Yuling Mountain has heavy rain all year round and never stops. It is not an independent mountain, but is formed by several continuous mountains.

The heavy rain in Yuling Mountain is like the yellow sand in the sandy bottom world. Not only does it have a corrosive effect on the skin, but the effect of refining Qi in this Yuling Mountain is also greatly reduced.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that the Rain Spirit Mountain is full of aura in the mountains and ravines, and it has become a holy place where many monks come to find medicine.

It is said that many strange things happened in this Yuling Mountain, and many monks died here, but the reason is unknown.

The world of self-cultivation is surprisingly crowded, and the world is so big that it contains treasures that ordinary people can't imagine. However, the deaths of those monks did not stir up too many waves. The lives of inferior monks are as light as grass. And who would want to find out this matter, causing all the troubles, but pity those juniors, not only did they not get a great fortune, but they also lost their money and died in the wilderness.

It has been ten days since Chu Yi and Wang Ran arrived at Yuling Mountain. The two of them didn't stop for too long along the way. Chu Yi didn't have many talismans on him, so they had to make plans for the future.

The Shocking Cloud Talisman is not just a talisman paper used for traveling, sometimes, it is also a rare weapon for escaping one's life.

"This continuous mountain range is Yuling Mountain." Wang Ran stopped, panting heavily, the two of them advanced rapidly during the last part of the journey, Wang Ran was injured, although he has recovered without serious problems, but More or less will still involve the wound.

Chu Yi nodded and looked at the sky. The sky above their heads was gloomy, but the Yuling Mountain in front of them was shrouded in thick clouds. Moreover, the heavy rain was pouring down on the ground. Although this scene did not shatter the sea That, but it is enough to subvert Chu Yi's cognition.

wait, broken sea

Wang Ran stepped forward, and Chu Yi hurriedly followed. He was indeed a little puzzled. Not only did they not get any benefits from their recent trip to the broken sea, but they were almost injured by the fierce beast. The two were already dead.

"How did Yuqing know that we were in the Sea of ​​Disillusionment, and so subtly brought the two of us into the illusion, and what kind of artifact created the illusion?"

Chu Yi murmured in his heart, he found that he didn't seem to ask the truth about that time, and how did Wang Ran come behind me at that time, all of this seemed to have nothing to do with what happened before.

This thought couldn't help but make him pay attention again, Yuling Mountain is very similar to the Shattered Sea, with strange phenomena, treasures, and dangers.All of these seemed to be connected together, and Wang Ran brought him to these places, as if he was in a passive state.

Thinking that Chu Yi had made up his mind to pay attention, he wanted to test it out.

"The rain on Yuling Mountain is different from other places, and it is very harmful to monks. You and I should wear this bamboo hat to avoid stubborn illness." Wang Ran handed the bamboo hat behind him to Chu Yi, and Chu Yi returned Guoshen took it and put it on his head thoughtfully.

Chu also carried his luggage to share some of the heavy burden for Wang Ran. After all, Wang Ran was injured, so after making all the preparations, he walked towards the mountain.

For some reason, a few words popped up in Chu Yi's mind after Wang Ran's words, quicksand

Chu also didn't delve into it. He would have to figure out these things sooner or later. The most urgent thing now is to improve his cultivation. Although finding shortcuts is not a brilliant way, he is a tool, a tool used by Wang Ran.

At least for now.

The mountain road of Yuling Mountain is muddy, but there is less of the stench of mud in the air, and more of a faint fragrance, like the fragrance of flowers, which is slightly disturbing.

Chu Yi groped forward step by step. Under the heavy rain, his vision was already affected, and he thought about it. He almost slipped and fell several times. If it wasn't for Wang Ran, he might have been bitten by the dog several times. .

Wang Ran also noticed that Chu Yi was absent-minded, but instead of Daoming, he looked around silently. After all, he was worried about meeting other monks on the road.

The relationship between the two is also very strange. The two of them have walked along the way, and their actions are more like the feelings of brothers in the same school. They are not full of exploitative relationships at all, which makes the two of them very harmonious. Although Chu also Knowing his own ending, it is very likely that the curse seal broke out, and then died in the catastrophe.However, he didn't feel the pressure, he was even very indifferent, and he didn't want to break free from Wang Ran's control.

This feeling made him feel a little weird. The two of them walked, but they didn't see a single figure, but they stopped at the same time at a fork in the road.

"How?" Chu Yi asked.

In front of the two of them are two roads, one high and one low. The downward one is obviously leading to the valley, while the upward one is leading to the top of the mountain.

"You decide this time." Wang Ran said this for some reason.

Chu Yi was in trouble at this time, and after a few seconds, he slowly said, "Go to the valley."

Wang Ran nodded, and Chu Yi conveniently made a mark on the tree beside him, and the two walked deeper step by step.

When approaching the valley, Chu Yi found that he seemed to be walking more and more difficultly, and every step took a lot of energy. This abnormal feeling made Chu Yi raise his vigilance.

He looked at Wang Ran, and the same was true for Wang Ran, with big drops of sweat already appearing on his head.

"What's going on?" Chu Yi hurriedly asked.

"You have also discovered that the further you go into this valley, the more energy you need to spend. Although it's not a lot, it's a long journey, so it's not a good thing." Wang Ran said after taking a breath.

Chu Yi frowned. The road under his feet was still muddy, but it was no different from the previous road. The only thing that changed was the big trees beside him. As he went down, the trunks of these big trees became thicker. lock up.

Chu Chu couldn't even imagine how big the big trees in the valley would be if this went on like this, maybe there is another saying here.

Just as they were talking, some unknown birds and beasts passed over the heads of the two of them, and the strange screams instantly resounded through the valley. Chu Yi looked into the valley. There was no fog, but the heavy rain blocked many sight lines, and it was impossible to see the end.

"Go on, maybe there is another mystery behind this." Wang Ran opened his legs again.

Chu Yi shook his head. This Yuling Mountain is really mysterious. Not only did he not even see half of the elixir along the way, but now there are so many strange phenomena, which makes people feel a little frustrated.

The journey was extremely long, and the atmosphere in the valley was getting thicker and thicker. There were even many broken tiles and many damaged statues on the side of the road.

Chu Yi reached out and touched the statue. There was nothing special about it, except that it had been buried in this valley for many years. It looks like it was done by ordinary people, and it looks more like it was carved by a monk. However, this stone statue is a bit strange to be placed here.

Suddenly, a crisp bird song came from the top of his head, Chu Yi subconsciously yelled, and when Wang Ran turned around, his face was suddenly full of shock.

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