Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 510 Who Is Vulnerable To One Blow?

Why didn't Chu Yi bid for the Overlord Bow before?Because he only had [-] high-grade spirit stones left at that time, if he had won the Overlord Bow, there would not be enough high-grade spirit stones to bid for the ultimate finale at this moment.

At this moment, Chu Yi's eyes were bright, staring at the tray in the hand of the maid on the stage.

This time, it was covered with a black cloth, and the things were slightly bulging. Judging by its size, it seemed to be smaller than the small porcelain vase that contained the magic pill.

The black cloth was lifted, revealing a colorful bead the size of an eyeball.

The whole body of the beads is round and crystal clear, and the colorful rays of light flow inside and outside, looking very gorgeous.

Chi Chi!

As soon as the beads were exposed, white mist appeared in the half-foot void illuminated by the colorful light. It was the aura of heaven and earth!As if being melted, fleeting, completely dissipated.

In just an instant, the aura of heaven and earth covered by the power of the beads turned into nothingness!

"Breaking God Orb!"

Suddenly, Liu Yang and Mo Longzi exclaimed at the same time, and at the same time stood up vigorously, their wide-eyed eyes filled with horror and frenzy.

"Breaking God Orb?" Chu Yi muttered, shaking his head blankly.

"Hmm! You are right, this is indeed a god-breaking bead, and it has reached the level of a low-rank king! It has the ability to dissolve all energy! Not only spiritual energy, true energy, sword energy, sword energy, even martial soul, etc. , can be quickly melted!"

Chu He looked at Liu Yang and Mo Longzi, smiled and nodded.

King class!

There was an uproar in the venue!

This is beyond the category of heaven-level magic weapon!

Chu Yi's eyes were also shocked, and then he looked at the Poshen Orb and his heart moved. If this Poshen Orb is really so powerful, why does the Wumeng still sell it?Is it okay to keep it for yourself?

There are definitely downsides.

"Miss Chu, this God-breaking Orb should only be able to dissolve all energies that are lower than it?"

Turning his eyes, Chu Yi suddenly asked with a smile.

The venue was silent for a moment, and the excitement on the faces of many people froze.

Chu He on the stage glanced at Chu Yi with some resentment at the moment, but in the face of countless people's questioning eyes, she couldn't hide anything anymore, her chin was a little white, and she glanced at Chu Yi again.

"Well, what he said is correct, but even so, just imagine, if you have this God-breaking Orb in your hand, other monks can basically only compete with you in physical skills, while you can use your true energy and martial arts at will. With the power of the soul, it is no problem to leapfrog the battle!"

This is true.

Although the God-breaking Orb has its drawbacks, it should be available even in the Void Refining Realm, and it is a powerful attack method that can leapfrog combat or even leapfrog the enemy.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Mo, the ancient stele of the Great Desolation will be opened soon. If you bid for this God-breaking Orb, you will definitely be invincible at that time!" Chu He followed the temptation and knew that the two were the three with the most financial resources in the venue. one.

Hearing this, the eyes of the two suddenly showed fire.

Seeing this, Chu He smiled with satisfaction, then stared at Chu Yi again, and smiled meaningfully, "Young Master Chu, if you take pictures of this God-breaking Pearl, the auction will end later, and if someone deals with you, you can also take advantage of it." Counter."

Chu Yi nodded with a smile. He originally had the idea of ​​bidding for the Po Shenzhu.

Soon, without any surprise, Chu Yi and Liuyang Molongzi started a fierce auction among the three people with the most financial resources in the venue.

Because Liu Yang bought the Bawang Bow earlier, his financial resources have been reduced. When the three bid for [-] high-grade spirit stones, he showed a little embarrassment, and then took a deep look at Chu Yi, sneered, and did not follow shoot.

As for Chu Yi and Mo Longzi, the two sides still did not give in at all.

"Boy, you give up the auction, and I won't do anything to you later!" When the auction reached [-] high-grade spirit stones, Mo Longzi suddenly made a promise to Chu.

Chu Yi chuckled, and said directly: "Fifty-five thousand!"

"You..." Mo Longzi narrowed his eyes into a thin slit, and the cold murderous intent overflowed like a tide of madness.

"Shameless dead ghost! Fifty-six thousand!"

Afterwards, Mo Longzi gritted his teeth and followed suit with an angry voice.

In the end, Chu Yi's financial resources were not enough, so Mo Longzi bid for the God-breaking Orb with [-] top-grade spirit stones, which made Chu He's pretty face on the stage smile, and his eyes were full of smiles when he looked at Chu Yi meaning.

"Bastard, as soon as you come out of the auction, I'll cut you into pieces, smash your body into pieces, and smash your bones into ashes!"

But Mo Longzi was not happy at all.

The God-breaking Orb is not worth the price!

If it wasn't for Chu Yi's relentless follow-up, how could he have spent tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones?

"Now I announce that this auction is officially over!"

After Chu He asked a maid to hand the God-breaking Orb to the enraged Molongzi, she announced loudly.


As soon as the words fell, Liu Yang and Mo Longzi flew into the air at the same time, and flew towards the outside of the venue. After blinking outside the venue, they turned around and looked at Chu Yi in the venue with murderous eyes.

Chu Yi saw the two people who couldn't wait to kill him outside the venue, smiled lightly, turned and walked towards Chu He on the stage.

"Come with me." Chu He glanced at him with satisfaction, smiled, and led him to the apse to collect the remaining top-grade spirit stones in the early [-]s.

"Master Chu, Liu Yang and Mo Longzi are going to kill you. If you pay us [-] high-grade spirit stones at the auction, we can guarantee you to leave the big puppet city safely, how about that?" Chu He approached Chu Yi with a faint You Xiang rushed towards Chu Yi, her extremely fiery delicate body almost touched Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's heart beat faster when he saw the large area of ​​snow white on his chest.

This demon girl can seduce people!

Secretly pinching his palms to calm himself down a little, Chu Yi smiled slightly and said, "No, I have my own way to deal with it!"

After speaking, Chu He was about to turn around and leave amidst doubts in Chu He's eyes.

Suddenly, Chu Yi stopped again, and said with a playful smile to Chu He: "Miss Chu, your Wumeng must have a way to deal with the God-breaking Orb, otherwise you will definitely not sell it outside, and you will plant a hidden danger for yourself."

Chu Hetan opened his mouth, as if surprised that Chu Yi had thought of this level.

"Besides, since your martial arts alliance can produce so many treasures, then you must have even more powerful treasures, right? Your martial arts alliance will surely shine with the Great Desolation Ancient Monument in the near future."

Taking another deep look at Chu He, Chu Yi simply turned around and left.

Knowing that the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument will probably have a chance to meet Chu He again in the near future, and Chu He will probably be his most difficult competitor in the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument by then.

Chu Hefeng looked at Chu Yi's back, and suddenly showed a look of interest, and then looked at Chu Yi's steps, calm and firm, without any panic.

"Hmph, don't mention anything else, I'm going to see how you can deal with Liu Yang and Mo Longzi!"

Chu He snorted softly, and Lianbu followed.

After walking a few steps, Chu He suddenly stopped, seeing the phoenix eyes in front of Chu Yi with a smile, "Here we come!"


As soon as the words fell, a violent palm wind of metal cold light slapped Chu Yi head-on.

"A completely vulnerable trash, I want to see if you can continue the arrogance you just did in the venue!"

With a palm shot close, Liu Yang's entire face was covered with ferocious and disdainful expressions.

Old Xue was not there, so he temporarily blocked Mo Longzi for him.


As for the clamoring Liu Yang, Chu Yi smiled slightly, but without saying a word, he directly attacked him with a palm.

At the same time, the dragon blood battle body was activated to the extreme, and the whole body was quickly covered with cold dragon scales!

"No matter what you do, it won't change the fact that you are just a piece of trash in the early stages of the God Transformation Realm, completely vulnerable!"

Liu Yang yelled in disdain.

The two palms slammed together.

At this moment, the cheerful smile on Liu Yang's face suddenly froze, and a wave of true energy in the middle stage of the state of transformation erupted from Chu Yi's palm like a volcano. More than ever!


In the middle of the gods realm!

Even Chu Sanqing, who was stronger than Liu Yang, couldn't take the palm after the breakthrough, let alone Liu Yang?


A terrifying scene appeared. When his palms collided, not only did Liu Yang's tiger's mouth burst open instantly, but his entire right arm was thrown backwards and pierced his back shoulder. Suddenly, a foot-long bloody cut!


The entire right arm was shaken almost off the shoulder, and the intense pain caused Liu Yang to scream like a pig being killed.


Chu Yi took the opportunity to rush forward, directly punched Liu Yang to the ground, and then stepped heavily on his chest, making a crisp bone cracking sound.

"Who is the weak trash?"

Chu also asked condescendingly.

Liu Yang, who was dying of pain, finally came to his senses a few seconds later, his pale face was full of horror, and he said, "I am trash, why don't you let me run for my life? Otherwise, soon my members of the Yin Puppet Sect will die." I'm going to kill!"

"It's ridiculous, even if you are let go, will you people from the Yin Puppet Sect let me go?" Chu Yi asked with a sneer.

Liu Yang's expression froze, of course not.

"Bastard, do you dare to hurt my second young master? I think you are looking for death!" Farther behind, the roar of old Xue suddenly came out, accompanied by a fierce collision.

"Since you are all going to kill me, don't blame me!"

A murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"don't want--"


Amidst Liu Yang's terrified screams and Xue Lao's stern roar.


Liu Yang's head exploded under Chu Yi's feet, and his brains splashed all over the ground!

Liu Yang was trampled to death by Chu Yi.

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