Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 225 Let's Go, Our Zhang Family

"Brother Chu, don't leave me again!"

Han Lingyue hugged Chu Yi, and Chu Yi couldn't help being moved.

"Jingle Bell"

Chu Yi's cell phone rang suddenly.

Han Lingyue wiped away the sparkle from the corner of her eyes, and said empathetically, "Go ahead."

Chu Yi nodded and stood up.

"Chu Yi!"

It was Lin Qingying's call, and Chu Yi hurriedly whispered: "Master, is there anything new?"

"What kind of bullshit could it be? How is your body? Did the folk remedies I gave you recuperate on time?"

Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, he actually forgot about the complicated things these two days.

But in order not to make his master worry, he had no choice but to say nicely: "Of course, what you give me, I naturally hold it in my hand as a treasure."

"Well, I will let your senior sisters go down the mountain in the next two days, and check your body by the way."

"What?" Chu Yi was taken aback, wondering what the situation was.

Let my senior sister go down the mountain, and check myself.

Chu Yi was suspicious for a while, could he really check it out just by his senior sisters?It may not even have its own sky eye.

"What's the matter? Why don't you want to?"

Lin Qingying was sullen for a while. This time, he had full confidence that he had found this herb, which would definitely cure Chu Yi.

"Where is it, I can't wait for my senior sisters to go down the mountain, so that I can have a good time with them."

"Don't mess with me outside, otherwise, you know the consequences."

Lin Qingying hung up the phone, and Chu Yi smiled mischievously.

Looking at Han Lingyue curled up in the corner, Chu Yi said softly, "Let's go home."

Chu Yi immediately hugged Han Lingyue. Han Lingyue was wearing very thin clothes, and his hands could even feel the body temperature of Han Lingyue.

But he doesn't have the slightest bad intentions now.

Chu Yi left the unfinished building in such a swaggering way. During the period, there were a few unsightly people who wanted to make things difficult for Chu Yi, but they were all solved by Chu Yi.

He has done enough for the hero to save the beauty!

Putting Han Lingyue on the car, Chu Yi looked back at the unfinished building, and called Li Xin.

"I'll send you a location, and I'll come over to clean it later. Many people are still alive. Maybe you can crack a few cases across the city. I rescued Han Lingyue and got the secret documents. But, you can't. Make sure it's true."


Li Xin was excited for a while, and Chu Yi's tone was calm, but in Li Xin's ears, there was a turbulent wave.

"Where are you now, can you send it to me?"

"No, I have to send Lingyue home first."

Chu Yi said firmly, Han Lingyue in the co-pilot looked at Chu Yi gratefully, but secretly entrusted her for life in her heart.

She has decided that Chu Yi will be her future man.

Poor Chu Yi who was sitting in the driver's seat, all he wanted was to send Han Lingyue to Han Liguo's side as soon as possible, how could he guess what Han Lingyue was thinking?

A few hours later, the Han family.

Chu Yi still carried Han Lingyue into Han's house.

"My daughter! Lingyue!"

Han Liguo immediately shed two lines of tears, and then hurriedly settled Han Lingyue properly.

Yue Yao looked at the slightly tired Chu Yi, but didn't say much.

It's lucky that Han Lingyue can come back safely.

"Xiao Chu, thank you this time!"

"Uncle Han, we're out."

"Those people, how did you deal with them?" Han Liguo asked calmly.

"Some are killed and some are maimed. In short, they will not be able to do evil again for the next half of their lives." Chu Yi sat on the sofa and drank a glass of water suddenly.

"Take a good rest." Han Liguo patted Chu Yi on the shoulder, and hurried to check on Han Lingyue's situation.

"Chu Yi, you seem to have something on your mind?" As expected of a woman, Yue Yao guessed what Chu Yi was thinking right away.

"That's natural. I'm a little lonely these days and I want to have some fun. Why, do you want to accompany me?"

Chu Yi gave a smirk, before Yue Yao could react, he pulled Yue Yao to his side.

"Accompany me."

"You Chuyi!"

Yue Yao came to her senses and hurriedly yelled in panic.

"I haven't finished talking yet, accompany me to Dongzhou."

Chu Yi patted Yue Yao's back, but his hands wanted to slide down the fragrant shoulders.



Yue Yao thought to herself, just go and take me with you, there must be nothing good.

Just about to refuse, I never thought that Chu Yi would softly say: "Could it be, don't you want to go with me?"

Chu Yi's hand had slipped from the fragrant shoulder, touching a soft and warm place.

Yue Yao reacted, but felt a little uncomfortable.

"Why do you want me to accompany you"

Yue Yao's heart beat faster, and she even felt that she seemed a little obsessed with this wonderful feeling.

"Because I'm tired and want to find a driver."

Chu Yi stood up all of a sudden, and Yue Yao was taken aback by the suddenness.



"I'll apply."

Yue Yao lowered her head and hurriedly left, Chu Yi smiled, do you still need to apply?He brought Han Lingyue back safely, and Han Liguo couldn't wait to drive him.

Of course, these are all jokes.

He knew that Han Liguo would not allow it.

Sure enough, Yue Yao came back within a few minutes.

"Set off."

The two rushed to Dongzhou again. After several days of fatigue, Chu Yi just got into the car and fell asleep on the co-pilot.

When they woke up again, the two had already driven out of the highway.

"where are we going?"


Chu Yi grinned, the shipping company has already become his lair.

Li Xin and the others had been waiting for Chu Yi for a long time, and when they saw Chu Yi get off the car yawning, they hurried forward.

"Chu Yi, are you okay?" Li Xin asked quickly.

"It's okay, I'm just overworked."

"Where's the file?"

"I can't forget the document you've been thinking about, here, here it is." Chu Yi took out a crumpled stack of paper from his pocket and handed it to Li Xin.

Li Xin and Zhong Hua became excited in an instant, because Chu Yi did a great favor this time.

The document obtained at the airport is fake, so this one is likely to be a real document.

They have the most top identification technology, and Zhong Hua, as a member of the special department, naturally knows many details of this secret document.

"I will lie down again and you will continue"

Chu Yi staggered to the room he was familiar with, not noticing anything strange at all.

He only felt that his body was getting worse day by day because of his overwork.

Li Xin and the others didn't care, but put all their energy on the identification of secret documents.

After an unknown amount of time, Chu Yi was shaken awake by Li Xin.

"Why did it come out?"

Chu Yi was sleepy, but seeing the smile on Li Xin's face, he understood everything.

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