"Okay, I probably understand your life history."

Chu Yi clutched his head, feeling dizzy for a while. He really didn't have the confidence to fully control these people.

"I'm talking about Team Chu, we've finished talking about ourselves, why don't you introduce yourself too?"

"The name, didn't you say it? For example, some valuable information, didn't you say it? I think this is very strange, what do you think?"

Chu Yi asked in a cold voice, embarrassing Du Chen, he obviously didn't mean that.

"Captain Chu, brother Du, he wants you to tell us about yourself so that we can get to know you better." Zhang Tuan immediately smoothed things over.

"Oh? Can you introduce yourself more? Are you sure you want to hear it?" Chu Yi asked with interest.

"Naturally! We have already heard about your reputation from Team Chu, and we are all ears."

Ren Yin flattered and said in a sweet voice, which made Chu Yi involuntarily excited.

"Okay, what I said is that I have killed countless people. Moreover, I am ruthless and never stingy with killing flowers."

After Chu Yi finished speaking, he looked at the only two women in the team.

"Ah this"

Everyone was stunned, how could anyone introduce themselves like that.

"Also, I have a bad temper, so try not to ask me unnecessary questions. Otherwise, I don't mind letting you experience what it means to live a life worse than death. By the way, I especially hate traitors. However, don't be nervous, I have no right to ask you to do things for me, you can choose to leave."

Chu Yi pointed to the gate of the villa.


"I heard you right, Team Chu, is this?"

"What? Let's leave, is that really okay?"


No one knew what kind of medicine was sold in Chu Yi's gourd.

Actually let them go, this is not a choice that ordinary people can make.

They did come after receiving the money, but they did not expect that Chu Yi would be so generous.

"That's right, you can leave, as long as you want, I won't force you to stay, but you have to think about it, when you leave this door, you will face another enemy." Chu Yiyin laughed, this time, he wanted to hold these people firmly in his hands.

"Why?" Leng Yuefeng looked dumbfounded. He seemed to be a guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. After listening to Chu Yi's words, he asked quickly without knowing what he meant.

"Why? Because there is one more me."

Chu Yi showed two rows of white teeth and said, but his expression made everyone terrified.

This is not a good thing. After hearing this sentence, they were naturally a little frightened.

"Don't be nervous, this matter, I will let you fully realize how correct it is to stay here."

Chu Yi smiled slightly, and everyone quickly asked in unison: "Captain Chu, what is our task?"

"Go abroad and kill a few people."

"Is it that simple?"

"Simple?" Chu Yi sneered. Are these people so confident?

Do they feel so easy about things that they feel are difficult and troublesome?

"Isn't it simple? Team Chu, isn't it just going abroad to kill someone? It's like finding something out of a bag, it's simply a matter of hand."

Li Ruoxi also waved her hand, seemingly very relaxed.

"Well, listen up, I will ask you to investigate who it is, secretly target the Han family, and then find them out. I don't ask you to kill many people, and I don't ask you to do it so beautifully. , I just hope that you can escape unscathed, and then finish this matter and return to the villa."

Chu Yi's seemingly ordinary words caused ripples in the hearts of the six people.

Because no one has ever told them so, in the eyes of others, they are just a tool to kill people.

They also admitted that they killed people only for money.

"Team Chu"

Du Chen said softly.

"You can't be in any danger. This is the most important thing. Even if you can't complete the task, it's okay. Moreover, you can't attract too many eyes, especially doubts. Do you understand?"


"Okay, this is the task for this time. Go ahead. If there is a result within a month, it would be best. I'll wait for you at the villa."

"Captain Chu, you're not with us"

"I have other important matters, otherwise, this matter will not bother you."

Chu Yi waved his hand and walked out of the room.

Everyone was very moved and watched Chu Yi leave

Yue Yao hurriedly followed, and asked anxiously: "Chu Yi, is there really no problem if you do this? Do you trust this group of people so much?"

"Employing people is not suspicious, doubting people is not necessary. Don't you understand such a simple truth?" Chu Yi sighed. Be excited, of course you can't put too much energy on this matter.

"I see, what do you mean, let them play freely?"

"Exactly." Chu Yi looked at Yue Yao and was suddenly taken aback.

He touched Yue Yao's chest.

"what are you doing!"

Yue Yao was shocked and screamed immediately.

"do not move."

Chu Yi's hand was held down by Yue Yao, unable to move.

He was a little helpless, originally he didn't have that thought, but Yue Yao's hand pressed his hand tightly, so he naturally took advantage.


"What are you doing! Do you want to play hooligans in public?" Yue Yao blushed angrily.

"I told you to stop moving."


Yue Yao was immediately ashamed and embarrassed, how could she have the nerve to let Chu Yi do something like this.

"What I want to say is that your collar is a bit low, and your underwear is too low. In this way, it is inevitable that some people will stare at you, and there is a risk of being exposed."

Chu Yi quickly explained, but Yue Yao kept pressing her chest, and Chu Yi's hand naturally couldn't break free.


Yue Yao let go of her hands, Chu Yi quickly withdrew her hands, there was still a burst of residual warmth in the palms, but Yue Yao blushed.


"How can I be called a hooligan? I am wronged."

Chu Yi looked harmless to humans and animals, but Yue Yao punched Chu Yi and left quickly.

He looked at Yue Yao's leaving back, feeling quite helpless, he was really kind enough to treat him like a donkey, but he knew that he was getting more and more proficient in eating tofu. Now, it is already within reach!

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