Canglang Island.

Chu Yi looked down at Brother Long, who was already swollen into a pig's head, but sneered.

His trick of killing chickens and monkeys is half the battle.

For the other half, a little trickery is needed.

"Forgive me I'm still young! I don't want to die."

"Unfortunately, on this island, no one can save you."

Chu Yi sneered, and at some point a long needle appeared in his hand.

Sen Han's needle made Brother Long urinate in fright, and a puddle of yellow water slowly flowed down the leg of his trousers.

Chu Yi turned his head away in disgust, this Brother Long, why is he so cowardly?

"Master! I am willing to be a cow or a horse, as long as you let me go!"

"Let you go? How can I let you go? If you cause me trouble in the future, wouldn't I be shooting myself in the foot?"

Although Chu Yi didn't want to kill him, it was necessary for the people around him to understand that this island was not a place where these people could be as reckless as they wanted.

And he, not everyone can step on it.

He just wants to stand up on this island!

"No! Uncle, I was really wrong. It was because of my poor eyesight that I didn't see how much you weigh!"

Chu Yi was taken aback, why did this sound so strange?

I always feel like I'm scolding myself.

On the other hand, Rin looked dumbfounded. She originally thought that Chu Yi would be very strong, but she didn't expect that Chu Yi could be so strong.

"It's almost done! Do you still want to kill them all? Doing so will not do him any good!"

"That's right, for this kind of thing, save face, after all, we will live together for a long time in the future."

"Hahaha, you don't want to leave the Holy Mother. If you encounter this situation, you will be the ones begging for mercy."

"That's right! And as long as we kill one more person, we will have one less competitor. Why not do it?"

"Fuck! Why didn't I think of it!"


The people on the side were already happy.

But Chu Yi silently listened to these people's arguments, but his heart sank.

It has only been a short time since arriving on the island, and the ugliness of human nature has been fully exposed. If it continues for such a long time, it will not be a problem!

"Master, I am a bull and a horse. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west! I will do what I say."

"Get up."

Chu Yi raised his foot and let Brother Long go.

Brother Long breathed a sigh of relief as if he was about to receive an amnesty.

"Brother Xie, what's your name?"

"If you don't want to change your name, if you don't want to change your surname, Chu Yi."

"Brother Chu! Can you be my brother's big brother?"

"Don't come so close to me."

Chu Yi looked helpless, but Chen Dan who was at the side came over at this moment.

"Ahem, ahem, don't you recognize me as a second brother?"

Brother Long was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said like a dog licking: "Yes, yes, second brother."

Chu Yi shook his head, indeed, it was almost done.

However, as soon as he turned around, he heard the dissatisfaction of the crowd.

"Kill him! Why keep him! It's a disaster!"

"Exactly! Why are you being soft-handed? Masters can't be soft-handed!"

"Laughing to death, aren't you afraid that he will snipe at you in the future?"

"Tricking you behind your back! You have to guard against this! As the saying goes, you must guard against others, and you must not have the intention to harm others! You should understand this truth!"

"Fuck! If there are five people, I will lose five competitors in an instant!"

"Come on, you are better than them."

"Hahaha! You flatter me too much."


Chu Yi's face sank, and he immediately said, "Come here."

Everyone shut their mouths instantly, but Brother Long cast a grateful look. Seeing Chu Yi leave, he hurriedly followed.

As a student in the second group, he naturally did not dare to be presumptuous.

Because he knew that in the second group, masters emerged one after another, and if he provoked other people, Chu would definitely not protect himself.

On this point, he is still self-aware.

Chu Yi sneered, and then took Chen Dan back to the house.

After entering the stone house, Chu Yi frowned. It was more difficult than imagined.

Not to mention that there is no furniture or anything, even the bed is made of stone.

"Brother Chu, why are you still sleeping like this!"

"Just let it go, desert island, what else do you expect?"

Chu Yi was also a little tired, and fell asleep directly on the stone slab.

The next morning, when he walked out of the stone house to have a look, he was shocked.

Outside the stone house, things have already changed a lot.

It was originally an open space on a rocky beach, but it was extremely clean at this time, and it was replaced by two huge round platforms.

In the woods at the foot of the mountain not far away, wooden houses also rose from the ground.

"I am not mistaken"

Chu Yi rubbed his eyes to make sure he read correctly.

"Is this something humans can do?"

Chu Yi couldn't believe it, because such a large project could not be completed overnight.

Then there is only one way to explain all this, and that is the spiritual power mentioned by the resurrection department!

"Fuck? Brother Chu, am I dreaming?"

Chen Dan also lost all sleepiness in an instant, but stared blankly at the large scenery with two panda eyes.

Not only them, more than 200 students were all dumbfounded, and what surprised them even more was still behind.

Chu Yi turned around to look, and suddenly frowned.

A few hundred meters away, there is a huge house.

It seems inappropriate to talk about houses, because Chu Yi has only seen this kind of architectural style on TV.

It is a palace!

He walked forward in a daze, with a serious expression on his face.

"Brother Chu, this is it"

Chu Yi looked up and saw plaques carved in more than a dozen languages.

"Ministry of Resurrection"

Chu Yi realized in an instant that this was the residence of the spirit recovery department.

"Brother Chu! It's not fair! Why does this bullshit department live like a palace, while we live in these broken stone houses!"

Chu Yi also smiled wryly, what can he do about this kind of thing.

Can only obey.

"Don't think too much, maybe something strange is still behind."

Chu Yi smiled and didn't say much.

They didn't have any tasks all day long, and everyone strolled around in a leisurely manner. This kind of scene made them curious.

The next day, Chu Yi grinned as soon as he came out of the stone house.

Sure enough, as he expected, there are more buildings every day.

This time, several towering buildings rose from the ground, finally giving it a modern atmosphere.

For several days, everything on Canglang Island changed, and Chu Yi gradually discovered the clues.

Because he found that some of the more than 200 students seemed to be missing.

"Are there fewer people?"

Chu also knew that someone had done it.

"So soon?"

Han Lingyue didn't step out of the circle of the stone house for a week. Everything on Canglang Island made Han Lingyue regret for a while.

Why she was chosen became the question she most wanted to understand.

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