"Chu Yi!"

Li Xin glared at Chu Yi, knowing that Chu Yi was going wrong again.

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding you." Chu Yi patted Liu Rushi on the shoulder and walked out.

I never thought that there would be a circle of media people outside the headquarters.

"You arranged this?"

Chu Yi was taken aback, and asked Li Xin.

"It's not me." Li Xin was also confused.

"How is it possible? The arrest was ordered just now, and the media came so soon?" Chu Yi muttered to himself.

Why is this thing so weird from head to toe?

"Excuse me, what did Director Li commit? Why did you arrest him? He is the director of the Special Forces Bureau!"

"Excuse me, what are your identities, what happened to the explosion at Dongzhou Airport?"

"Excuse me, is Director Li corrupt or has committed a heinous mistake? Can you disclose this matter?"

"Excuse me, why is the explosion at Dongzhou Airport so strange, and it is said that there are top talents in our country and some top-secret things?"

The reporters tirelessly questioned Chu Yi who came out, which made Chu Yi feel dizzy.

"No comment."

"Trouble, wait"

Chu Yi got into the car, leaving only the media behind.

In fact, Chu Yi was wrong. They just wanted to interview about the explosion at Dongzhou Airport. Unexpectedly, they happened to see Li Ju being arrested.

This is purely a coincidence.

"Do you have the document?"

"Well, take a look." Chu Yi took out a wrinkled and blurry document from his pocket.

"How did this happen?"

"The content is barely legible, so it's probably a failure."

"No, this document can be repaired." Li Xin smiled slightly.

"Hey! It seems that I underestimated your technology."

Several people came to a hotel immediately.

"Why did you come to the hotel?"

"We have already expected this kind of incident, so we have invited all the experts, please give me the documents, and the results should be available tomorrow."

Chu Yi nodded, Li Xin arranged a room for Chu Yi, Chu Yi was not polite, and fell asleep.

The next day, Chu Yi was woken up by a burst of news early in the morning.

"What the hell? Why is the TV turned on?"

Chu Yi was stunned, never thinking that the news this time would directly detonate the whole country.

The first appearance of Dongzhou Airport has attracted the attention of the whole country, and the arrest of the chief of the Special Forces also made Dongzhou City an instant target of public criticism.

For a time, all kinds of conspiracy theories were flying everywhere.

Chu Yi was helpless for a while, but Li Xin knocked on the door.

"come in."

"You have also seen that we are under a lot of pressure." Li Xin spread his hands helplessly, and handed a report to Chu Yi.

"What? Fake!"

Chu Yi jumped up from the bed all at once.

The documents that I had worked so hard to get were actually fake.

"Well, we didn't expect such a situation, so this matter is difficult."

"Since there are fake ones, and there are still people staring at me, then they must want to do something to me, why don't they come up with a trick?"

Chu Yi frowned, and said slowly.


Li Xin immediately refused.

"You're not a god! It's impossible for you to retire every time. You almost lost your life in the matter of km! I've reported this matter to my superiors, let's see what they say."

Li Xin said earnestly.

Chu Yi spread his hands: "Isn't there no way now? The only way we can do it now is to play tricks. I want to see who wants to mess with me."

"Too risky, anyway, no way." Li Xin left the room, leaving Chu Yi helpless.

What is this called.

It never occurred to him that his document was actually a fake.

He suddenly became suspicious, how could Liu Rushi discover this secret document.

I searched it carefully with my sky eye.

Nothing was found, the only thing found was the broken piece of iron.

But it also has an "x" engraved on it.

"Could it be that this Liu Rushi also has problems?"

Chu Yi secretly thought something was wrong.

If my guess comes true, it will be dangerous.

"No, what the hell is going on here?"

Chu Yi was not sure, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

In the next few days, Dongzhou City was full of troubles.

Thousands of people took to the streets to protest.

This scene made Chu Yi dumbfounded.

This kind of accident should not make the crowd so angry, right?

It was only later that he realized that it was the government that had blocked all news. There was no conclusion on the matter, and the black box was found, but the truth was never recovered, so everyone complained one after another.

Chu Yi had nothing to do for a few days, and Li Xin and others also stopped all activities.

They are all waiting for the command from above.

However, Chu also received a strange call.

Out of politeness, Chu Yi still picked it up.


When Chu Yi heard the voice, he immediately sat up.

The other party's voice has been processed!

"Hello, you are"

"If you want secret documents, don't hang up."

"Secret document!"

Chu Yi was shocked, he came to trade.

"what do you want?"

Chu also asked calmly.

"Ancient swords at the auction are exchanged for one item."

The voice was gloomy and hoarse, with an artificial smell, which made Chu Yi uncomfortable.

"Oh, do you think it's possible?"

"You have no choice. Anyway, you have studied this ancient sword thoroughly, and this secret document is the most important thing for you, right?"

The man's words made Chu Yi clenched his fists.

He has nothing to do with this kind of transaction.

He can only agree to come down!

"time and location."

"Tomorrow at six o'clock in the afternoon, under the overpass in the East District, bring good things."

The man hung up the phone after speaking.

He hesitated, he didn't know whether he should tell Li Xin about this.

"Forget it, lest something bad happen!"

Chu Yi rubbed the ancient sword wooden box that never left his body for a moment, but he was a little numb.

He knew that this must be a game, and that the other party would definitely kill and seize the treasure, which was something that he didn't even need to think about.

If it was placed before, Chu Yi might naively believe it.

But after going through so much, he has already become an old fritter.

This kind of thing can't fool him at all.

The news on TV never stopped, and the death cases in Dongzhou soared. Chu Yi frowned, watching the news, wondering what he was thinking.

But something even more exaggerated happened. In the news, an incident of an evil object was highlighted.

"It happened again!"

The first thing that came to Chu Yi's mind was the km group!

"Don't you stop?" Chu Yi looked cold, watching the news on TV, and clenched his fists.

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