Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 301 Shocking Secret! Disguise?


A muffled and powerful drum sound surprised everyone, and looking again, it was the sound of assembly from the Resurrection Department.

"Have you assembled yet?"

Chu Yi sneered, quickly pulled Han Lingyue up and rushed towards the spirit recovery department.

However, who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would be killed halfway.

"Wait a moment."

Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, and when he looked back, it turned out to be a young man he had never met.

The young man was wearing sunglasses, and his walking posture was so strange that Chu Yi also frowned.

"what's up?"

"You are Chu Yi?"

Chu Yi could tell in an instant that this person's accent was far away from Binhai, at least, his Mandarin was not standard.

"Well, what's the matter?"

he asked again.

"Why don't we cooperate?"


"That's right, strange things happen frequently on the island, don't you think that cooperation is the right way for us?"


"Why? Because I have this."

The young man silently took out a token, Chu Yi looked at it, and there was an obvious "Xiao" character engraved on it.


Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, and instantly thought of Xiao Mu.

He has indeed searched for Xiao Mu's trace these days, but he found nothing. Except for Zhang Yuru, he never found any familiar figure.

"Anyone from the Xiao family?"

"I don't know which Xiao family you are talking about, but you must be very interested in the Xiao family."

"I'm sorry, you're wrong about this, I'm not interested in the Xiao family at all."

"Oh? Xiao Mu, you must be interested, right?"

Chu Yi turned around for a while, Xiao Mu?

"Sure enough, I guessed it right."

"You know him?"

"I can't say I know each other, and I can't say I don't know each other."

"What is this nonsense?"

Chu also found out, why is it so difficult for this person in front of him to communicate with him?

He didn't seem to be able to express himself clearly.

"It can only be said that we met face to face, and also cooperated a little bit."

"Then this token belongs to the Xiao family?"

"you guess?"

"I do not guess you guess guess."

Chu Yi instantly had black lines on his face. Such words made him want to dig out a three-bedroom and two-living room with his toes!

"Let's put it this way, I can tell you anything you want to know about Xiao Mu."

"Oh? Seriously?"

"Of course." The young man smiled, as if he didn't care about Xiao Mu's secret at all.

"Where are the others?"

"It's not on Canglang Island anyway."


Chu Yi cursed secretly in his heart, he knew this himself.

"This kind of secret has no value."

"Are you sure? Don't you want to know about Xiao Mu's life experience and the secret of the Xiao family being exterminated?"

The young man looked at Chu Yi with interest, and Chu Yi swallowed.

He was really interested in this kind of secret.


"I have one condition."

"What conditions?" Chu Yi wanted to go up and tear this person up, because this person's words were too pretentious.

Chu Yi originally thought that he was enough to pretend, but he didn't expect to meet a cup king, which would make him what to do.

"Cooperate with me."

"How about a cooperation method? What is your purpose, or what do you want?"

"Leave Canglang Island safely."


Chu also knew that although this person spoke calmly, it was not easy to live safely to the end.

He now feels that he is a bit insecure, and now there is a guy who wants to hug his thigh.

"Why, hesitated? How about this, I'll add another gift and show you a few younger sisters, how about it?"

Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, this was exactly what he wanted.

"Say something quickly, fart quickly, don't go around in circles with me."

"Xiao Mu, you will change your face."

"Disguise? What's the wait! Disguise?"

Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said coldly.

"That's right, this is the Xiao family's ancestral secret technique. Unfortunately, the Xiao family is just imitating cats and drawing tigers. They haven't fully understood the secrets in the ancient books of Yirong calligraphy, but Xiao Mu is different. He is a genius of the Xiao family. .”

Chu Yi instantly understood something.

He remembered that picture!

The photo that caused Han Liguo to fall into a place of eternal doom.

He couldn't help but have a bold idea.

Could it be that in that photo, Xiao Mu disguised himself as Han Liguo?

Then what is the purpose of doing this?

Did he also take the opportunity to get close to Han Liguo when he first came into contact with himself?

This seems a bit too fanciful.

Chu Yi was a little unwilling to believe this kind of thankless behavior.

"Believe it or not, anyway, this is what I said, why are you still hesitating?"

"I was thinking, why do you know such a secret?"

Chu Yi's eyes were fixed, and he now felt that this person was a little dangerous.

He himself was being led by the nose by Xiao Mu, this person was able to obtain such an important secret so easily, it was as calm as picking something out of a pocket.

"The token of the Xiao family is in my hand, don't you understand?"

Chu Yi was horrified, could it be that this person was the one who killed the Xiao family?

The man smiled, looking at Chu Yi's expression he already knew, Chu Yi guessed it.

"It was you?"


The man sneered, but Chu Yi clenched his fists tightly.

When the Xiao family was destroyed, he didn't arrive, but the scene of the Xiao family was horrible, it was a purgatory on earth

Chu Yi closed his eyes.

He didn't want to think about that scene.

"What? I've said so much, shouldn't it be time to cooperate?"


Chu Yi spat out four words between his teeth.

"That's not right. We are just following orders. Could it be that, do you think we did something wrong?"

"What's wrong with the kid?"

"Weeds can't be burnt out, and spring breeze blows to regenerate them. You don't understand such a simple truth, do you?"


Chu Yi walked up step by step, but the young man didn't change his face.

"There is nothing wrong with cooperating with me."

"Do you think it's possible?"

"Oh? You mean, you don't want to?"

The young man provocatively said, Chu Yi's face darkened, should he follow the plan, or reject it decisively?

He doesn't know the depth of this person!

If you plant yourself, it's all over.

He doesn't want to gamble, at least not right now.

"It's not impossible to cooperate, but why did you choose me?"

"Because of you, the most special."

The man licked his lips, making Chu Yi sick for a while.

"This token is for you, see you someday."

The young man threw the token to Chu Yi, turned around and left immediately.

Chu Yi took the token, only to smell a bloody smell

He didn't even know the person's name.

Han Liguo did not kill anyone.

The case of extermination of the Xiao family has surfaced.

These two matters were so easily concluded, he was actually a little dazed.

Is this true?

He looked down at the token of the Xiao family in his hand, but his brows were tightly furrowed.

He doesn't know if his choice is correct

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