When everyone heard this, they all looked at the man suspiciously. The man's expression changed, and he even looked down.

"It can't be true what he said?"

A woman asked with a strange expression, she felt that it was a skill to be able to guess this kind of thing.


"Hey - you actually like this color?"

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Listen to my explanation!"


Chu Yi smiled lightly, but Yue Yao was surprised.

How did Chu Yi do this?

"Did you really guess?"

Yue Yao turned her head and asked, while Chu Yi had a mysterious expression on her face, and said in a low voice, "That's right, I guessed."

"Okay, even if a blind cat meets a dead mouse, you guessed it, tell me, what do you want us to do."

"Form a squad."


Everyone had different expressions, and even more so, they all looked at Chu Yi in surprise.

They are all top killers, and they have long been used to being alone. Let them form a team, which will not be able to be separated in a short time.

"You heard me right, forming a team, right now, you forming a six-member team will make me feel even more powerful."

"However, we are alone and we are used to it."

Someone raised such a question, of course Chu Yi had already thought up his words.

"It's not enough for one person to fight alone. Team awareness is equally important. I don't doubt your ability. If you can have enough team awareness, I believe it will be a big improvement for you."

Chu Yi's words made those people suddenly enlightened. Teamwork can ensure the safety of the operation to the greatest extent. The most important thing is that there seems to be no harm.


"I don't think it's a problem."

"Yes, me too"

They hit it off immediately, and even Yue Yao's eyes on Chu Yi changed a bit.

Being able to assemble a team so quickly is not something ordinary people can do.

"You have no names, no code names, and your only goal is to complete the mission."

Chu Yi's eyes froze for a moment, and the overwhelming coldness immediately dissipated, shocking everyone present!

When they saw Chu Yi, Chu Yi's face was relaxed, and he even looked like a bit of a playboy, but now, they understand that Chu Yi is also a real master.

"Complete the task? Heh."

One of them sneered.

"What, do you have an opinion?"

Chu Yi suddenly flashed in front of the man, and a silver needle had already touched the man's neck.

"I, I, I, no, no"

That person was dumbfounded, and he wasn't the only one dumbfounded. The other five people were even more surprised. After all, Chu Yi's speed was so fast that none of them could react.

Yue Yao swallowed, is this Chu Yi's true strength?

This reaction, this speed, is a bit too terrifying.

Then everyone became honest, they didn't want to mess with such a big Buddha.

"If there is no problem, let's go to the villa."

At this time, Chu Yi changed into a harmless expression for humans and animals, which made those people a little dazed.

"Villa? It seems that you are still a rich owner."

"Don't be silly, now, it's just a villa, what is it?"

"Hahaha, by the way, we don't know your name yet, and you don't know our names either."

Chu Yi grinned, and said softly: "Chu Yi."

"Chu Yi"

Several people secretly remembered Chu Yi's name, but Chu Yi didn't know their identities at all, and he didn't have the slightest interest in knowing the names of these people.

What he has to do is to use these six people.

These six people are his team.

From then on, he no longer fought alone, but had so many excellent helpers to help him.

"Chu Yi, get out of here first."


Several people got into two cars respectively, which was arranged by Yue Yao.

She didn't expect that there were only six people who came.

After arriving at Xingyue Villa, the six of them settled down. For them, having a place to live was already very good.

"From now on, I hope everyone will not have any disagreements."

"Don't worry, Team Chu."

"Team Chu?"

Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't realize the name.

"Yes, aren't you our captain?"

Chu Yi froze for a moment, then nodded.

"Team Chu, our mission is"

"Well, don't worry, you guys should rest for a night before talking about it."

"Huh? Is that good? But maybe the old man didn't introduce us to you, so we need to introduce ourselves." A woman said.


Chu Yi didn't care, even if he didn't know the names of these people, he didn't care.

He preferred numbers instead of their names.

"Du Chen, he's good at sniping." A man wearing glasses and looking gentle said softly.

"Leng Yuefeng is good at close combat."

Chu Yi looked at the five big and three thick guys, and nodded slightly, it was indeed that piece of material.

"Zhang Tuan is good at deciphering information." The expressionless man said word by word.

"Qu Ting, Almighty."

After Chu Yi heard this, he was surprised. He said so loudly. Looking at the not tall and very thin man in front of him, he couldn't help but have some doubts.

This guy, can't he be talking about it?

"Ren Yin, good at um, good at beauties"

Chu Yi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, what is this, he is good at beauties.

However, he took a look at Ren Yin, and he was indeed quite good looking. Ordinary men, facing Ren Yin, would generally not be able to hold back, right?

"Li Ruoxi, there is nothing good at it"

Chu also has black lines. These six people are really talented people, especially the last one, Li Ruoxi, who is not good at anything, but what he said makes people feel quite pressured.

Chu also knows that what these people are good at is just more prominent. These people are top killers, and all kinds of things are naturally out of the question.

"Aren't you all almost omnipotent?"

To be on the safe side, Chu Yi asked more questions.

"That's right"

"It can't be said that it is omnipotent, it can only be said that it is relatively strong."

"Well, I agree with that."

Chu Yi looked at these people, feeling quite helpless. Can he really control these people?

Just talking about that Ren Yin made him feel a bit big headed. This is not something that ordinary people can stick to their bottom line.

In case, during the action, I was burning with desire and didn't control myself, it would be a big mistake!

Chu Yi swallowed his saliva, and instantly realized that the road ahead could be said to be long and difficult.

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