Gao Ya was stunned for a moment. She did not list the questions that Chu Yi mentioned.

It's not that they haven't been listed, but that they haven't been investigated.

She originally wanted to prevaricate like this. After all, there is really nothing to investigate about this ancient corpse. Some samples have also been analyzed. According to those experts, this ancient corpse is a well-preserved ancient corpse, but You can't tell the age from the clothes.

Even the radioactive dating method has yielded some vague data, and the c14 dating method is useless on this ancient corpse.

This made everyone very puzzled.

But they didn't want to spend too much time on this ancient corpse. What fascinated them for a while was the ancient sword that hurt people.

They firmly believe that as long as they understand everything about this ancient sword, they will become famous sooner or later.

What they want is to gain both fame and fortune!

But Chu Yi's words made Gao Ya a little stunned.

She didn't expect that Chu Yi's words would make her speechless.

She didn't dare to imagine how much Chu Yi knew about archaeology, but she pointed out their problems right away after such a simple search.

Zhong Hua hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Chu Yi, let's forget about this matter, after all"

"That's right, Chu Yi, he is the captain of the archaeological team, so he must know more about these things than you do."

What Li Xin and Zhong Hua said completely made Gao Ya unable to hold back.

Her tears flowed out all at once.

"Don't talk about it."

Gao Ya quickly stopped.

Chu Yi just stood there, without any disturbance in his heart.

"Gao Ya, don't take it to heart, Chu Yi is like this"

"Chu Yi, hurry up and apologize to the little girl."

"Squad Zhong, Sister Xin, please don't talk about this matter. We are not serious about this matter."

Gao Ya bowed slightly, then ran out wiping her tears.

Neither of them knew what to do, they actually made Gao Ya cry.

Chu Yi calmly returned to the table and sat down directly.

"Is this the archaeological team member of your department? Not as professional as me?"

Chu Yi sneered, in this situation, if Zhong Hua and Li Xin were to make the decision, it would definitely pass like this.

But Chu couldn't do it either. Although he didn't understand archaeology, he still learned a lot of basic knowledge from Lin Qingying.

After all, there are so many strange things about this ancient corpse, but there is no mention of it in the report.

Isn't that suspicious?

This is where Chu Yi gets angry. He doesn't think it's his fault. After all, there must be an explanation for this kind of thing.

It's not clear to him how much power Zhong Hua has.

If Zhong Hua made a final decision, then this matter may be turned over.

And this ancient corpse will also be regarded as a cultural relic and preserved as a treasure. If you want to discover it again, it will not be a simple matter.

"Chu Yi, what do you mean?"

Li Xin quickly asked, she didn't know why Gao Ya ran out after Chu Yi asked so few questions.

"The key point is not mentioned at all. I don't care if I don't read this report. After all, the strangest thing about this ancient corpse is not how gorgeous the clothes on her body are, but the ancient corpse itself. What we want is not an ancient value. , but a truth."

Chu Yi's words made Zhong Hua understand something instantly.

Thinking back to what Chu Yi said just now, he couldn't help but nodded: "That's right, the age of the ancient corpse, the facial features and the place where it was unearthed are all suspicious."

Chu also nodded.

"You go about it."

Zhong Hua gave his own suggestion.

Chu Yi looked embarrassed.

"Let me join this thing? It seems a bit"

"Do you have any difficulties? If you have any, then tell me that our department will solve it for you as much as possible." Zhong Hua hurriedly said sincerely, he knew that letting Chu Yi handle things is the only way to rest assured.

"It's not a big deal, but Lingyue's side, I haven't been with Lingyue for a long time, and those girls, I can't let go."

Li Xin gave Chu Yi a blank look and said, "I see, you want to eat the sisters' tofu, right?"

Chu Yi smiled awkwardly and patted his head.

Zhong Hua was stunned, he didn't expect that Chu Yi had such thoughts.

"It's okay, I'm also a little curious about this ancient sword, but I need to pay more."

Chu Yi smiled. It's not that he didn't want to help, but he felt that he seemed to be in charge of too much.

"make a deal!"

Zhong Hua was instantly excited. He never expected that Chu Yi would agree so happily.

Just when the two hit it off, a group of people rushed in.

Zhong Hua looked back, and it was those professors.

Chu also didn't look back, because he felt a burst of anger.

"Who said that? Do you question the results of our investigation?"

"Do we need a layman to question the results of our professionals?"

"Is it you, young man, dare to speak, dare not stand up? Come on, come on, you can do it, if you can't, I advise you to keep your mouth shut, young man, you must know how to restrain your edge."

"This is just a brat, so why be so polite to him!"

"Hmph! I think it's just a fake. You can't even explain a few professional terms. How dare you accuse us?"


Chu Yi heard the voices behind him that made him uncomfortable, but he didn't look back.

"What? Don't dare to admit it? At that time, don't say that we rely on the old to sell the old."

"Young man, it's better to keep a low profile. What you said is wrong, what are you pretending?"


Zhong Hua looked embarrassed. After all, these are all people in his own department. Although there is no direct intersection, they are at least related.

"Are you here to Xingshi to inquire about the crime?"

Chu Yi snorted coldly, and didn't let these old things who wanted to prevaricate.

In his opinion, this group of people is not worthy of this position at all.

"Xing the teacher to question the crime? Hehe, you are not worthy!"

"Is this how your parents taught you to talk to your elders? You have no manners at all!"

"I see, he is just an uneducated wild ruffian!"


Chu Yi couldn't help it at this time, these old things, not to mention relying on the old to sell the old, actually turned black and white, and yelled at them when they came up directly.

What kind of professor is this!

Where is the demeanor of a scholar?

"What? Do you want to end this investigation early, and then make the results of the random fabrication public? Then gain fame and fortune?"

Chu Yi immediately felt their pain.


"What? Could it be that I guessed it right? You people, how can you be worthy of the word professor!"

Chu Yi immediately turned around, his eyes showing great coldness!

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