Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 291 Men Are Not Bad, Women Don't Love

The two stepped forward to see that although the seal was wet by the rain, it was still intact on the hatch.

"I'll do it."

Chu Yi stretched out his hand and immediately tore off the seal, but the expected mechanism did not appear.

"I'll take the lead, you are the queen, be careful."

Chu Yi looked serious, and Rin was also slightly taken aback.

This was the first man who dared to stand in front of her.

Although she didn't know how much Chu Yi weighed, but Chu Yi's image could already stand firmly in her heart.

She has lived for more than twenty years, but she has never looked directly at a man, let alone a woman.

And she also became curious about Chu Yi in an instant.

After all, she also knows that those who can come here must not be ordinary people, at least not ordinary people.

And only the two of them walked out of the room and came to the deck. Doesn't this explain everything?

Chu Yi opened the hatch, and a pungent bloody smell gushed out from the hatch, making him frown instantly.

He walked towards the inside step by step, the room was dark, and he opened his eyes again, wanting to see if there were any mechanism traps or the like.

The answer is self-evident, he is too worried.

"It's automatic driving, and the destination is Canglang Island."

Chu Yi didn't panic at all, but sat in the driver's seat with a calm expression on his face.

"Do you know something???"

Lin asked in a cold voice, his face was cold and indifferent. To be honest, he didn't know very well about these things, but he just felt very scary and cold.

"I do know a little bit, but I don't know anything about this island. I only know that it is an island in the high seas and does not belong to any country. It should be a small and uninhabited island, right? It is probably a barren land."

"What else?" Rin tilted his head and listened carefully.


"Me too, so how about we talk???"

Lin sat beside Chu Yi all of a sudden, with a curious expression on his face.

"Do you think we two have anything to talk about???"

Chu Yi smiled, but Rin was a little disappointed.

"Don't you have anything to ask me???"

"Ask you? I'm not interested in other people's life and past, but I am quite interested in other people's bodies."

Chu Yi gave a smirk, but Rin's face changed.

"So you're still a pervert!"

"Hey -- don't say that, if a man is not sexual, is he still a man???"

Chu Yi said that he looked at Rin from head to toe, and he was really pretty.

He reckoned that there should be a C+.

"You'd better watch your eyes, or I'll take it out and feed it to the dogs."

"Hey! Is it so spicy? I like it!"

Lin rolled his eyes at Chu Yi, and stopped talking to him.

"By the way, where are you from?"

"The Windy City."

"The Windy City?"

"Yes, how about you."

"Binhai, well, strictly speaking, it can't be regarded as Binhai."

Chu also knew that he had been a native of Binhai for at most a few months.


"The specific reason is beyond comment."

"Heh, I know better than anyone else the pettiness of your men, but the man who tried to touch me before is completely cold now."

"what about me?"

"You can try."

"I'm no ordinary man."

Chu Yi smirked and stretched out his hand. Originally, he just wanted to scare Rin, but unexpectedly, she didn't dodge.


Chu Yi was shocked, and looked at Na Lin again, his face was ashen, and it seemed that he could explode at any time in the next second.

"Have you had enough?"

"not yet"

"Do you really think that I dare not do anything to you?"

"Hey, sister, this is what you asked me to do."

Rin's hand suddenly pressed Chu Yi's hands.

This time, Chu Yi didn't even react.

Because of Rin's set of operations, he was completely confused.

Doesn't this make you more comfortable?

"Sister, it seems that you are very horny."


Lin quickly slapped Chu Yi's face, but was blocked by Chu Yi's left hand.

The slap was so quick that even Rin was a little bit taken aback, but what she didn't expect was that Chu Yi's reaction was actually one step faster than her!


Chu Yi withdrew his painful left hand, and squeezed his right hand again.


He hastily withdrew his right hand, after all, if things go on like this, something might really happen.

"You will pay for what you did today."

Rin sneered, but the blush on her face betrayed her.

She grew up so big that she had no physical contact with other men except her father and master.

Especially a man like Chu Yi!

She was a little overwhelmed.

Rin instantly regretted it, why did she say such a thing!

Obviously his skills are not as good as others, but he also provoked a sepi!

Chu Yi said seriously: "Don't worry, you will see me every day during these few days on Canglang Island."

"Oh, I hope so."

Rin stood up angrily and turned his back.

Chu Yi was even more surprised, because from the back, the back turned very well!

He shook his head, not letting himself think about it any further, but he was satisfied.

I haven't eaten tofu for so many days, and I feel a little itchy.

He quickly found a sentence on the control screen.

"Final personnel: twenty."

"Final man twenty? What does that mean?"

Chu Yi was very puzzled, and Rin leaned over and frowned.

"Does it mean that only 20 people will be left in the end?"

"How many people are on this boat?"

"I guess there are hundreds of people, right?"

Rin just visually checked the number of cabins. Although the number of people in each cabin may be different, she knows that there must be hundreds of people.

"This amount of elimination is too big, isn't it?"


Rin was also silent, but she then said: "I hope you can live to the end."

"Hey, I hope you can live to the end too."

After Chu Yi finished speaking, he still stared at Rin's chest.

He looked at the turbulent waves in the distance, but his heart became more and more nervous.


A burst of friction knocked the two back from fantasy to reality.

They hurriedly threw out the cab and saw that all the doors of the cabins were slowly opened, neat and uniform!

"Is this everyone waking up?"

"Wake us up"

Chu Yi frowned, only he and Rin woke up early, and it seemed strange that the cabin door was broken open by the two of them so easily.

He knew the thickness of the hatch, about ten centimeters.

"What a coincidence, isn't it?"

"Well, indeed, how much effort did you use at that time?"

"It's quite big, but the hatch is too easy to break, right?"

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