I'm not just an action star

Chapter 568 "True Lies" Released

Next, I saw Wu Long set up a trick to tease the man who wanted to seduce his wife.After finding out that his wife had not betrayed him, Wu Long felt guilty.

Knowing that he was too busy with business, he ignored his wife's feelings.So I wanted to surprise my wife.

Here comes the wonderful segment.

Helen, played by Scarlett, came to the hotel, wearing an old-fashioned skirt, and also played the role of a housekeeper.When she passed by the mirror in the corridor and looked at herself in the mirror, she finally realized something.

She tore off the sleeves, tore off the collar, exposed the shoulders and arms, tore off the sleeves, quickly reapplied makeup, put on lipstick, and changed the hairstyle with the wet hair in the vase.

He also lifted his chest up to show a little more.Then strike a punching pose in front of the mirror.

The audience suddenly screamed.

The change came out!

The previous ugly duckling suddenly turned into a white swan!

No, a voluptuous swan!

Helen, played by Scarlett, seems to have become two different people.Bring stunning effects to the audience in the cinema.

Helen entered the room nervously and was asked to take off her skirt.Because he didn't wear stockings, Wu Long used the recording playback request, which made the audience laugh.

Speaking of dancing, Helen danced so old that it made the audience laugh.

Finally, the wonderful strip dance started, and the male audience became excited one by one.Some feel heartbeat, others feel thirsty.

Helen accidentally fell down.


The bug fell out of his chest, panicked.Put it in your mouth and pretend to bite your finger.

In the movie, Wu Long was so shocked that the tape recorder in his hand fell to the ground.

The audience was even more conquered by Scarlett's hot performance.

Just when the audience thought that the two of them were going to start flirting, Helen picked up the phone on the table and slammed it on Wu Long's face and head.

Helen, who originally wanted to escape, came back unwillingly and kicked Wu Long twice.The relentless force made the audience gasp.

It looks like it's really kicking.

Then, in a funny twist, the two were kidnapped!

Helen thought it was because of her, and shouted that it had nothing to do with her husband.Wu Long knew it was because of himself, saying that this was Ji Nu and had nothing to do with her and let her go.

In the end, both were captured.

Faced with the villain's question about what a nuclear weapon is, Wu Long said it was a coffee machine, but in the end because his wife was threatened, he said it was a nuclear weapon capable of releasing [-] kilotons.

Helen was surprised why Wu Long knew this, and Wu Long confessed that he was an agent.As a result, Helen punched her in the face.

The audience laughed.

When the villain was filming the video, the camera showed that it was out of battery, and the cameraman was sweating on his forehead and shaking his hands, saying that he was out of battery.Let the audience know that this villain is terrible, so that his subordinates dare not make any mistakes.

When the plot came to the anesthetic for telling the truth, Helen began to ask Wu Long about it.Knowing that I have been lied to for more than ten years.

The dialogue between the veteran executioner and Wu Long also made the audience laugh.Wu Long told his plan, and the veteran executioner asked do you think you can succeed?

Wu Long said, do you remember those handcuffs?Holding up my hands, I pried it open.

The audience laughed.

Next, according to what he just said, Wu Long used the veteran executioner as a meat shield, used the nails on the table as darts to kill the guards, and then twisted the neck of the veteran executioner.The guard outside came in and was beaten to death by him with a hook. The whole process was as smooth as flowing water.

Helen was stunned as she watched from the side, it turned out that her husband was really a formidable agent.

After getting out, Helen was caught as a hostage.Wu Long turned around and shot directly without any hesitation.Not only the criminals didn't expect it, even Helen herself didn't expect it.It seemed that Wu Long didn't care about her life at all.

As a result, Wu Long came over and hugged her, telling her to remember to lower her head and avoid it next time.Then a kiss made Helen forgive Wu Long.

The funny plot appeared again, the Uzi submachine gun could still shoot down the stairs, and hit and killed the gangster, which is outrageous.But audiences already liked the tune.

Finally the Harrier fighter came out.The bombing of the bridge did not surprise the audience, and it was nothing.

It's funny when a bird makes a car fall into the sea.

The car was teetering and did not fall into the sea, and the gangster laughed happily.As a result, the island flew over and landed on the front of the car, changing the center of gravity.

This time, the audience laughed.

In the car, Helen fought with the female villain, the driver was killed by mistake, and Helen knocked the female villain unconscious with a bottle.

Wu Long leaned on the landing gear and yelled at Helen that the bridge was broken. Helen said that I couldn't hear what you said.Then Helen found that the bridge was broken, and yelled that the bridge was broken, which caused the audience to laugh again.

The thrilling scene finally pulled Helen up from the car, and the car fell into the sea.

The audience yelled "Fake", "Shet" and "Omega" after watching.This is a long shot to the end, that is to say, it was shot in real life, which is very dangerous.

Hearing that his daughter had been taken hostage, Wu Long immediately went to fly a Harrier fighter.The dialogue between the companion and the fighter pilot made the audience very happy.

Another long shot, Wu Long takes off in a Harrier fighter jet.

After Wu Long took off and landed a real Harrier fighter jet in the urban area, the audience naturally believed that these shots were real, and that Wu Long was really flying a Harrier fighter jet.

Some viewers whispered that watching a video is not as good as watching a movie, because it is clearer and more real.

Gangsters occupied the top two floors of the building, and Wu Long's companions disguised themselves as cameramen and reporters and mixed in for interviews.

Wu Long drove a Harrier fighter jet into the urban area, passing through the streets of the urban area, with high-rise buildings on both sides.That scene, as if the war suddenly came to the city, shocked the pedestrians below, looking up at the Harrier fighter jets in the sky.

This battlefield is shown through the film, which is more imposing than those videos when the film was filmed that day.It made the audience feel that the war suddenly fell on their heads, and they were a little inexplicably panicked after living a comfortable and peaceful life.

As a fighting machine, the Harrier fighter is more deterrent than an armed helicopter.

The villain is being interviewed, and the cameraman is looking around, looking for opportunities.When the villain said that as long as he turns the key, the whole city will be reduced to ashes, and 200 million people will die immediately!

The reporter followed the villain's fingers and turned his head to look. He didn't see the key, so he asked what key?

The villain said it was the key, but when he looked back, the key was gone.

The audience laughed.

Wu Long watched the interview on his mobile phone on the Harrier fighter jet and knew the location of his daughter and the location of the warhead.

Through the walkie-talkie, it is known that the gangster occupies two floors, and the daughter is on the top floor.

He flew to the side of the building, facing the building slowly rising.

The roar of the Harrier fighter jet's engine attracted the attention of the gangsters, and even the villain was asked to check. At the same time, he looked at Wu Long's daughter, suspecting that Wu Long's daughter stole the key.

At this time, the gangsters on the lower floor looked around because of the roar of the engine, and some people stood by the glass windows and watched with binoculars.

As a result, a Harrier fighter jet is seen rising.

Wu Long knew that this floor was full of gangsters, so he fired machine guns at the entire floor and killed all the gangsters.

The SWAT police waiting on the floor below immediately rushed to this floor.

Because of Wu Long's firing, the sound of glass shattering and machine gun firing alarmed the gangsters at the top.The gangster, cameraman, reporter, and Wu Long's daughter were all frightened, and they squatted down subconsciously.

The machine gun stopped, and the villain ordered an inspection. He wanted to catch Wu Long's daughter.The gangsters by the window spotted the Harrier fighter outside the window and yelled at the fighter in horror.

Fighting opportunities appear in the city?Still by the building?

No gangster believed.

Many gangsters ran over to watch, and the villain didn't know whether to arrest Wu Long's daughter or watch the situation.

At this point, the camera operator pulls a gun from the camera and fires at the villain.The villain dodges, and the cameraman asks the reporter to take Wu Long's daughter away, while he covers behind.

The three ran into the stairs and met the special police below who were about to attack.

When Wu Long learned that his daughter was rescued, he asked his own people to go down and not come up. He wanted to shoot the top floor again.

Someone exclaimed to stop it, saying that there were warheads on it.

Wu Long said that his marksmanship was very accurate and he would not hit.

Someone exclaimed, what you fired was a cannon, not a gun.

The audience laughed.

Wu Long rose to the top floor, and the gangsters watching by the glass window realized something was wrong and ran away yelling.

The cannon fired again, sweeping the entire floor.

Because the villain wanted to catch Wu Long's daughter, he was next to the stairs, and because Wu Long didn't dare to shoot the warhead, the villain was not hit.

The villain, terrified, rushes down the stairs and shoots down.Then run to the roof.

When he got to the top of the building, he found that several of his men fled in a helicopter without waiting for him.He took the walkie-talkie and ordered his men to attack the Harrier fighters, otherwise they would not be able to escape the Harrier fighters.

The gangsters on the helicopter felt reasonable and began to attack the Harrier fighter jets.

The villain then climbed onto the boom and passed through the boom to the top of the Harrier.

At this time, Wu Long not only drove the Harrier fighter to escape the attack of the helicopter, but also counterattacked the helicopter and drove the helicopter away.

Just as he was about to give chase, the villain jumped off the boom and landed on the Harrier.

Wu Long looked back and saw that the villain was about to shoot him, tilted the Harrier fighter jet, and wanted to throw the villain off the Harrier fighter jet.

It turned out that when the villain slid off the wing, the harness got caught on the missile.

At this time, Wu Long found the helicopter behind the building through the floor that was shot through.He immediately aimed to lock on to the helicopter and fired missiles.

He also deliberately turned his head to wink at the gangster.

"You are fired!"

The missile flew out with the gangsters, through the floors, and hit the helicopter behind the building.

The helicopter exploded and crashed, burning on the ground.

Wu Long flew a Harrier fighter jet to land at an intersection, got off the plane and hugged his daughter.

In the flames burning on the ground, a figure unexpectedly appeared and stumbled out.The humanoid flames were extinguished, the scorched human skin split open, and a pair of tentacles stretched out.A big cockroach actually drilled out of the human body!

The big cockroach roared:

"You damn human beings should be wiped out!"

"When you wipe out our cockroach race, you should be punished for extermination!"

Wu Long hurriedly asked his fellow agent to leave with his daughter, and he took off on the Harrier fighter jet again.

The cockroaches grew bigger and bigger, reaching a height of nearly ten meters.It jumped onto an armored vehicle and savagely removed its six-barreled machine gun.Spread its wings and fly up dragging the belt.

Wu Long saw that the big cockroach could still fly.Guessing that the big cockroach was looking for revenge, he quickly flew away from the urban area.

Big cockroaches go after Harrier fighter jets.

This kind of divine development made the audience exclaim that their imaginations were wide open, and they couldn't imagine it.I thought it was a comedy action movie. I thought it was just terrorists doing evil, but I didn't expect it to be cockroach people!

At the end of the movie, it turned into a science fiction movie in seconds!

Wu Long drove the Harrier fighter jet towards the sea and shouted into the intercom:

"What is this, who can tell me, what is this!"


"No one can tell us what's here, only that it looks like a super big cockroach and can speak human."

The big cockroach shoots at the Harrier fighter jet, and the scene shot in the air seems to be a big air combat movie.This reminded the audience of the air battle scene in "Heavenly Devil-Earth Strikes Back", except that one was fighting with an alien fighter, and the other was a big cockroach chasing a Harrier fighter and firing.

Wu Long flew the Harrier fighter deftly and maneuvered to avoid strafing.When the six-barreled machine gun of the big cockroach had no bullets to throw away, Wu Long made two consecutive maneuvers, hovering in the air and turning 180 degrees.

It happened to be facing the big cockroach flying over.

"Die to me, disgusting big cockroach!"

The machine gun hit the big cockroach, and the big cockroach was smashed into pieces in the air and fell into the sea.

Wu Long watched the pieces of the big cockroach fall, reported the location, and said that he was almost out of gas.After waiting for the helicopter, he drove away in the Harrier fighter jet.

When the screen changed, it was a year later.

In Wu Long's house, the family of three was having dinner happily, when the phone rang, and the task came.

The audience heard Helen's code name and guessed that Helen had joined Wu Long's secret service team.

As soon as the screen changes, the banquet hall.

Wu Long and Helen found the liar dressed as a waiter. Helen put lipstick on the liar's chin. The liar thought it was a gun and peed his pants in fright.

The unheard tango dance music at the beginning played again. Wu Long and Helen danced tango and bit a rose to express their love.

Regardless of the calls of their companions in the headset, the audience laughed again.

The movie ends with Wu Long and Helen's tango.

In the acknowledgment, there are the pilot and unit number of the Harrier fighter, the police, and the horse...

The spy companion said angrily that he would not stay in the car next time, and Wu Long would stay in the car instead.So unfair, he's been in the car for over a decade.

The film officially ends amidst the laughter of the audience.

At the beginning of the film, it is a documentary shot of Wu Long when he was filming.

The rock drums sounded, and Wu Long's voice sang.

"looking in your eyes i see a paradise

Looking into your eyes I see heaven

this world that i've found

the world i found

is too good to be true

too perfect to be real

standin' here beside you,

standing beside you

want so much to give you

I want to give you a lot

this love i

give you the love in my heart

that i'm feelin' for you

and how I feel about you


This song "nothing's gonna stop us now" has been rumored to be the theme song of "True Lies" in Wu Long's previous life.But after watching the whole movie, I didn't hear this song.

This song only appeared at the end of the movie "Wooden Beauty".

However, in the editing of the online video, it matches "True Lies".Therefore, Wu Long put it at the end of his version of "True Lies".

When playing Wu Long leaning down from the helicopter landing gear to Lasi Jiali, the song sang:

"let them say we're crazy,

Let others say we are crazy

i dohat

i don't care at all

put your hand in my hand,

put your hand in mine baby

baby, don't ever look back

Do not look back

let the world around us just fall apart

Let the world around you shatter to pieces

baby, we make it

As long as our hearts are connected,

if we're heart-to-heart

must succeed


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