi!

Mo Longzi was frightened and angry, trying his best to resist.

But in the end, he still failed to block the third arrow, and was shot through the heart and died!


Chu Yi, who put away the Overlord Bow, flashed past, caught the God-breaking Orb falling from the sky, and couldn't help smiling with satisfaction, "Now, I have all three finale items of the auction!"

"Chu Yi, join our Martial League! You will definitely be valued for your talent, otherwise you will face the joint pursuit of the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect! For example, Liu Yang's elder brother Liu Jingtian and the Demon Dragon Zizi's elder sister, Mo Ji, whose cultivation is infinitely close to the middle stage of the Void Refinement Realm, you will find it difficult to compete with any one!"

The smile on Chu Yi's face faded away, he looked solemnly at Chu He who was smiling sincerely in front of him, and then looked at the large group of troops chasing from the south. The Yin Puppet Sect is chasing soldiers.

"it is good!"

Facing Chu He's wooing, Chu Yi hesitated for a while before agreeing.

A few days ago, Chu Yi accidentally heard that the Wumeng cherishes talents. As long as you are talented enough, after joining the Wumeng, the Wumeng will give you the greatest protection and cultivation. .

Hearing this, Chu He immediately showed a happy smile, and quickly waved his jade hand, "Okay, come with me!"

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