After finally waiting until the next afternoon, Chu Yi sorted out his appearance and began to prepare equipment.

He hid all the hidden weapons on his body, after all, this trip was extremely dangerous.

He left the hotel without telling Li Xin and others, and drove to the agreed place immediately in his car.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and he was getting closer and closer to the agreed place.

"I hope you are lucky enough to get this ancient sword." Chu Yi had already made up his mind. After the matter was resolved, he would notify Li Xin and ask them to wipe his ass.

"Jingle Bell"

"Chu Yi! Lingyue has been kidnapped!"

Yue Yao's hurried voice made Chu Yi almost hit the car in front.

"What? When did it happen?"

"I just found out, can you come back?"

Chu Yi's hand holding the phone had already started to tremble, and his palms were sweating instantly.

How brave is it to kidnap Han Lingyue.

Could it be that he came for himself?

This is what Chu Yi thinks in his heart.

"I'm also doing an extremely important thing right now, I can't leave!"

"Then what should we do?" Yue Yao asked with tears.

"Does Uncle Han know?"

"I already know."

"Any information about the kidnappers?"

"There is no kidnapper contact yet!"

"Depend on!"

Chu Yi slammed the steering wheel, and a piercing whistle sounded.

"Chu Yi, what should we do?"

"Don't worry, since the kidnapping of Han Lingyue, there are only three thoughts, money, or, it's for me."

Chu also didn't know why, but actually felt that the last possibility was the greatest.

"Sex" Yue Yao suddenly panicked.

If Han Lingyue made a mistake, then she would be more responsible. In fact, she was more afraid of Han Lingyue's accident.

Chu Yi also felt guilty for a while. This matter should have been his own responsibility, but something went wrong.

"Don't worry, Lingyue's life should not be in danger for the time being, they must have conspired, so wait for the call."

"Well, then you can figure it out yourself, come back if you can!"

"Well, if there is a situation, please contact me as soon as possible!"

Chu Yi hung up the phone, thinking about this matter in his mind.

Two things collided with each other!

How can he do this!

Just as he was about to arrive at the appointed place, the phone rang again.

"Things have changed, re-appoint the location and wait for us to contact you."

"Depend on!"

Chu Yi slammed his elderly phone down!

Are these people playing tricks on themselves!

How could he endure such humiliation!


Chu Yi immediately turned the car around and drove towards the hotel.

"There's something wrong with me here."

"What's going on? Don't worry, speak slowly."

"Han Liguo's daughter, Han Lingyue, has been kidnapped!"


Zhong Hua was also very surprised that someone actually attacked Han Liguo.

"I have to go back. Dongzhou is at a loss now. I'm wasting my time here."

There was silence on the other end of the phone. After a long time, Zhong Hua sighed and said, "I am also responsible for this matter. If I hadn't asked you to help me, Han Lingyue would not have been killed."

"do not talk."

"Well, you go back to Binhai now, Dongzhou, and I'll be on top."


Chu also changed the route and immediately drove towards the highway intersection.

He couldn't wait, the stakes were high.

If something went wrong with Han Lingyue, he would regret it for the rest of his life. Let alone whether Han Liguo could spare him, even if it was his master Lin Qingying, he would not be able to pass it!

A few hours later, Chu Yi broke into Han Liguo's office.

"Xiao Chu! You are back!"

"Chu Yi!"

Han Liguo stood up tremblingly, it was already late at night.

"Uncle Han, don't worry, Lingyue should be in no danger now."

"If something goes wrong with Lingyue, my old bones won't survive!"

Han Liguo was a little agitated, while Chu Yi comforted him while restraining his emotions.

"what happened?"

"I don't know too well, the bodyguards who arranged for protection are all gone."

Yue Yao lowered her head, obviously lost her position.

"Surveillance, have you checked!"

"After checking, there is nothing unusual. The other party cut off all the monitoring on their action route, and we didn't find any clues," Yue Yao said helplessly.

"It seems that I came prepared," Chu Yi murmured.

Han Liguo aged a lot in an instant.

"Uncle Han, cheer up, they should be after me."

"Rush at you? Why rush at you?"

"I don't know about this, but I think my guess should be fine."

"Xiao Chu, Lingyue, I'm really counting on you."

"Don't worry, Uncle Han." Chu Yi held Han Liguo's hands.

"Have you sent someone to check?"


"The most effective way now is to wait!"


Yue Yao didn't know what Chu Yi meant by that.

"Call, it will come."

Chu Yi clenched his teeth, walked to the window, and lit a cigarette.

Yue Yao was a little dazed, but Chu Yi never smoked on weekdays.

The room was suddenly silent, and in the dark, only a red dot flickered on and off.

All night, the three of them waited all night.

No calls.

And the investigation turned up nothing.

"Is someone monitoring the phone?"

"What do you mean?" Yue Yao asked quickly.

"As long as they call, we can immediately lock their location!"

Chu Yi's words made Yue Yao slap her forehead, and she suddenly realized.

Such an important thing, she actually forgot!

"I'll make arrangements!"

After a while, Yue Yao came in and nodded.

And at this moment, Han Liguo's cell phone rang.


Chu also said softly.

Han Liguo restrained his emotions and answered the phone.

"If you want to save your daughter, just do as we say!"

Chu Yi was shocked. The voice was so similar to the strange phone call Dongzhou himself received!

Same hoarse, same deep, same synthetic voice!

"What have you done to my daughter! Answer me!"

"Don't get excited, we didn't touch a single hair of your daughter, don't worry, as long as you do what we say, your daughter will appear in front of you completely."

The yin and yang voice on the other end of the phone gave Chu Yi a chill.

"Say what you say" Han Liguo couldn't hold back anymore.

"Prepare 100 billion, and all the information of the Han family, including the secret documents of your group family, I want them all!"

"This is impossible!" Han Liguo immediately refused.

"Then you are going to collect the body for your daughter."

"Wait, let me hear my daughter's voice." Han Liguo immediately changed his words because Chu Yi winked.

"To satisfy you."

"Dad! Help me!" Han Lingyue cried and shouted.

"Did you hear that? She's still a living person. As far as I can tell, I guarantee that your daughter will not be in any danger. Wait for my call for the specific location and time."


There was a busy tone on the phone.

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