
Chu Yi landed firmly on the ground and let out a long breath.

Looking back calmly, the gringo was lying on the ground like a dead pig.

"I solved it."

Chu Yi spoke softly, Xiao Mu also fell to the ground afterward, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

These people can't stop them.



Chu Yi immediately flew forward and threw Xiao Mu down.

For a time, the flames were soaring into the sky, and the sky was filled with gravel.

Even the whole building seemed to be shaken.

It's a hooked nose, with a cold gun in the dark.

Seeing that the sneak attack was impossible, the hooked nose immediately dropped the miniature bazooka in his hand and ran away.

"Chu Yi, let's leave here."

Xiao Mu came back to his senses and took a look, but was startled.

Chu Yi lay in his arms, motionless.

"Chu Yi! Chu Yi!"

Xiao Muren was dumbfounded, his voice was even slightly crying.

He knew that if Chu Yi hadn't saved him, he might have gone to heaven to see God by now.

Xiao Mu heard footsteps, obviously, it was the explosion that caught everyone's attention.

Don't stay here for long!

Xiao Mu immediately picked up Chu Yi and rushed out.

He immediately grabbed a car and took Chu Yi to the hotel.

But Xiao Mu is not a bully, he even gave that poor man a bank card.

The gringo also yelled and cursed again and again, but he had no choice but to call the police.

"Jingle Bell"

It was Chen Dan calling.

"What happened to you what happened to you"

"There is no time to explain so much now, you should immediately prepare first aid supplies, Chu Yi, there is danger."


Chen Dan was also shocked, and Yue Yao's exclamation came from the other end of the phone.

"I don't need to explain so much, I'm rushing to the hotel at full speed."

Xiao Mu immediately hung up the phone, ran through countless red lights along the way, and the driver yelled and cursed all the way.

He threw away the simultaneous interpreter pinned to his ear.

In this line, such a big change will happen.

Chu Yi was actually injured!

After more than an hour, Xiao Mu rushed into the elevator with Chu Yi in his arms.

"Quick! Quick!"

As soon as he entered the door, the other three people surrounded him.


"Chu Yi! Chu Yi!" Yue Yao even cried out. If Chu Yi's life was in danger, she really didn't know what to do.

Li Xin was even more guilty. All of this was caused by the special department. Otherwise, Chu Yi would still be following Han Lingyue, enjoying the envious and jealous eyes of the people around him.

As for Chen Dan, a frightened look flashed across his face.

This matter started because of him.

If Chu Yi burps, he will really feel guilty for the rest of his life!

"Quick! Prepare the hemostatic pack!"

Xiao Mu shouted sharply.

Yue Yao frantically placed Chu Yi on the bed, and then opened the first-aid kit for Chu Yi's blood.

Chu Yi's whole body was covered with dense shrapnel, and even the inserted parts were a little black and blue.

"Signs of poisoning?" Yue Yao was a little confused.

Another shrapnel, another poisoning.

Yue Yao couldn't make a judgment.

"It was someone from km who did it. However, there seems to be a disagreement among the top management of km. All of this is thanks to the second in command of km. However, the biggest problem is me. If I had been more cautious at the time, Chu Yi would not have for saving me"

Xiao Mu couldn't continue speaking, walked to the window and lit a cigarette.

Chen Dan was stunned. He had already lost the ability to speak at this time, and stood aside blankly, like a wooden man.

Yue Yao was sweating profusely, and she kept injecting Chu Yi with an injection, but Chu Yi kept her eyes closed, showing no sign of wanting to wake up.

"Tourniquet! Li Xin, treat some small wounds for him first!"

"What about the shrapnel, why don't you take them out?"

"Take it! But not now! The shrapnel may have hurt Chu Yi's nerves. You and I are not professionals. If you take it out rashly, your life will be in danger!"

Xiao Mu's eyes were closed tightly, the cigarette in his hand had been burned out, and he didn't even notice it.

Chu Yi's wound was temporarily stopped bleeding.

Yue Yao gently took off Chu Yi's blood-stained shirt.

Chu Yi's solid chest leaked out.

"Even here!"

Li Xin exclaimed, this is the part of the heart!

"Chen Dan, prepare the plane immediately, we must leave here now."

"Yes!" Chen Dan immediately picked up the phone with trembling hands, and he put all the vehicles and planes in place.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Yue Yao just felt powerless.

Li Xin then took over. After all, she has been with Zhong Hua for so long, so she still has a little knowledge of first aid.

Both of them were not professionals, and they were both half-hearted, but they finally pulled Chu Yi back from the gate of hell.

The number of cigarette butts under Xiao Mu's feet was astonishing, he couldn't help much.

That scene was in his mind.


Chu Yifei rushed forward.

Immediately afterwards, thick smoke rose and flames shot up into the sky.

He didn't know what kind of miniature bazooka could have such great power!

"The vehicle is connected, and the plane is already in place!"

"Let's go now, go to Binhai!"

"Binhai?" Chen Dan asked in surprise.

"That's right, go back to Binhai. If Binhai doesn't work, then I can only ask his master for help."

Yue Yao sighed, but Chen Dan ran out immediately.

When I came back, I got a push single bed from nowhere.

Although it cannot be compared with the hospital, it is better than nothing.

Everyone carefully placed Chu Yi properly and left in a hurry.

Chen Dan took care of the funeral, Xiao Mu was vigilant about his surroundings, while Yue Yao and Li Xin kept monitoring Chu Yi's physical condition.

After everyone finally registered, the plane took off immediately and flew towards their hometown.

Everyone was preoccupied, but they did not expect that Chu Yi, a pillar, would fall down.

They were all a little shocked, but they were more worried about Chu Yi's situation.

Li Xin faced Chu Yi's face and couldn't help but burst into tears.

What exactly did Chu Yi experience this trip!

Until now, they don't know the specific situation.

"Xiao Mu, can you tell me what happened?" Yue Yao wiped away the sparkle from the corner of her eyes and asked softly.

Xiao Mu extinguished the smoke and said slowly.

"Km executives should be the president who wants to cooperate with Chu Yi, but I don't know their specific conversation, but it should be pleasant. I believe that the president of km is not hostile to Chu Yi. More, Just use it."

"Then why did he become like this?" Li Xin was a little anxious.

"It's KM's second in command. He seems to be dissatisfied with KM's president. He attacked us privately and wanted to get rid of us, but at the last moment, we didn't expect that grandson would actually have a second hand, hiding behind his back and sniping!"

When Xiao Mu said this, he crushed the goblet in his hand!

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