Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 265 Ancient Tomb Interference Source

"Can you find out the source of this interference source?"

Chu Yi asked softly, and he also knew that it was really difficult to find out this kind of thing, otherwise Li Xin and the others wouldn't have been checking the problem for so long.

"It's not easy. After all, we have never encountered this situation before."

"Well, this source of interference should be viewed as an entry point. After investigation, it is clear whether it is human-made or whether this ancient tomb has had this kind of interference for thousands of years."

"Okay, let's convene an investigation team immediately."

"The sooner the better."

Chu Yi then left the excavation site because he had more important things to do.

That is the ancient corpse.

Chu Yi almost has a photographic memory now, but he is still not at ease, this ancient corpse is indeed a bit special.

When he came to the glass coffin, Chu Yi looked intently, and sure enough, his facial features were distorted a little more.

Although it was only a tiny bit, Chu Yi was still very keenly aware of it.

"It shouldn't be. The corpse preservation technology has been perfected. Logically speaking, this kind of situation shouldn't happen."

"what happened?"

Zhong Hua came in from the door, sweating profusely. It seemed that dealing with those reporters really took a lot of effort.

"This corpse is deformed."


Zhong Hua was startled, and hurried forward.

"Where is it deformed? Let me see if there is no deformation, right?"

Zhong Hua was a little confused, but Chu Yi was also relieved. It's normal for ordinary people not to see the slightest difference.

"The facial features are distorted a little more."

"you sure?"

Zhong Hua couldn't believe what Chu Yi said. He didn't believe that Chu Yi's eyes could be so magical.

"Believe it or not, I told you anyway."

Zhong Hua nodded, and immediately yelled a few words into the walkie-talkie.

After a while, a person wearing an isolation suit ran in, and then took off his helmet.

Chu Yi couldn't help but feel sorry for this person, because this person's complexion is very bad, his face is pale, it seems that he has been working for too long, and the working environment has not been improved.

"Minister Zhong, there shouldn't be any changes in our preservation of this corpse. Today's technology has been able to delay the continued decay of the ancient corpse, and also cut off the oxygen. The indexes of all aspects are normal. If the facial features change, it seems It's unlikely."

Zhong Hua looked at Chu Yi, meaning to say: "You see that professionals say that, you may be wrong."

Chu Yi shook his head, pointed directly at the face of the ancient corpse and said, "This face has indeed changed."

The visitor was dumbfounded, looked at Zhong Hua, at Chu Yi, and finally at the ancient corpse.

He was a little overwhelmed.


"Find a camera with better pixels, and take a picture of this ancient corpse once an hour. The position of the picture must be accurate to the nearest centimeter. After a day, zoom in and look at it. You will gain something."

Chu also gave his own suggestion.

Zhong Hua nodded and looked at the man.

"Okay, I'll get ready now!"

The man left in a hurry, but Chu Yi's brows never eased.

He was thinking, the things that happened recently are getting more and more weird, is there really something big going to happen?

From the evil thing to the ancient tomb, everything is beyond Chu Yi's control.

Sometimes he would also think, was it the right choice for him to agree to these things?

"What do you think?"

"Leave me alone."

"Okay, don't tire yourself too much, sometimes, it might be better if you think about it differently"

Zhong Hua patted Chu Yi's shoulder, then left silently

A few hours later, Li Xin ran in anxiously.

"There is a situation!"

"The location of the source of interference, have you found it?"

Chu Yi hurriedly asked, Li Xin was out of breath, but shook his head.

"No! No! In the Sanquan Desert, another huge ancient tomb was discovered!"


Chu was also surprised, it was an ancient tomb again, and it was a large ancient tomb.

He now realizes that he is about to fall into a fight.

He just wants to be a bodyguard in peace, laughing and playing with his sisters every day, why is it so difficult?

"Don't get excited, speak slowly."

Chu Yi handed Li Xin a glass of water.

"Sanquan Desert, an hour ago, a super-large ancient tomb was surveyed, or in other words, it was not an ancient tomb"

"What do you mean?"

Chu also didn't know what Li Xin meant by what he said, what was or wasn't an ancient tomb!

"If this building were an ancient tomb, it would be too huge. I really can't imagine what kind of person could build such a large ancient tomb. Moreover, this complex of buildings is somewhat amazing."

"Is it difficult to dig in the desert?"

"Well, it's much more difficult than ours, and the entrance can't be found, only the upper building is exposed. It doesn't look like an ancient tomb, but the conclusion we have given now is that it is an ancient tomb."

Chu Yi nodded, and then continued: "Is this news completely blocked?"

"Completely blocked, this was accidentally discovered by our archaeologists, are you interested?"


The two hit it off immediately, Zhong Hua had already prepared the helicopter, and the three of them boarded the plane directly, with all the equipment and supplies available.

After more than ten hours, the helicopter finally landed safely in the Sanquan Desert according to the guidance of the indicator lights.

Although the Sanquan Desert has springs in its name, its climate is extremely dry.


"How's the progress now?"

"We only excavated part of the upper building, which is a platform. Now the team members are investigating around this platform. After all, it is dark now, and it is dangerous for them to act alone."

"Well, take us to have a look."

Chu Yi looked around. There was no warning line. After all, in this deserted desert, there was no need for such a thing.

After walking for about 10 minutes, I finally came to the excavation site.

Chu Yi looked at it, but frowned.

This platform is also a bit weird. How can an ancient tomb have such a fine dome on the upper floor.

On this platform, there are intricate patterns and some carvings, which look exquisite and luxurious.

The burial of sand did not make this platform lose its original history.

"Can you judge whether this platform is the upper level or the lower level?"

Everyone present was stunned, and all looked at Chu Yi.

In their hearts, there are ten thousand alpacas galloping on horses. In this desert, can it still be a lower platform?They think this question is too silly!

Zhong Hua was also taken aback, but then he reacted and asked: "Can you detect the things below?"

"We conducted a detection, and there is indeed something under the platform, but we don't know what it is exactly."

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