Chu Yi was surprised and immediately grabbed the phone.

"Are you sure?"

"I assure you, the video here was secretly filmed by me at the time. I thought I wanted to post this video on the Internet to ruin her reputation, but I didn't expect this to be a real kidnapper."

The yellow hair said tremblingly.


"Yes Yes Yes"

Chu Yi watched the video on his phone, and his veins bulged involuntarily.

Although these people didn't do anything outrageous to Han Lingyue, he just couldn't swallow it.


"I said everything, and this is all I know, let me go!"

Huang Mao cried for his father and mother and begged Chu Yi, but Chu Yi didn't have the heart to get entangled with Huang Mao, so he hurriedly sent him away.

"Jingle Bell--"

Chu Yi was taken aback by the piercing ringtone.

He knew that it was Yue Yao and the others who found out that they were gone.


"Where are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm still in Binhai." Chu Yi felt helpless.

"There is a situation."


"Their foothold is Dongzhou."

Chu Yi snorted coldly, as expected, he guessed it, this video can be regarded as a windfall, but he couldn't tell if the person he traded with and the one who kidnapped Han Lingyue were the same group.

"I also have unexpected gains."

"You won't look for trouble, will you?" Yue Yao suddenly became nervous.

"Don't be nervous, I just got the video of Lingyue being kidnapped."

"Is it clear?"

"It's very clear." Chu Yi weighed the phone in his hand, and immediately guessed what Yue Yao wanted to do.

"We can analyze."

"wait for me."

Chu Yi immediately rushed to Han's house without stopping. After Yue Yao took away the mobile phone, she immediately analyzed the portraits in the mobile phone, and then used big data simulation analysis to quickly identify the identities of the kidnappers.

Chu Yi was also a little surprised. These people, in broad daylight, did not pretend to be.

It's really big heart to kidnap Han Lingyue so swaggeringly.

"There's nothing you can do about it." Chu Yi spread his hands.

Han Liguo frowned all the time, without saying a word.

Yue Yao then rushed in excitedly, and immediately shouted: "The location has been found!"


Chu Yi and Han Liguo said in unison.

"Near an overpass in Dongzhou, that overpass is an obvious landmark, you can't go wrong!"

"Wait! What? Overpass?"

"That's right!"

Yue Yao is also sweating profusely at this time, it can be seen how much effort has been put into it.

Chu Yi's cell phone rang again.

"At noon tomorrow, the old place!"

It was still the hoarse voice, but Chu Yi readily agreed this time.

"Whose phone number?" Yue Yao asked curiously.

"A friend, has the kidnapper called since that time?"

"Not really." Yue Yao shook her head in disappointment.

"Strange, it shouldn't be."

Chu Yi murmured, then turned around.

"Chu Yi, do you have a solution?" Yue Yao asked hastily.


"Do you need manpower?"

"No need, I am alone, enough."

"No, it's too dangerous."

"Then you go." Chu Yi's words made both of them startled.

Because Chu Yi had never spoken to them like this before, and even though Chu Yi sometimes seemed a little hooligan, he was still very decent and not too stubborn.


"Lingyue if you want, do as I say." Chu Yi left the office after leaving such a sentence.

Yue Yao looked at Han Liguo, as if asking what Han Liguo meant.

Han Liguo waved his hand and said, "Let him go, he has this ability, if we help, it might be counterproductive."

Chu Yi immediately drove to Dongzhou. After so many times, he was really bored.

On the road, I smoked one after another, it seems that only in this way can I relieve the depression in my heart.

"Position me."

Chu Yi sent a message to Yue Yao.

Yue Yao quickly followed suit and sent the kidnapper's location to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi changed hands and called the mysterious person who wanted to make a deal with him.

"If you want to get the ancient sword, after three hours, there will be no more. If you miss this village, there will be no shop here."

The mysterious man obviously didn't react, Chu Yi actually used this tone to communicate with himself.

"Do you think you have the right to choose?"

"Oh, let's not talk about it, do you think I really care about this document?"

"and many more"

Seeing that Chu Yi was about to hang up the phone, the mysterious man quickly changed his words.

"These two things are not of much use to me, and this ancient sword is obviously more useful to me."

"As you said, I hope you don't play any tricks."

"Don't worry, if you dare to violate the agreement and want to eat me, I advise you to give up this idea quickly, because I don't want to kill anyone."

After Chu Yi finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and the mysterious person on the other end felt aggrieved.

Obviously he was the one who took the initiative, so why did he let Chu Yi take the initiative now?

Chu also speeded up, just wanting to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

Three hours later, Chu Yi calmly stood under the overpass, looking at the heavy traffic on the bridge, he had already decided that as long as the mysterious person was honest, he would not make things difficult for them.

After all, they are still mortal, but they can live a few more hours.

Not long after, a man wearing a mask slowly came out from behind the pillar.

"It seems that you are very sure."

"What about something?"

"Here, you are indispensable, where is the ancient sword?"

Chu Yi raised the sword box in his hand, opened it immediately and put it on the ground.

"Sky eyes! Open!"

Chu Yi glanced sharply, and sure enough, there were people hiding behind several pillars, and there were guys.

"Surely, you don't know how to play tricks, do you?"

"Oh, it seems that you are still a little naive." Chu Yi shouted coldly, and immediately continued: "Don't hide, come out."

The face under the mask of the mysterious man froze for a moment, he didn't expect that Chu Yi would find out.

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

That masked men's clothes are sold like crazy.

"One, two, three, four, five, just five people, stop hiding, come out and die."

Chu Yi has already taken out a few blades in his hand, just waiting for those people to deliver them to his door.

"Since you found out, then we can't keep alive." The masked man smiled sullenly, never thinking that the five people who had just appeared from behind the pillar were immediately dealt with by Chu Yi.

"whoosh whoosh"

Several piercing sounds came, and five people fell down in response.

The masked man hadn't reacted yet.

"How many people did you bring?"

"I've said it all, I'm enough by myself."

Chu Yi coldly pulled out the steel needle, trying to solve this arrogant and ignorant thing.


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