"That's right, this secret document is real! We are in the process of restoring it, and I believe we will have the result within a week." Li Xin was so excited that he even wanted to hug Chu Yi and kiss him.

But her evil thought only appeared for a moment, and then completely dissipated.

"Does it take so long?"

Chu Yi asked softly.

"Then what do you think, the restoration is a big project, and it didn't take ten days and half a month, it's lucky."

At this moment, Chu Yi received a text message from his senior sister Shao Yu.

"We're almost at the beach."

Chu Yi only replied, "I'm in Dongzhou."

And sent the specific location of the fortune to Shao Yu and got up silently.

"what happened to you?"

"I'm thinking, Chen Dan and Xiao Mu, what secrets do these two people have?"

"Secret?" Li Xin was also taken aback.

In her opinion, Chen Dan is just a dude. Although he is righteous and not as arrogant and domineering as other rich kids, his essence is still the same.

As for Xiao Mu, Li Xin is also unpredictable, this person is talented, taciturn and difficult to get along with, other than that, he seems to have no shortcomings.

Because she spends very little time with these two people.

"I think it's because you worry too much. What secrets can there be between the two of them?"

"No, Chen Dan can be put aside for now, this Xiao Mu is not easy."

"Are you saying that his life experience is not simple, or that he is not simple."

Chu Yi thought for a while, hesitated and said again and again: "From the very beginning when he met me, maybe this was a conspiracy."

"There are so many conspiracies and schemes. You know, there are so many coincidences in the world. Xiao Mu just happened to run into you. However, if you didn't save him, he might have died in the rented house by now."

Chu Yi shook his head helplessly, Xiao Mu has now disappeared without a trace.

Chu Yi sometimes even doubts whether all that he has experienced is a dream?

Did he never know Xiao Mu before?

This idea is always lingering in his mind.

That accident was also a very coincidence, and it was actually able to be encountered by me.

Moreover, Xiao Mu's body was still affected by evil spirits, and finally he woke up safe and sound.

Chu Yi thought about it, but felt back pain.

This abnormality made him frown.

"I see, you are just too tired, take a good rest and sleep and you will be fine." Li Xin waved his hand and was about to close the door and leave.

"Tell me, what should I do."

"God willing."

Li Xin smiled and ignored Chu Yi.

Only Chu Yi was left in the room staring at the ceiling in a daze.

He's out of shape.

In the past, he was suave and suave, walking among the flowers without touching his body.

But now, he couldn't even arouse the slightest interest in female sex.

"Am I stupid?"

Chu Yi frowned, this is no small matter!

This is a real big deal for a man!

Li Xin is now working overtime to urge the recovery of the secret documents.

As for Yue Yao, she was also sitting in the room, doing nothing.

It seems that everything is calm.

But they don't know that everything has just begun.

The next day, the door of Chu Yi's room was kicked open violently.

Just as Chu Yi was about to explode, he saw his coquettish Third Senior Sister Shao Yu appearing in front of him.

"Third Senior Sister!"

Chu Yi was about to go up and give Shao Yu a hug.

"Stop! You kid, are you trying to take advantage of me again?"

"Senior sister, I swear to God, I'm just excited to see you."

"I just met a few days ago. How did you hook up with so many beautiful women?" Shao Yu joked and sat down.

And behind Shao Yu is his fifth senior sister, Lin Su.

"Fifth Senior Sister, why did you go down the mountain?"

"Why, Third Sister Xu went down the mountain to go shopping, are you not allowed to go down the mountain to do some shopping?" Lin Su replied playfully.

Chu Yi scratched his head and smiled sarcastically.

"Take off your clothes." Shao Yu said coldly.


Chu Yi's heart was shocked, why did his senior sister ask him to take off his clothes as soon as they met.

Is this still available?

"What are you thinking! I need to see your poison."

"So that's what I thought"

"Why do you think?"

Shao Yu lightly tapped Chu Yi's forehead twice, which made Lin Su hide her face and snigger.

"Looks like a normal person." Shao Yu was stunned, and took out a note.

She looked at the note, and then at Chu Yi's solid back.

Immediately, he sat in meditation, put his fingers together, and tapped Chu Yi's back suddenly a few times.


Chu also involuntarily let out a comfortable moan.

"Don't yell!"

Shao Yu rolled his eyes.

Lin Su sat at the side with a very serious expression, because they were all frightened by Lin Qingying.

Before they went down the mountain, Lin Qingying specially instructed that there should be no mistakes in this action, otherwise, maybe Chu Yi should have covered her with a white cloth.

So the two sisters didn't dare to be careless, Lin Su put a layer of medicinal herbs on her hands, and then gently applied it to Chu Yi's back.

"Fifth Senior Sister, please slow down, let me feel this wonderful touch."

In front of his seniors and sisters, Chu Yi will never be in good shape.

If it were the past, Lin Su might really flirt with Chu Yi.

But now, she can't.

"To shut up!"

Lin Su spat out two words between her sexy cherry red lips.

Chu Yi was so frightened that he didn't move, and could only let his senior sisters play with him on the bed.

"Eat this herb."

Lin Su handed Chu Yi a sky-blue medicinal herb.

"This is"

Chu Yi frowned, he had never seen sky blue herbs.

"If you are told to eat, you will eat. Remember, the chewing time should not exceed two seconds."

Chu Yi was taken aback, isn't this just swallowing it raw!

But he didn't hesitate, and honestly followed Lin Su's words.

After a while, bursts of moisture came out of Chu Yi's back.

"It seems that there is no major problem." Shao Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

This younger brother of mine never reassures himself.

But she knew better that Chu Yi's skill was far above them, so there was no need to worry too much.

Those who don't know the name of Qingcang Mountain are naturally not Chu Yi's opponents.

And those who know the name of Qingcang Mountain don't want to offend such a great Buddha as Lin Qingying.

Just when the two women breathed a sigh of relief, eight black spots appeared on Chu Yi's back, all of which were on the most critical acupuncture points!

"Not good! This is"

Shao Yu immediately broke out in cold sweat, which was not a good sign.

"Hidden disease!"

Lin Su blurted out immediately.

There was deathly silence in the room, Chu Yi didn't even know what happened, how could his two senior sisters make such a fuss

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