Chu Yi smiled without any dissatisfaction, but Chu Yi directly hugged Li Xin.

Now, it was Li Xin's turn to be stunned.

Chu Yi took big strides, and walked directly into the cold room with Li Xin in his arms.

"How did you put the body in the cold room?"

"We have gone through special treatment to ensure that the corpse will not mutate or have some bad reactions when it encounters air. Don't worry, it will not produce any viruses or the like. The cold room is also for preservation."

Chu Yi nodded, he didn't quite understand these archaeological matters.

Through the thick glass coffin, Chu also saw clearly the appearance of the ancient corpse.

He instantly understood why Li Xin was so scared.

This ancient corpse is completely inhuman.

A face, for some reason, with distorted facial features, although the preservation is relatively complete, but the facial features are mixed, no matter how you look at it, it is awkward.

"This ancient corpse, does it look like this when unearthed? Is there no extrusion or collision deformation?"

"No, that's what it looks like when it's unearthed."

Li Xin was so frightened that he moved back a little while Chu Yi hugged Li Xin even tighter.

"It's really strange."

Chu Yi murmured, but felt his palms were soft.

He even gave it a pinch.

But he reacted instantly, and immediately looked towards Li Xin, and as expected, Li Xin's face turned red.

Fortunately, Zhong Hua didn't notice Li Xin's abnormality.

Chu Yi smiled slightly and squeezed again.

Now, Li Xin couldn't hold back at all, but since Zhong Hua was present, it was not easy to get angry, so he just whispered in Chu Yi's ear: "There is no end, how long do you want to eat?"

"I'll let go."

Chu Yi pinched it again, secretly admiring in his heart: "This feeling is endless aftertaste."

He let go of his hand, and finally put his hand in front of Li Xin's eyes and shook it.

"That's how big it is?" Li Xin stomped Chu Yi's foot hard.

Zhong Hua quickly asked, "Why is it so big?"

"It's okay, is there anything strange about this ancient corpse, compared with the ancient sword?"

"This one has indeed not been found, and it seems to be no different from ordinary ancient corpses."

Zhong Hua shook his head.

"This is a bit strange, how could this happen?"

Chu Yi was a little stunned, logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this.

"Chu Yi, what do you think of this ancient corpse?"

"It's hard to say. Looking at the broken clothes, I don't seem to be able to see anything. Besides, I don't know much about it, but it always feels weird. Have you noticed it?"


Li Xin broke free from Chu Yi's embrace, and asked with a blushing face.

"Well, can these facial features grow into this appearance?"

Chu Yizhou also frowned. The mouth is almost at the position of the nose, and the eyes and nose are almost attached together. But it is such a corpse that is preserved so completely. What's the point?

And judging from the scale of this tomb, it should not be the tomb of an ordinary person, at least he was also a high-ranking official during his lifetime.

"This, we are still investigating, and I believe we will have a result soon. Now even the identity of the owner of the tomb cannot be confirmed. The main reason is that ancient sword, which completely disrupted our plan."

Chu Yi was a little puzzled at this time, how could Zhong Hua take over the affairs of the archaeological team.

"Is this archaeological matter also under the control of your special department?"

Chu Yi asked with a smile, but there was another meaning in his eyes.

"This matter has already involved novelty hunting, and the archaeological team has a relationship with our department. In a word, there is nothing our department doesn't want to get involved in."

Zhong Hua also smiled.

Indeed, this kind of matter, logically speaking, should be investigated by the archaeologists. Their special department seems to be overqualified when they come here.

"Then go out first."


Chu Yi sat on the chair, and Zhong Hua made a cup of tea for Chu Yi.

Li Xin just wanted to speak, but was stopped by Zhong Hua.

Because Chu Yi is closing his eyes and meditating now.

The two just waited like this, but Chu Yi never opened his eyes.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and it had been an hour.

Chu Yi remained motionless, even his breathing became weak.

Li Xin frowned, this posture was like sitting down.


The curtain was suddenly opened, and a girl came in. Although her head was disheveled, her facial features were very delicate.

"Squad Bell, the results of the investigation are out!"

Chu Yi also opened his eyes suddenly and stood up.

Without saying a word, he walked directly towards the girl and took the document from the girl's hand.

"What are you doing! Who are you!"

The girl did not show weakness, and immediately snatched the document from Chu Yi's hands, with a hostile expression on her face.


Zhong Hua hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over.

"This is our special appointment, so be careful when you speak."

"Ah? Just him? What about the special appointment? Team Bell, are you kidding me?"

This girl is the leader in charge of archaeology in the special department, Gao Ya.

Gao Ya looked disbelieving, but looked Chu Yi up and down.

"Looks like he's only in his 20s, and he's only a year or two younger than me. Team Zhong, you won't be cheated, will you?"

Chu Yi didn't wait for Zhong Hua to speak, and directly gave Gao Ya a wall-dong.

He pushed Gao Ya against the wall, but the shed was not very stable, almost collapsed by Chu Yi.

"I told you to bring it here, so you can take it here, so there's so much to talk about." Chu Yi coldly brought the document over.

Unlike other girls, Gao Ya pushed Chu Yi away.

"Pay attention to your words and deeds, don't be so frivolous!"

Chu Yi was stunned, his way of doing things didn't work on this girl.

Li Xin was also quite helpless, and pulled Chu Yili aside.

"This eldest sister has a more aggressive temper than me."

Chu Yi smiled disdainfully, there is no girl he can't conquer, if there is, then the conquest is not strong enough!

He directly opened the file, and what caught his eyes was a line of words: "Ancient Corpse Investigation Report."

Chu Yi turned the page and read it. The whole article was nonsense, and there was nothing nutritious.


Chu Yi fell directly to the ground.

"Is this the report you investigated? It's full of nonsense, is there a key sentence?"

Zhong Hua was also stunned, he had never seen Chu Yi treat a girl like this.

The same is true for Na Gaoya, who stayed in place for an instant.

"Chu Yi!"

Li Xin couldn't stand it any longer, and hurriedly shouted.

"Don't interrupt, let me ask you, what age was this ancient corpse, why was it buried with the ancient sword, and why was this ancient corpse found on the side of the tomb in such a large burial pit? Side tomb! Also, the most important facial features of this ancient corpse, no matter how you report it, there is nothing!"

Although Chu Yi couldn't name some professional titles, the general meaning was correct!

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