Chu Yi stared blankly at the splint, but after the hatch was opened, there was no movement at all.

"what happened?"

Lin asked in a cold voice, she thought that when the cabin door was opened, the people in the cabin would wake up, but the current situation is that no one came out.

This is too outrageous, right?

"Go and see."

Chu Yi stepped forward and immediately walked towards the cabin, and Rin quickly followed.

Looking forward, no one woke up.

But Rin had a bold idea at this time.

"Chu Yi, you said that they haven't woken up yet, and only a few people will be left behind in the end, so we are not as good as we are now"

Chu Yi looked at Lin in horror.

"You woman, why are you so wicked?"

Rin was taken aback, and immediately became speechless.

"Are you so confident that you can make it to the end?"

"As a human being, you still have to be aboveboard. How can you resort to such insidious tricks? Are you right?"

Rin's face was livid, and he turned his head away to ignore Chu Yi.

Under the turbulent waves, Chu Yi was not agitated at all.

He knew that waiting for them was a deserted island of ignorance.

He walked into the cab and saw that he was almost on the deserted island, and it was estimated that he would arrive safely after tonight.

The two then returned to their own cabins, Chu Yi couldn't close his eyes at all, and he was not sleepy at all.

Because he didn't know how long he had been lying there.

He looked at Han Lingyue and Chen Dan beside him, but he was full of thoughts.

After one night, the sea was finally calm and the sun was shining brightly, and Chu could already see a looming island.

The appearance of the coastline made Chu Yi quite relaxed.

At this moment, Chen Dan moved his body.

"Chen Dan!"

Chen Dan sat up suddenly with a look of astonishment.

"Brother Chu? Where are we?"

"On the boat."


Chen Dan was taken aback, and quickly went to the window to see that it was indeed on the calm sea.

"Brother Chu, when did you wake up? How long have we been floating?"

"do not know"

Chu Yi also had a bitter face, not knowing how to answer Chen Dan.

Chen Dan quickly took out his mobile phone, which was also in a state of no battery, and there was not even a charger on this boat.

"I rely on!"

Chen Dan was a little sullen, he just came to the desert island, and even the mobile phone was not allowed to use normally.

You know, Chen Dan didn't tell his family.

With such an abrupt departure, the Chen family might think that he ran away from home.

"Don't get excited, save some energy, you're about to land on the island, and at the current speed, you'll be able to land safely in a few hours."

"Brother Chu, did you find anything? What's wrong with this door?"

"I kicked it."

"Damn it! Awesome! I said why I was a little cold in my sleep"

Chu Yi had black lines all over his head, and ignored Chen Dan.

At noon, the ship docked steadily, and Chu Yi couldn't help admiring the advanced technology of the ship, even if it was unmanned, it was able to dock so smoothly, and it even planned the route automatically.

Han Lingyue also woke up at this time, her reaction was even greater than Chen Dan's.

There was a look of bewilderment and a hint of panic on his face.

Chu Yi stepped out of the cabin, and was also quite happy to see the two hundred people leaving the cabin.

He looked around, but did not find Zhang Yuru and Feng Qian.

The pressure brought by unfamiliar faces cannot be underestimated, Chu Yi swallowed, and tightly guarded Chen Dan and Han Lingyue behind him.

"Let me tell you, everyone, we have been tricked here for no apparent reason. We should fight back. Why listen to these dogs? Why don't we just kidnap the captain and return home!"

"I agree!"

"You agree with the fart! Since people have the ability to gather you here, they are naturally prepared. Didn't you find out? There is not even a management team on this ship."

"Indeed, there are no security guards? What if something happens!"

"Outrageous! Really outrageous! These people don't want us to kill each other, do they?"

"Don't fix these things, go ashore first!"



Everyone agreed to go ashore, but they looked around and found that there was really no one leading the boat.

"Everyone, how are you?"

A mechanical human voice made everyone stop.

They looked around but found no one.

"Who are you? Don't pretend here, come out!"

"Show yourself if you have the courage, and let the master blow your dog's head off with one punch!"

"Hahaha, I haven't killed anyone for a long time!"

"What mission do we have when we come to this island? Or, what good luck!"

"There's a fart! I think they want to destroy us people humanely!"

"Don't scare me! I'm very timid!"

"Humanitarian destruction, this brother, you are talking too seriously!"

"Damn it! There are still foreigners, who have been silent all the time, and I didn't even notice!"

Everyone was stunned, because there were many foreign friends among them.

It was too confusing just now, and I didn't notice it.

"It seems that this is a global action. Since these people can gather us around the world, they must have a lot of background. Let's be honest."

"Indeed! I agree!"

"What? Are you all afraid of death?"

"Heh! Who can play lip service? If you are not afraid of death, go and resist them!"


"Welcome to Canglang Island. On this island, there will be your fate-changing fortune!"

It was the mechanical human voice again, and Chu Yi frowned, staring at his surroundings coldly.

He opened his eyes, but he didn't find any amplifiers or other equipment.

He continued to read it carefully, but he understood.

These voices came from the cabin door, and they were specially processed.

"Brother Chu, what should we do?"

"Take one step at a time, we are not in danger now, don't worry, I won't let you have any accidents."

Chu Yi said and patted Han Lingyue's head.

Although Han Lingyue's reaction was big, she was still calm. After all, with Chu Yi around, she could calm down.

"Everyone, please land on the island now. After landing on the island, your actions will be guided, but you must act according to the guidelines, otherwise, you will bear the consequences! Hehehe"

The creepy sneers made everyone dare not make a sound.

"Now, start to land on the island freely!"

Chu Yi pulled Han Lingyue and didn't rush, but let those people get off the boat first to explore the way.

He always felt that things would not be so simple.

After all, in such a situation, one must remain calm, otherwise, one would not know how one would die.

"Brother Chu, why don't we go?"

"Don't worry, this uninhabited desert island is likely to be full of dangers. Let these cannon fodder go to explore first, and it will not be too late for us to leave!"

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