I'm not just an action star

Chapter 569 Really want to shoot "The Hobbit"

The lights in the movie theater came on, and Short found Barbara beside him crying.

"Baby, why are you crying?"

"I'm so touched. When Brother Long saved Helen, he sacrificed his life to save her."

"Of course Brother Long will risk his life to save Helen, otherwise Helen will die too."

The bookstore owner frowned.

"Women are troublesome. You cry here and there. This is a comedy. What's there to cry about?"

"Don't tell me, there was nothing before. But when the song at the end came out, it was real when I saw the filming. The car really fell into the sea. Look at the car stunt leader Ross in the back, wearing a frog suit and an oxygen cylinder. drive."

Cross can still understand women's emotional sensitivity.

"That's right." Barbara explained: "When I watched the movie, I just lamented the thrill. But after listening to this song, and seeing that they really took their lives to shoot, I was moved."

"Short, will you love me like Brother Long loves Helen?"

"Of course, that's for sure."

"If I am in danger, very dangerous, very dangerous, will you save me as desperately as Brother Long?"

"Of course, that's for sure."

"No, you don't want you to risk saving me."

"Why?" Short didn't understand. "I will definitely, don't doubt me. I can't live without you in my life."

"No, you still don't want to save me. You don't have that ability at all. Before you can save me, you are in danger. If you can, you should ask Brother Long to save me."

The bookstore owner laughed, and the audience next to him also laughed when they heard Barbara's last words.

"I'd like to learn from Brother Long's move. Turn around and clap both hands, and the two hounds are knocked out by him. It's so cool!" The bookstore owner imitated Wu Long's gesture of knocking out dogs.

"Why do you call Long Ge? You always call Wu Long." Cross found a blind spot.

The bookstore owner disagrees.

"Brother Long's move is so handsome, it convinced me."

"Brother Long's kung fu was also very handsome before, and he has always been so handsome."

"It used to be against people, but this time it's different. It's against hounds."

"Brother Long has even fought hyenas. A group of hyenas are no match for Brother Long." Barbara said.

"The point is that the movements are handsome and cool, you know?" the bookstore owner emphasized.

Cross smiled and said, "You're not a teenager."

"I used to be a teenager, and my youthful heart is immortal."

After coming out of the movie theater, many people began to discuss it on the Internet.

"Just came out of the premiere of "True Lies" and I tell you, it's so good, it's so cool!"

"It's so handsome! "True Lies" is an absolute classic!"

"Just finished watching "True Lies". Brother Long, do you dare to think about riding a horse and chasing a motorcycle? Do you dare to think about riding a horse and taking a sightseeing elevator? I also want to ride a horse and jump off a building to chase a motorcycle, but the horse doesn't want to. Haha!"

"Flying a Harrier fighter jet to open fire in the urban area, Brother Long is unprecedented, absolutely classic!"

"When you see a fighter jet appearing in the sky above the streets and passing through tall buildings, you are absolutely intimidated, and you absolutely think that war is coming!"

"It's so shocking, I really want to fly a fighter jet between tall buildings like Brother Long, and show off to you and my colleagues!"

"Tell you guys, hurry up and download Brother Long's new song, it's super nice rock!"

""nothing's gonna stop us now", the unstoppable Brother Long! Wash your ears!"

"As a senior tango fan, I swear that I have never heard the tango music in the movie!"

"Tango fans, hurry up and download Brother Long's new dance music!"

Well, the famous film critic Harrison made a film review:

"This is definitely an action movie that can be recorded in the annals of movie history. Many realistic action shots are different from other movies.

There is always a layer of veil between using a green screen and not using a green screen.

If this layer of yarn is not handled well, the background will be hazy.This layer of yarn is handled well, and the background can be mistaken for real.

But if you don't use the green screen, you can tell the truth at a glance.The sense of substitution is stronger, and the audience believes in the truth.

Wu Long was hoisted by the helicopter to rescue people, and no one dared to take a shot of the part where the car fell into the sea from the broken bridge, except Wu Long.

In the usual way, when the car crashes into the sea, a real car can be used, or even the car can be really driven into the sea.But definitely just shoot such a shot, and edit it later.

But Wu Long boldly took a long shot with one mirror to the end.

The dispute between the car stunt captain Ross and Wu Long that was circulated on the Internet before finally came to light.Ross wanted to drive himself into the sea, but Wu Long stopped him. Ross threatened that the team would not continue to cooperate with Wu Long, and finally won the dangerous opportunity to drive himself into the sea.

Wu Long should be glad that he had the honor to meet Ross. Ross also said in the trailer that he was lucky to meet Wu Long. The two are really warriors and heroes who cherish each other.


Haolaihu Entertainment Film Review:

"True Lies has elements of comedy and thrills of an action movie.

At the beginning of the film, he was chased by the hounds. Wu Long turned around and shot the hounds with both hands, which is a classic.

Note that this is a long shot, a real shot with one shot to the end.No clips, no fake dogs used.

There is no need to worry about the dog being stunned and injured.Because the camera was still filming, the dog just fell to the ground and remained motionless for a few seconds, then immediately jumped up and recovered.

After the dog recovered, he didn't chase Wu Long. Maybe some people were worried about the dog's problem.

There is an introduction in the credits at the end of the film. After this one, Wu Long returns to play with the dog.The dog neither ran away in fear, nor was it angry to bite Wu Long.Still playing happily with Wu Long like a partner.Explain that the dog is fine and has not been harmed.

Anyone who is familiar with dogs knows that if a dog is hurt, it will be afraid or attack the person who hurt it.But the dog is not like that, which means the dog is very good.


"Kevin Talks Movies" Review:

"Wu Long is a horse whisperer and a master of riding. As you can see from the trailer at the end of the film, all the equestrian moves were done by Wu Long himself, and it was a continuous shooting without editing.

Watching Wu Long ride a horse is as easy and freehand as we drive a motorcycle.

It is really admirable to be able to ride a motorcycle with a feeling of leaning and cornering on a horse.

And the scene of riding a horse through the hotel was also shot in one shot.

Don't think it's easy, even if you find a master equestrian, you can't say you can do it all at once.This is caused by the hotel environment, which affects the horse and the horse's actions.

Normally, such shots are shot in short segments and then edited together.But Wu Long managed to finish the entire filming, which is really remarkable.

Although it is a pseudo long shot.It can be divided, each section is very long, and each section is a shot to the end.There is no doubt that this pseudo-long shot is the same as the real long shot.

I think it's not that Wu Long can't take real long shots.It's actually filmed, and the time is too long, which will greatly extend the duration of the movie, so Wu Long has to make a choice.


"Poetry of Dance" review:

"There are two tangos in "True Lies", Wu Long dances with Kate Winslet, who plays the female villain, and Scarlett, who plays the protagonist.

With different dance partners and different plot requirements, Wu Long danced differently.

The tango dancing skills of the three should all be at the international professional level.

Wu Long is at the level of a tango master, which is acceptable.After all, he has shown great strength in various fields, and it doesn't matter if he has one more dance.Everyone felt that it was natural and should be done.

But Kate Winslet and Scarlett can also dance so well, which surprised many people.After carefully checking the experience of the two, although they also practiced dancing and can dance tango, according to our understanding, they should not reach the professional level.

It was rumored on the Internet that the two rehearsed and learned tango with Wu Long for a long time in order to film this scene, and it seems to be true.Under Wu Long's training, their tango has reached a professional level.

Think about Rocky, the UFC champion trained by Wu Long, and he has not lost his gold belt so far.

Let's talk about the tango that responds to each other at the beginning and end of the film.


"Most Beautiful Classical Music Review" comment:

"It's unexpected to hear a famous song in such an action movie.

Wu Long has composed quite a lot of classic repertoires, which is recognized by everyone.

But in such a thrilling action movie, there is an unexpected and surprising rock song, which is considered very good.

Unexpectedly, there would be a tango dance music.What a delight for tango fans.

The style of this violin piece "por una cabeza" is obvious, euphemistic and exciting, and it is easy for people to hear the complicated and inseparable feelings between lovers.

This tango is gorgeous and noble, smooth as silk.Can let the dance steps continue to dance gracefully and without hindrance, without wanting to stop.

I think this song must have been composed by Wu Long to match the plot in the play.It seems that other tango styles cannot perfectly express the two dancing scenes in "True Lies".

At the beginning of the film, the dance between Wu Long and the female villain is emotional and passionate, provocative and seductive. Between the dance steps, there are two people who deceive each other, distrust each other, and want to calculate each other. One wants to take advantage of the other. Seduce, lust.

At the end of the film, Wu Long dances tango with his wife, but it is full of passionate love.This performance is different from the dance at the beginning of the film.The two have frankness, tacit understanding, eye contact, and clever induction.There is the expression and transmission of love, and there is a bond of love between hearts.

The tango dance music "por una cabeza" can perfectly reflect the completely opposite emotions and artistic conceptions expressed in these two tangos.

There is absolutely no such cooperation.

Different environments, "por una cabeza" can make people feel different meanings.I believe that this tango dance music will quickly become popular all over the world and become a famous song loved by the upper class and international stage plays! "

"True Lies" was released for three days, setting a new record for the world's premiere!The box office hit a new high in the three-day world premiere!

For the three days of the world premiere, as long as "True Lies" are lined up in movie theaters around the world, the seats will be full.

It was released for a week, setting a new record for the box office of the first week of global movies!

Both the reviews and ratings of "True Lies" on the Internet are very good.There are few negative comments, and when it comes out, it will be submerged under the positive comments.

Reviews are high.

With a five-star rating system, you can get four and a half stars.

On a [-]-point scoring system, you can get [-] points.

This is an action movie, and it is rare to get such a high score.

To say why this film is so popular is that the three classic scenes are attractive.With these three classic scenes, the very cool and cool action of slapping the two hounds unconscious at the beginning can only be reduced to an appetizer.

If such a shot is put in other action movies, it will definitely be a bright spot, even a classic shot.

But in "True Lies", it can only be ignored, which is a bit too much.Too much to make other directors, actors, and film companies jealous.

Riding a horse and chasing a motorcycle through the hotel, taking a sightseeing elevator, bombing a bridge with a missile to rescue people, and driving a real Harrier fighter jet through the city at low altitude.

No green screen, real shooting, in other films, I dare not shoot like this, or even think about it.

Wu Long dared it!

Still did it!

Just ask who can compare!

The military of the country where the sun never sets is also very happy to see the film's success.

In addition to commenting on the movie, many people discuss the Harrier fighter the most.

Is the Harrier fighter really that powerful?

Can you really fly a Harrier through a city like a helicopter?

Even though the footage at the end of the movie shows that it is true to fly a Harrier fighter jet at low altitude in the urban area, and it lands and takes off vertically.

But there are still many people who don't believe it's true.It's too outrageous, too beyond conventional logic.

Who is so bold to let an actor fly a fighter jet?

Which department dares to approve an actor flying a fighter jet at low altitude in urban areas?

Many military fans are discussing whether the rumors of the widow maker before the Harrier fighter are rumors?

An actor can fly at will, and there is an illusion that I can do it myself.

Armed helicopters can also fire guns in urban areas, but do armed helicopters have the oppressive power that Harrier fighter jets bring to criminals?

Could the Harrier really be used for something other than the battlefield, as the "True Lies" movie suggests?

The application of "True Lies" to the Harrier fighter has triggered a new round of thinking.By extension, in addition to the Harrier fighter, what about other weapons?

I don't know if it was stimulated by "True Lies", Lion Pictures and Weiner Pictures decided to jointly shoot "The Hobbit".

Directed by Scott, Wu Long wrote the screenplay and played the supporting role of the Elf Prince.After negotiating with Scott, save some money and not shoot 3D.If the market responds well, then 2d will be transferred to 3d for a sum of money.

The news of the casting of "The Hobbit" immediately aroused heated discussions among fans of Wu Long and "The Hobbit" novels.

Fans of Wu Long expressed regret that Wu Long did not direct, and worried that without Wu Long's director, they would not be able to shoot the classic epic feeling.

Fans of "The Hobbit" believe that Wu Long is the writer of the novel, and if Wu Long hadn't directed it, it would be difficult to capture the essence of the novel.

Many novels are adapted into movies, that is the case.The novel is good, but the movie hits the street.

Although it is emphasized that Wu Long's screenwriter is responsible for the changes, who knows if the director's level can be filmed according to the script, or the script can be perfectly presented?

There are many opposing voices, as well as supportive voices.

Supporters believe that the "Lord of the Rings" series is Scott as the assistant director.And Wu Long participated in the role-playing, and Scott also had the opportunity to direct.So Scott learned directing from Wu Long. He is a famous director himself, and he believes that he will be able to make a wonderful "The Hobbit".

Facing reporters' inquiries, Scott expressed that he was under a lot of pressure, but he would withstand the pressure.Moreover, he followed Wu Long to study directing films. Being able to direct "The Hobbit" this time should be regarded as a graduation question given to him by Wu Long.

He hopes to be able to hand over a qualified answer sheet.

Wu Long accepted the reporter's question, and he recommended Scott to direct.Because during the filming of the "Lord of the Rings" series, there were many shots directed by Scott himself.

He believes that Scott will be able to give a satisfactory answer to the fans of the novel and movie of "The Hobbit"!

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