Chu Yi looked around, everyone looked very appreciative, but Chen Dan's expression was not so good-looking.

But for the sake of his own image, he still followed behind Chu Yi with a smile on his face.

After all, he also knew that today was Chu Yi's home game.

Li Xin looked at Chu Yi who did not change his expression on the big screen, and couldn't help being stunned. In her impression, Chu Yi usually looked like a slut, and it was indeed not the temperament he should have to be so imposing.

And Chu Yi was thinking about how he should make a move.

Because he saw that most of the guests had already taken their seats, and his party was almost the last ones to enter.

"You two follow me."

Chu Yi whispered to the two of them, Li Xin and Chen Dan nodded silently.

Because Chu Yi inquired clearly about the rules of positioning last night, there was no joke this time. In fact, Chu Yi was also a little nervous. He was not sure if he could handle such a big scene, but look. The current situation is not a big problem.

Chu Yi came to the VIP seat calmly and surprised everyone's eyes.

After all, at last night's dinner, Chu Yi did not sit according to the prescribed seats, and only let a small number of people know his name.

Today, it completely surprised many big names in the venue.

To have such strength and demeanor at such a young age is truly terrifying.

"My God, there are only a few VIP seats in total. It's really scary that Chu Yi is so young and can sit in this seat."

"This kid is really imposing. Compared to my son who is incompetent, this kid is really good!"

"That's natural, so is my family. He hangs out with his cronies all day long, but in the end, nothing is achieved!"


Everyone praised Chu Yi one after another, but Chu Yi smiled and remained unmoved. The three of them sat on the VIP seats, but they had their own thoughts.

Chu Yi saw that figure again, Shangguan Lingyu.

As soon as the members of the Shangguan family appeared on the stage, the venue was bustling.

Shangguan Lingyu held his father's arm, looking graceful, more beautiful and sexy than yesterday.

Most of the guests finally entered the arena, but Chen Dan became nervous.

"Nervous?" Chu Yi smiled softly.

"No, I'm just a little worried. If I don't have enough money, it will be troublesome." Chen Dan took out a wallet, which was full of bank cards.

"Don't worry, if you can't do it, I'm still there." Li Xin interjected.

Chu Yi suddenly remembered why the things he had prepared hadn't arrived for so long.

So he looked at Li Xin, Li Xin understood instantly and sent a text message.

After a while, Li Xin shook his head with an ugly expression and said, "I was stopped."

"I'll interfere!"

"Brother Chu, sit down. You are the most watched person among the three of us. Let me do this kind of work. What's in it?" Chen Dan said first.

"Some antiques and some sundries."

"It's unreasonable!" Chen Dan immediately walked towards the door, wanting to ask for an explanation.

Chu Yi smiled and shook his head, of course he knew what Chen Dan was thinking.

After all, he didn't tell Chen Dan about this, so he was naturally curious.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there will be rare and rare treasures in this auction. Therefore, guests who do not have enough funds, there is still time now."

The host's words made Chu Yi also curious.

You must know that everyone present is a business tycoon, and their assets are enough to overthrow the entire Dongzhou City, but the host dared to speak to everyone in such a tone, which really overturned Chu Yi's cognition.

But what he didn't expect was that some of the guests actually left in a hurry.

"There is still one hour before the official start, hurry up, everyone can take a break."

After the host finished saying this, he walked backstage. Chu Yi sat where he was, quietly waiting for Chen Dan's return.

Li Xin couldn't sit still.

"Chu Yi, tell me, those things shouldn't be prohibited."

This is indeed the case, these things are neither valuable nor prohibited, if they are these two things, Chu will not give these things to others for delivery.

Not long after, Chen Dan excitedly ran over carrying a suitcase.

"Brother Chu, it's done."

"Hey, did you stuff the money?" Chu Yi jokingly asked.

"That's natural. After all, which of these security guards doesn't love money?" Chen Dan put the box beside Chu Yi, and was about to leave when Chu Yi held his hand.

"Brother Chu, is there anything else?"

"Of course there are. There are all kinds of antiques and some knives in here." When Chu Yi said this, he paused, and then winked.

Chen Dan understood immediately, put his ear close to him, and listened carefully.

"However, these antiques are all fake. You distribute these antiques one by one from the VIP seats. You can do whatever you want. No one should refuse. This is what you need to do." As soon as Chu Yi said this, Chen Dan His complexion changed.

"Brother Chu, it's all fake"

If this matter was in his name, he wouldn't dare to lend him a dozen or so guts.

These people are all bigger than the Chen family.

He originally wanted to curry favor with these people, so he didn't dare to deceive them deliberately.

And if there are really many people who understand this industry among these big names, it will be a big mess.

"That's right, do as I say, in my name." Chu Yi said without changing his face.

"But, brother Chu, isn't that good?"

"This is how you do things. Those who make big things don't care about small things." Chu Yi patted Chen Dan on the shoulder solemnly.

Li Xin on the side reached out and pinched Chu Yi's thigh fiercely.

"It hurts, it hurts," Chu Yi grinned.

"Why don't you go by yourself?"

Chu Yi grasped Li Xin's tender hand all of a sudden, and then he held it tightly and said, "I'll go with this matter, it's not appropriate."

He let go of Li Xin's hand, and then silently closed his eyes.

Chen Dan hesitated, then walked aside with his suitcase.

"If you do this, won't your conscience hurt?" Li Xin asked contemptuously.

"What's the matter? If they find out, then let it go. If they can't find out, then wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?" Chu Yi smirked.

After so many days, Chu Yi gradually understood that his life in the mountains cannot be placed in these metropolises.

Because, if I act according to my previous thinking, I will only lose completely!

This kind of fake is not enough to confuse the real one, so Chu Yi also has confidence in his heart. He has silently scanned the surroundings, wanting to see the reactions of the people around him.

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