"This grandson!"

Chen Dan felt a little regretful, so he asked Chu Yi to help him.

Xiao Mu's hands were covered with glass shards and blood, and he said fiercely: "Km has always been very good at doing things, and the president, although he doesn't want to do anything to Chu Yi for the time being, must have no good intentions, he is just I just want to use Chu Yi."

Everyone was silent, Xiao Mu continued: "The specific details will have to wait until Chu Yi wakes up, I only know this little."

The journey on the plane seemed to be very long for everyone. They did not close their eyes, they gathered around Chu Yi, and took care of Chu Yi.

After more than ten hours, the plane landed smoothly.

They came to the beach.


"I've already arranged vehicles and doctors." Yue Yao said softly.

Then, an extended version of the car drove over.

"go to company."


Yue Yao knew that ordinary hospitals really couldn't handle Chu Yi's injuries, so it's better to let Wen Ya try.

"How did it happen?" Wen Ya glanced at Chu Yi who was on the bed, frowning.

"It's a long story, Dr. Wen, are you sure?" Yue Yao shook her head, motioning everyone to go out first.

"You can try it, but you have to prepare for the operation."

"I suspect that those shrapnel inserted into Chu Yi's body are poisonous."

Wen Ya took a look at the gauze wrapped around Chu Yi's body, and nodded slowly.

"It is indeed poisonous, and the specific details need further inspection." Wen Ya looked at the somewhat unfamiliar face, but the scene of meeting Chu Yi for the first time emerged.

Thinking about it now, Wen Ya's face turned hot.

At first glance, Chu Yi made her feel that he was a complete pervert and hooligan.

"It's really tenacious."

Wen Ya murmured.

"Doctor Wen, what did you say?"

"This kid can survive until now. How long has it been since the accident happened?"

"It's been a whole day at least."

"A miracle!" Wen Ya exclaimed.

"We rushed back from country m overnight, afraid that Chu would not be able to hold on."

Wen Ya looked at Chu Yi, but she had already made up her mind.

Since she suffered so much pain and was still traveling with Yue Yao, she must have experienced a narrow escape. She has no right to ask about Yue Yao's affairs, but she also knows that Chu Yi is not very human.

"You go out first." Wen Ya changed into her clothes and said to Yue Yao.

Yue Yao nodded and left quickly.

In fact, Wen Ya was not sure. She usually only dealt with some minor injuries. Although she had this ability, she still didn't dare to be careless.

She looked at Chu Yi's face, but sighed again and again.

The first time we met, Chu Yi still had an extremely wretched face, wishing to tuck his eyes into his clothes, but unexpectedly, he turned into a tough guy now.

Without thinking too much, she quickly called a few assistants and performed a simple operation on Chu Yi.

Everyone was waiting outside the door. The surgery, which was thought to be quick, lasted eight hours.


The door slowly opened, Wen Ya took off her mask, her whole body was soaked in sweat.

"Doctor Wen, what's the matter?" Yue Yao asked quickly, and everyone surrounded her.

"It's not life-threatening, and it's still in a coma. As I said, it's already a miracle to be alive."

"Those toxins"

"It's a bit dangerous. It's a new type of toxin. I've never seen it before, but it doesn't have any symptoms of poisoning. Logically speaking, it's been more than 30 hours. If it's poisonous, it should have already been poisoned." , otherwise, it is a slow poison."

"Will these toxins affect him?"

"Well, it's not conclusive yet. I've already sent someone to investigate, and I've done a comprehensive inspection on him. The only doubt is that the fragments that oppressed his nerves are not serious. Logically speaking, , It shouldn't be, but everything will take time." Wen Ya nodded, her face full of disbelief.

Her legs are trembling now. If it was an ordinary operation, she would not be like this even if she had done it for eight hours, but this time it was different. Her nerves were tense all the time. For these people, it is very important.

"Thank you, Dr. Wen, go and rest first."

"It should be done." Wen Ya nodded towards Yue Yao, and walked into the lounge.

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do.

But Yue Yao said: "You guys should also take a break. You haven't closed your eyes for more than 30 hours. Don't collapse. I'll contact Lingyue and the others and let them come and see him."

If Chu Yi could hear Yue Yao's words at this time, he would burst into laughter.

It was Yue Yao who understood him and actually called her beauties over to accompany him.

She contacted Han Liguo and explained Chu Yi's situation to Han Liguo. Han Liguo was also very shocked, and he was relieved to hear that Chu Yi's life was not in danger.

"Now, immediately contact famous doctors from all over the country. No matter how high the price is, they must be invited. Also, Lingyue should also know about this matter. Let her take a look."


Yue Yao hung up the phone, first ordered to go down, and invited famous doctors from all over the country.

Then, she dialed Han Lingyue's cell phone.

"What? Brother Chu is injured? Where is it!"

Han Lingyue's eyes widened immediately, and she said loudly in the classroom.

Everyone looked at each other.

"In the company."

"Wait for me!" Han Lingyue picked up her backpack and rushed out the door immediately. Behind her were a dozen bodyguards. The teachers and students were also very helpless, but there was nothing they could do.

Who made her the daughter of Han Liguo?

Yue Yao also contacted Feng Qian and others, and they all put down their affairs one after another and came to visit Chu Yi.

Although Chu Yi did not take advantage of them, after all, Chu Yi's life was hanging by a thread, so it was right to take a look.

The small ward was soon filled with scents and potions.

"Sister Yue Yao, brother Chu will be fine, right?" Han Lingyue was on the verge of crying.

Why did my master leave for a while and meet again, but he looked like this.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine."

Feng Qian looked at Chu Yi who was unconscious on the hospital bed with all kinds of tubes inserted into his body, but her eyes were moist.

At this time, Chu Yi moved his fingers, and then heard the voices of the girls.

"What's the situation? Is the young master dead?" Chu Yi murmured in his heart.

However, he was overjoyed in an instant, because this was the voice of the beauties he was familiar with.

He immediately realized that his life was hanging by a thread, and he just walked through the gate of hell, which made him a little embarrassed.

I am really lucky.

Han Lingyue stepped forward and took Chu Yi's bruised hand.

Chu Yi only felt the warmth of his palms, and instantly smiled.

He kept silent, silently feeling the warmth

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