I saw a black and long-haired strange bird flying across the air suddenly. The strange bird was extremely strong, with a long-haired flat head and huge wings.Chu Yi suddenly lowered his head, and the black strange bird swished past Chu Yi's head.

This blow made Chu Yi's center of gravity unstable, and he almost slipped. He couldn't help feeling a little scared. If he hadn't lowered his head in time just now, he might have cut off half of his head.

The strange bird suddenly turned around and rushed towards Chu Yi with its sharp and long fangs. Wang Ran immediately reacted, activated his spiritual power, and waved his big hand at the strange bird in the sky. It didn't hurt the strange bird at all. The strange bird was very alert and dodged the moment Wang Ran made a move.

Chu Yi took a few steps back in a hurry, pulled out the broken sword on his back, injected bursts of spiritual power into the sword, and slashed a few times. He was not as proficient in using air waves as Wang Ran when he was in the Qi refining stage. Come on, the strange bird seemed to see Chu Yi's flaws, and with a wave of its wings, it immediately jumped into the sky.

The speed of this strange bird is extremely fast, and only a small black spot can be seen for a moment, and it is impossible to see the whole picture of the strange bird clearly.

The strange bird flew high into the sky and suddenly cried a few times. Jie Jie's strange cry made the two of them in the rain shudder. The sound was not like that of ordinary birds and beasts.

There was a rustling sound in the forest, and suddenly there was silence all around, only the sound of raindrops patting on the bluestone road could be heard in the silence.

"It's not good——" Wang Ran just finished speaking, and a large number of birds and beasts gathered above the heads of the two of them. This group of black and white birds and beasts uttered strange screams together, and the sound was harsh and unpleasant, which made Chu Yi frowned. Lock.

"What should I do?" Chu Yi asked quickly, he knew that it was not an option to spend it like this.

Wang Ran shook his head lightly. They are in a dilemma now. There is a cliff on one side and a cliff on the other. This winding path leads directly to the valley.

"It seems that we can only bite the bullet and go forward." Chu Yi immediately took out a few shocking cloud charms, and before the two of them pasted them on, the strange birds rushed towards them in groups.

"Run—" Wang Ran didn't care much at this time, and Sa Kaihuan ran into the valley.

Although the road was slippery, the two of them were monks at the very least. At this critical moment, they ignored the danger and rushed down the path quickly.

Suddenly a few clear sounds of breaking through the air made Chu Yi startled. He quickly turned his head and saw the strange birds in the air falling down in unison, as if they had been hit by flying arrows. The dark red blood mixed with rainwater sprinkle.

There was a scream in the sky in an instant, Chu Yi speeded up, and with only one stick of incense, the two had already covered half of the previous distance, and the road became wider and slower, and the two of them could already see clearly in the valley. the whole picture.

Suddenly the two were hit hard and fell to the ground. This time Chu Yi almost fell to the bottom of the ditch, but Chu Yi turned over, and immediately looked behind him. The strange bird behind him had disappeared without a trace. Died, and Chu Yi immediately turned his head to look in front of him, it was empty.

"Could it be?" Wang Ran said to himself, gently touching forward.

Sure enough, a few feet away from them, ripples suddenly appeared in the air, which dissipated in the air after shaking a few times like ripples on the surface of water.

"It's an enchantment, how could there be an artificial enchantment in this deep mountain and dense forest?" Chu Yi exclaimed, he couldn't react to such a thing all at once.

"If someone didn't do it on purpose, then there are people living in this valley." Wang Ran looked around and said softly.

The strange bird chasing the two of them was like a farce. Not only did the two not get hurt at all, but they also seemed to have discovered something.

At this time, a human voice suddenly came, old and powerful, as loud as a bell.

"Who dares to trespass on this forbidden place?"

The ripples of the enchantment moved again, and an old man in a gray shirt came out from inside. The old man was full of beards, and his hair was unruly. Although he was skinny, he didn't feel old at all. Instead, he looked very capable. The most important thing was the old man's cultivation. It looks unfathomable, but in short it is more advanced than Wang Ran.

"Junior Chu Yi, come and find me"

"We were entrusted by our sect to come to Yuling Mountain. Unfortunately, we met a strange bird and came down to this valley by accident." Wang Ran quickly interrupted Chu Yi's words. It is still unclear whether the old man is an enemy or not. It's a friend, on the one hand, speaking out about the sect can make the old man dare not act rashly, and on the other hand, it is reasonable to say that he broke into this place by mistake.

But Chu Yi didn't think so. He felt that the old man had a high level of cultivation. Since he didn't kill the two of them immediately, there would be no hostility. Moreover, the killing of the strange bird might also be caused by the old man, so Chu also felt that it was more appropriate to be honest with each other.

The old man grinned, and there was a hint of joking on his wrinkled face, and he said in a leisurely way: "In this case, then you two might as well come with the old man, since the beasts appear outside the barrier, I am here, too." Safe." After speaking, he walked towards the forest by himself.

Chu Yi and the two looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

"What is this enchantment?" Chu Yi asked softly after following the old man, and Wang Ran also cast a curious look.

"I set it up to prevent those beasts from haunting and you outsiders." The old man said coldly.

"May I ask your old name?" Wang Ran took off the Shocking Cloud Talisman, patted the weeds on his body and asked.

"The surname is Guo and the name is Cheng. By the way, you two juniors are quite courageous to venture into the Yuling Mountain alone." Guo Cheng sighed.

"How do you say that?" Chu Yi didn't understand. He glanced at Wang Ran. Wang Ran also looked surprised. The two followed Guo Cheng closely, fearing that they might miss any information.

"This Yuling Mountain is also called Yuling Mountain. What is rain and what is jade? Rain is evil, and jade is good. You can find great opportunities in this deep mountain and old forest. At the same time, there are also dangers that you can't imagine. After Guo Cheng finished speaking, he coughed lightly, as if he was feeling unwell.

"It hasn't been a day or two since a monk died strangely in the forest, haven't you heard about it?" Guo Cheng continued, walking towards the west side of the forest.

"I've heard it, but we do have important things to do here this time. Under the order, we dare not neglect in the slightest." Chu Yi also learned the lesson, and emphasized to Guo Cheng that the two of them had a mission to come. .

"As long as you are not greedy, you can get out alive." Guo Cheng suddenly looked back, but this glance made him frown, his eyes widened and he stopped walking.

"Old Guo, why not?"

"Where did you come from with this sword?" Guo Cheng's tone became colder in an instant, and he pointed his fingers at the broken sword behind Chu Yi.

Chu Yi was a little dazed, and quickly held the broken sword in his hand. He didn't know why Guo Cheng seemed to be a different person, or that the broken sword was really a rare treasure.

"Answer me." Guo Chengqi's beard trembled.

"Duanqing Mountain Immortal City" Chu Yi hesitated and said, this posture seems to have done something wrong, this is probably the aura of a strong man.

"Duanqingshan Duanqingshan" Guo Cheng seemed to have tears in his eyes, he kept muttering about himself, Chu and Yi didn't dare to interrupt, they could only silently look at Guo Cheng whose fingers were trembling constantly talking to himself

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