"Why, do you want to make any last words?"

Chu Yi grinned, and walked towards the masked man step by step.

"If you take another step forward, I will burn this document!"

A lighter appeared in the masked man's hand, and the dancing flame made Chu Yi feel extra glaring.

He smiled helplessly: "You can try."

"You" that masked man is gone.

He did not expect that Chu Yi turned out to be such a master.

He regretted it too late, and his boss didn't tell him anything.

If he knew that Chu Yi was such a rascal and vicious, he wouldn't have said anything!

However, it is too late to regret now.

"Are you really not afraid?" The masked man moved Huo Miao together, unexpectedly, Chu Yi didn't even give him a bird's eye.

Still walking towards him step by step.

The masked man backed away again and again. In his eyes, Chu Yi was a killing god!

Without helpers, there are five people in seconds!

What a shocking strength this is!

He was scared, this time, he was really scared!

In fact, I don't blame him, the boss of the masked man never thought that Chu Yi would be so strong, he just wanted this ancient sword, and he also learned that the ancient sword was on Chu Yi's body.

He was also following orders from above.

"Go to hell, boy"

The masked man was about to burn the documents, but Chu Yi shot immediately.


The masked man clutched his sore arm, and suddenly found a steel needle on his wrist, and the lighter also dropped.

"It seems that it is necessary for you to have a long memory."

Chu Yi flew forward and immediately grabbed the masked man's neck with his hands.

"Let me go"

The masked man instantly felt a great sense of oppression, but he couldn't move. It seemed that Chu Yi could break his neck at any time.

"Tell me, your boss, who is it, and why is there this secret document."

"I don't know about this, I just know that our boss also takes orders from one person, and I don't know about the others."

"Well, last chance, where is your den?"


"three two"

"I say I say."

Chu Yi immediately let go, letting the masked man catch his breath.

But before the masked man took a few breaths, Chu Yi tightened his fingers again.


"take me."

"Hero, spare me. Even if you don't kill me, our boss will kill me."

Chu Yi sneered, this masked man is quite loyal.

But he doesn't have the flood of Our Lady's heart.

"That depends on whether you want to die now or live a little longer."

Chu Yi's words stunned the masked man, and his heart felt ashamed for a moment.

He was thinking everything in his mind, as if the latter's business would not lose money.

"I'll take you."

Chu Yi let go of the masked man's neck at once, and then tapped his arms with his fingers.

There was a pig-killing scream, and Chu Yi had already crippled his hands.

It is impossible for this masked man to make any more troubles.

"lead the way."

"Yes Yes Yes"

Chu Yi followed the masked man into a van slowly.

He put away all the secret documents and the ancient sword. Although he didn't know the authenticity of the secret document for the time being, it was better than nothing.

The two immediately rushed towards the den.

It's an unfinished building.

Chu Yi took a glance with his heavenly eyes and roughly understood the defense layout of these people and the structure of the unfinished building.

"Take me up to meet your boss."


The masked man lowered his head, his heart was ashamed, and his legs were trembling constantly.

"Brother Long, this is it"

"Don't mind your own business, let's go in."

"Yes Yes"

Chu Yi broke through the first line of defense so smoothly, and then the two walked slowly towards the top floor.

His heavenly eye has not been closed, and in a dark corner, he found a familiar figure.

It's Han Lingyue!

Sure enough, these two groups of people are the same group!

"Listen to me carefully, maybe in the end, I will save your life, otherwise, you will die just like them."

Although the masked man didn't believe that Chu Yi could have such a great ability, he still agreed repeatedly.

"Aaron, where are the things?"

As soon as he went up to the top floor, a woman with a cigar in her mouth said coldly.

Chu Yi's head was exposed from the stairs, making the woman's face darken.

"Aaron! Who the hell did you bring back!"


Chu Yi waved his hand, and immediately walked forward. He didn't expect that the boss of this masked man was actually a woman.

Moreover, although this woman's appearance is lacking a bit, her figure is in every way. Where there should be flesh, she is very full.

Let Chu Yi see it and call it wonderful.

"I'll give you two options, one is to let him go."

"What about Er?" The woman jokingly smiled, and raised the dick in her hand.

"Go to hell."

"Hahaha" the woman laughed wantonly.

And the dog legs next to her couldn't wait any longer, and immediately started yelling.

"You little bastard, what are you, you dare to talk to our boss like that, believe it or not, it will blow your mind every minute!"

"You are unlucky today, otherwise, do you think you can come here?"

"Hahaha, we're going to play you well and make your life worse than death!"


Chu also turned a deaf ear to these rubbish words, because in his eyes, these people were already dead bodies.

"Is there any place for you bastards to talk? Get out of here." Chu Yi said lightly, with a calm tone, but with a cold killing intent.

"You fucking, are you tired of working!"

A man showed his fierce face, rushed up immediately, and raised his fist.



Chu Yi shot calmly, and the man flew upside down from the roof of the building and fell to his death.

With Chu Yi's action, he directly came to a blow, making those people feel lucky that he was not impulsive.

"It seems that you still have a hand." Although the woman's face changed, she didn't panic.

Chu Yi was a little surprised, this woman, it seems, is not simple.

"I said, either let him go or die."

"It's loud, but I like it."

"You like a fart!"

Chu Yike didn't have time to waste time with them here. If these people said nicely and sent Han Lingyue to him obediently, he might be merciful and let these people go. If he wanted to confront him head-on, he would Don't care, there are a lot of dead people on the land of Dongzhou.

"In this way, you have killed so many people of me, and I will not care about you anymore, man, you take it away, Gu Jian, keep it."

"Do you think it's possible?" With a movement of Chu Yi's right hand, a flying needle pierced through the air and shot towards the other dog's leg.

Hit the neck directly, and died suddenly!

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