Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 264 The Scale of the Ancient Tomb

Chu Yi sneered, these reporters really talk a lot of bullshit.

It was impossible for him to answer these questions.

"These questions, sorry, I can't answer you."

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd immediately went into an uproar.

"I can't answer why you are here! Let's stare at each other!"

"It doesn't look like someone in charge at first glance, is it just to pretend to be compared?"

"What, get out of the way, what we want is Minister Zhong!"

"Minister Zhong, Minister Zhong, answer our questions!"


Chu Yi immediately became impatient, and directly said coldly: "These things are all confidential, and you have no right to know."

The air smelled of gunpowder, and those reporters were not at ease.

"What's your attitude, you're treating our press corps like this!"

"The whole process is live and recorded here, you'd better correct your words and deeds."


Chu Yi continued to wave his hand, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"Yes, I am the person in charge of this project, but I have no right to answer your questions, and I don't want to answer them."

Everyone immediately frowned. Since Chu is also the person in charge of this aspect, it is not a problem for him to continue to press for questions.

"Excuse me, who are you and why did you suddenly intervene in this matter? Isn't the person in charge of this project Captain Gao?"

"That's right, Minister Zhong, can't you send someone who doesn't understand anything as a gunman?"

"Yes, this is an extremely irresponsible performance!"

"We are protesting on behalf of the broad masses of people who are able to know!"


Chu Yi turned around directly and replied: "If you don't stop, I will let your blood spill on the spot!"

Zhong Hua was even more frightened. He actually said such a thing in front of the reporter. This is not a good thing!

If the higher-ups are not happy, they will investigate it!

Once he is held accountable by the higher authorities, he is the one who cannot escape responsibility!

"Who is it! Now it's a live broadcast throughout the city, and everyone in Binhai can see it!"

"I think this kid wants to be famous!"

"Hahaha, let him be proud for a while, and then, let's see how he is proud!"


Indeed, as the reporter said, Chu Yi's words spread throughout the city in an instant.

"I'll let your blood spill on the spot!"

This sentence is played on TVs, mobile phones, computers, and store screens.

The city is in an uproar!

This sentence is really too arrogant!

Zhong Hua quickly apologized, and then chased after him.

"Chu Yi!"

Zhong Hua called Chu Yi anxiously.

"What? Could it be that my answer is not good?"


Zhong Hua sighed helplessly, it seems that his responsibility is indispensable.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with answering like this. If something goes wrong, I will block it. These reporters deserve this kind of answer!"

Zhong Hua had black lines on his face, while Chu Yi rushed towards the excavation site.

What he is worried about now is the progress of the excavation. Regardless of the direction of public opinion, he has only one goal.

That is to reveal all the secrets of this ancient tomb.

The day of dawn is the time when public opinion ceases.

Han Lingyue and the girls all learned of Chu Yi's remarks.

Everyone's attitudes were different, but Han Liguo sat in the office coldly, without the slightest expression.

"Chu Yi!"

Zhong Hua chased after him again, and Chu Yi didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Li Xin rushed over at this time.

"Chu Yi, something new has been discovered!"


"Come and see."

Chu Yi quickened his pace and ignored Zhong Hua.

He came to an excavation site, and the excavation depth was about ten meters.

Chu Yi looked intently, and it turned out to be a stone sculpture.

The stone carving is so dilapidated that its appearance and etched patterns are almost unrecognizable.

"Isn't it fully unearthed yet?"

"Not yet, but a conservative estimate, the size of this stone sculpture is a bit surprising."

"What do you mean?"

Chu Yi looked at the exposed part, the shape was a little weird, the head didn't look like a head, and the tail didn't look like a tail.

"Five meters."


Chu Yi didn't seem to hear clearly, so he asked again.

"The exposed part is about five meters. This pit has to be enlarged. It is estimated that 30 meters is a conservative estimate."

Li Xin showed embarrassment.

Their current equipment is indeed not very good.

"How long will this project take?"

Chu Yi asked coldly.

The scale of this ancient tomb is indeed somewhat astonishing.

If there are still many unknown areas on the edge that have not been excavated, then this work time cannot be completed in ten days and a half months.

The ancient sword and the ancient corpse were enough to attract attention, but he never thought that such a large stone sculpture would also be buried with him?

Chu Yi hesitated, he didn't know if his decision was correct.

Pointed at the heads of all the professors of archeology and scolded them, and then drove them away. It seems that there are not enough manpower.

"We are urgently recruiting some capable people with lofty ideals. This month, we should be able to dig out all of them."

"Let me ask a digression, how big is this tomb?"

Li Xin shook his head lightly, his gaze never leaving Chu Yi.

"difficult to estimate"

Chu Yi was stunned, it was hard to estimate, this kind of answer was obviously not what he wanted.

"Has it been probed?"

"Well, it is possible to expand at least another 1000 meters."

"Is it that big?"

Chu Yi frowned. If the tomb is so big, then is this ancient sword just the tip of the iceberg?

He didn't dare to imagine, what kind of shocking ancient relics appeared in this tomb.

"Since that ancient sword, has anyone else been hanged?"


"That's fine. Public opinion can be controlled, right?"

"Well, we'll try our best."

"I must." Chu Yi said firmly, he would not allow the slightest mistake.

"it is good."

"Then this ancient sword is not our main target now. This stone sculpture seems to be in the entire ancient tomb."

Li Xin nodded and replied: "We still don't know what is in the deeper depths. After all, these archaeologists have never encountered such a situation. This tomb is astonishingly large, and they dare not dig hard. , for fear of destroying something."

"Is the machine precision not enough?"

"No, but the detection accuracy is not enough."

Chu Yi didn't quite understand. Could it be that the detection technology is still immature with the current technology?

"There seems to be something disturbing the entire ancient tomb, and several machines have broken down."


Chu Yi was shocked, why did he say such an important situation now!

"There seems to be something disturbing on this ancient tomb"

"Why did you say it now!"

Chu couldn't be calm anymore, he vaguely felt that this was the starting point!

"You didn't ask me either." Li Xin whispered with an aggrieved face.

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