Chen Dan awkwardly carried the suitcase and didn't know what to do. Soon, he aimed at a target.

This person is an old man, he looks gentle, and there are a lot of people sitting around him. It looks like a big family with outstanding temperament.

"Hello, I am a member of the Chen family. Chen Dan, in the name of Master Chu, I have something to give you." Chu Yi opened the suitcase. He thought that the antiques Chu Yi was talking about would be very big, but unexpectedly, they were all small. utensils.

"Oh? That old man is so embarrassing."

The old man is also a fastidious person, so he quickly shied away.

"This is the meaning of Master Chu Yichu. You should accept it, and don't make it difficult for me." Chen Dan picked out a pleasing porcelain bottle from the inside, which looked like an ancient medicine bottle.

Of course, he didn't know anything about these antiques. Looking at the blue and white porcelain vase, he thought it looked good and pleasing to the eye, so he took it out.

Chen Dan carefully handed the porcelain bottle to the old man, the old man's eyes lit up, and he nodded and accepted it.

"Good thing, it's actually a blue and white porcelain vase."

Chen Dan was speechless for a while, anyone could tell that it was a blue and white porcelain vase.

"The texture is moist, the glaze color is pure, and there are no impurities, cracks and other defects. Looking at the appearance, it is really good. It should be from the Ming Dynasty?"

That's what the old man said.

Chen Dan nodded and said, "I don't quite understand it, but this is the wish of Master Chu Yichu, and you just accept it."

"I just accept that old man, hahaha."

Chen Dan breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried to the next house.

He felt more and more why he was so like a salesman.

Chu Yi sneered when he saw the old man's expression.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Xin asked quickly.

"I already have a bottom line in my heart." Chu Yi did not expect that even the VIPs in this venue were so dumb-eyed.

However, it is too early for him to make a conclusion, and he has to observe again.

Chen Dan sent out the antiques one by one, and everyone was smiling, without any flaws.

"This is the wish of Master Chu Yichu, and it is your subordinates."

"Hahaha, okay, say hello to Xiao Chu for me."

"This is Young Master Chu's order, you just accept it, otherwise, I will be a little difficult to deal with."

"Okay, Xiao Chu, this friend, I've made a deal!"

"Beauty, this belongs to Young Master Chu"

Chen Dan almost broke his leg, and finally sent out all the antiques, leaving only some knives inside.

"Brother Chu, it's over."

"Well, it's hard work." Chu Yi nodded with a smile, and looked around. Everyone cast friendly glances, and no one doubted it at all.

They played with Chu Yi's batch of fakes in their hands, and it seemed that they couldn't put it down.

"Brother Chu, why are they so serious? It looks like these antiques are really the same?" Chen Dan asked in a low voice.

"That's right, this effect is what we want. It seems that our affairs today are not easy to handle." Chu Yi withdrew his gaze and said in a cold voice.

Chen Dan's head was dull and he still didn't react, but Li Xin suddenly realized.

Use fake products to determine the composition of the people in the venue, and these fake products have been tampered with.

Chu Yi stretched out his hand to Li Xin, and Li Xin quickly handed a tablet to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi took it and looked at the flashing green dot on it, feeling more confident in his heart.

Chen Dan didn't bother with this matter anymore, after all, he was not interested in these things.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our auction today is about to begin. The first lot will be on display in 5 minutes. Please be patient!" The host pointed to the big screen, and a photo of an ancient painting appeared on the screen. superior.

Surprisingly, the host left the venue in a hurry without even introducing the information about the first lot.

Chu Yi once again observed the expressions of the people around him. Without exception, no one was interested in this first lot. Their faces were still indifferent, and even a little impatient.

Chu Yi opened his eyes, but found that there were no more than a dozen lots on the backstage, and the crowd was noisy, making it look very chaotic.

He turned his gaze to the rear and found nothing unusual.

At this moment, Shangguan Lingyu ran over and patted Chen Dan. Chen Dan had no choice but to stand up with a disgruntled expression, and left on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

"You, are you really haunted?" Chu Yi said angrily.

"What are you talking about?" Shangguan Lingyu put his hand on Chu Yi's thigh.

Chu Yi swallowed, but his heart was roaring.

"Good girl, you still want to seduce me at this time! No, you must be strong-willed and not be seduced by this woman!"

Chu Yi adjusted his breathing, Shangguan Lingyu saw Chu Yi's embarrassment, but secretly laughed in his heart, and rubbed his hand on Chu Yi's thigh.

Chu Yi clenched his teeth, usually touching others by himself, but he didn't expect that this little girl would take the lead today.

Li Xin turned his head away, pretending he didn't see anything.

But there were bursts of unhappiness in her heart.

Shangguan Lingyu is indeed excellent, no matter from which aspect, he is the best.

Chu Yi couldn't bear it any longer, if he went on like this, he might not be able to hold it anymore, but now it's the most critical moment, so don't be careless!

He then reached out and took Shangguan Lingyu's hand off his thigh.

Her hands were as warm and moist as jade, so delicate that Chu Yi was even a little reluctant to let go.

"Have you decided which antique you want?" Shangguan Lingyu asked with a shy smile.

"How is it possible, now I don't even know the auction item." Chu Yiru said.

However, Shangguan Lingyu thought that Chu was also teasing herself, because she knew the specific lot.

Shangguan Lingyu was wearing a long skirt with a low v-neck today. She turned her body slightly and touched Chu Yi's arm and said, "I heard that the last lot is a priceless treasure. To be honest, your Is the target the last lot?"

"Guess." Chu Yi smiled slightly, then turned to look at Shangguan Lingyu.

But Chu Yi suddenly felt that his brain was on fire.

so white!so big!

This is Chu Yi's most sincere thought.

His gaze drifted down unconsciously, realizing his gaffe, he quickly retracted his gaze.

"The last lot, if you want it, I, Shangguan, can give it to you." Shangguan Lingyu stated his purpose.

"Do you think we don't have enough capital chain like yours?"

"That can't be guaranteed." Shangguan Lingyu stuffed Chu Yi with a bank card.

Chu Yi frowned, did he start to buy it?


Chu Yi's right hand was entangled with Shangguan Lingyu's hands again, which made him startled.

If this goes on, who can stand it!

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