The video of Wu Long's horse selection was quickly circulated on the Internet.

"Xie Te, Brother Long can really chat with horses?"

"The horse whisperer is really the legendary horse whisperer!"

"Brother Long is really good. He can ride a horse without a saddle."

"It's not surprising that there is no saddle, but it is not something that ordinary people can do without a saddle. Even a professional rider may not be able to do it."

"There is no saddle, no stirrups, doesn't Brother Long's butt hurt?"

"Brother Long, isn't he afraid of breaking his egg? If the egg touches it, the women who like Brother Long will be so sad."

"So, what kind of movie is Brother Long going to make? Is it taming horses, or taming Harrier fighter jets?"

"I think we should do How to Train Your Dragon!"

"If there are dragons in this world, Brother Long will definitely make a movie about how to train dragons."

The actual filming of "True Lies" began, and the assistant director Wu Long chose Huang Yiyu, who was temporarily out of filming.

The "Death is Coming" series is over, and Huang Yiyu has no filming for the time being. "True Lies" also has the share of Lion Films, so it makes sense for Huang Yiyu to participate.

Because I was worried that Winslet and Scarlett would forget about tango, in the literary play that was filmed first, these three dances were filmed first.

Two tangos, one Scarlett strip dance.

The group performers wore evening gowns and got ready in the hall as required. Many of the group performers were actually old group performers from Wu Long's filming.

Wu Long has a habit of filming, try to use familiar people as much as possible.Whether it's the staff or the actors, it's the same.

Familiar people know Wu Long's procedures and habits, and it is relatively easy to use.

For those who are not familiar with it, listen to other groups' speech rules.They also realized that Wu Long's filmmaking is somewhat different from other directors.

Wu Long likes to take long shots.Even if these long shots had to be cut into fragmented shots in the end, Wu Long still shot them according to long shots.

Because, this is conducive to the continuous performance of actors who have entered the state.

And if the shooting is good and long shots can be used, Wu Long rarely edits.

For example, in this tango, Wu Long asked to finish filming a tango performance.Then the group performers are also required to dance together or continue to perform around.

Instead of taking a shot like the usual director’s shooting method, after the shooting is ok, the next shot will come.

Wu Long's shooting method requires the actors' acting skills to be online, and it is required not to make mistakes.Relatively speaking, it is much stricter and more difficult.

But if you can participate in the filming of Wu Long's film, even if it is a group performance, even if it is an inconspicuous role, it will become a great qualification.

That is to say, actors who have participated in Wu Long's filming, even if they are group performers, have been affirmed by Wu Long.

Wu Long's affirmation is an important criterion for judging.

Wu Long is a director and an actor, and his films have been a great success without exception.Being affirmed by Wu Long is equivalent to a passport.

Just listen to "a", immediately enter the state and start shooting.The extras felt as if they were really at a high society ball.

Winslet also immediately entered the state, as if she was a female villain.Both suspicious of Wu Long, but also attracted by Wu Long.

Wu Long glanced at the people upstairs and downstairs, and in order to avoid being discovered, invited Wen Si Laite to dance tango.

Just as Winslet agreed, she was pulled forcefully and domineeringly by Wu Long. With her exclamation, she was dragged onto the dance floor.

The tango music of "One Step Away" sounded, and Wu Long and Winslet danced tango.As practiced, during the official shooting, Winslet was more integrated into the movie world.

She was dancing seriously, but Wu Long was watching secretly, trying to hide himself from being discovered by the people who were looking for him.

However, Winslet was jumping to the excitement, deliberately hitting Wu Long with her chest, and hinted at Wu Long.The lips are slightly parted, and the eyes are charming and angry. The expression is not only pretending to be shy, but also full of temptation and seduction.

She wrapped her arms around Wu Long's neck, and her eyes when she lifted her legs were properly teasing and hinting.When Wu Long dragged her legs, she wished she could hang her whole body on Wu Long's body.

Wu Long leaned over, and when she leaned back, her eyes were full of charm.Paired with her black low-cut evening dress, it is even more enchanting.

The movements behind Wu Long are like a beautiful snake wrapped around her body.

At the end of the song, Wu Long led her away from the dance floor.When talking about breaking up, Winslet took out a business card from her chest and gave it to Wu Long.

Wu Long took his business card and left.

Winslet looked at Wu Long's back with a kind of resentment in his eyes that he could not get the prey.


Huang Yiyu thought it was very good, he should be able to pass by one.But the director is Wu Long, and Wu Long is still required to watch.

Wu Long went to check the monitor.


"No problem, one pass!"

Those ensemble performers who participated in Wu Long's filming for the first time were amazed at such a miracle.Say something that I feel like a real upper-class person who is attending a real dance here.

Those who came by smiled and nodded.These newcomers are more like themselves back then.

Participating in Long Ge's movie shooting is so magical.

If you are lucky enough to see or participate in the shooting of action scenes, you will feel even more magical.

Wu Long, whether as an actor or a director, will give people a magical experience and feeling on the set.

After shooting this important tango scene, I will shoot other indoor scenes in this venue.After filming the indoor scene, there was no transition to filming the dance scene with Scarlett.

This venue is rented, and of course we will continue to shoot outdoor scenes.

The outdoor scene is the wonderful explosive shootout at the beginning of the movie.This scene is actually nothing, similar to many movie shootout scenes.

But here, there is a special bridge.That is when Wu Long ran to the wall, there were two dogs chasing him.

In the original version, when the two dogs caught up with the protagonist, the protagonist turned to face the two dogs, and when the two dogs jumped up at him at the same time, he stretched out his hands and grabbed a dog by the neck, and moved towards the middle A collision caused the heads of the two dogs to slam into each other.

The two dogs are knocked unconscious, and the protagonist continues to escape.After the two dogs got up from the ground, they dared not chase anymore.

In the original shooting, multiple shots were used to create such an effect through editing and post-production. In fact, it was impossible for the actor Arnold, who played the leading role, to catch the two dogs that were jumping up and hit them in the middle.

In fact, when the actor Arno caught the dog and collided with it, it was not a real dog, but a prop rubber dog.

The real dog that jumps up is a prop dog that bumps its head, the prop dog falls on the snow, and the real dog gets back up from the snow.The clips together make the audience think that the actor Arnold really caught the jumping dog, and then let the two dogs' heads hit each other.

The two dogs in the movie are Doberman pinschers, good at biting, and they are excellent military and police dogs.Ferocious, impulsive, and aggressive male dogs require a strong, powerful owner to control.

Such fierce dogs, it is impossible for them to cooperate well in the filming of being caught.

However, Wu Long was the leading actor, so he had to use a real Doberman Pinscher to shoot like this.

When Huang Yiyu heard about it, he was very surprised.

"Brother Long, I know you have great martial arts skills, but what if you beat the dog?"

The rest of the crew couldn't help laughing when they heard it.Knowing that Huang Yiyu couldn't say what to do if Wu Long was injured by a dog, he said it the other way around.

"Are you worried that I will be hurt by a dog?"

"No, really not. Even lions and hyenas were defeated by you, how could you be hurt by dogs." Huang Yiyu denied it.

"Don't worry, I'll act appropriately. I won't hurt the dog."

The dog trainer in charge of the two Doberman pinschers didn't speak the whole time, just wanted to see if Wu Long's real skills were what he said he was.

The dog trainer didn't believe what Wu Long said.They only asked Wu Long to double the compensation if the dog was injured.In fact, I didn't worry about the dog being hurt at all, so I didn't refuse Wu Long's shooting.

They thought that if Wu Long was bitten by a dog, it would be a big news.And as dog trainers who bite Wulong dogs, they will be honored.

Just ask, who can hurt Wu Long?

Their dog, did it.

No matter how good your kung fu is, it's not as good as a dog!

Wu Long used real dogs to shoot the whole process, so naturally he wanted to take one shot to the end.From being chased by the dog, to the dog jumping up and jumping at him, to him turning around and grabbing the dog's neck accurately, hitting the two dog's heads against each other, and then to the dog being knocked unconscious and falling to the ground.When he ran away, the dog stood up again.

The whole process is a mirror to the end.

And Wulong didn't turn to face like in the original version, waiting for the two dogs to pounce on him.He waited for the dogs to jump up before turning around and grabbing the necks of the two dogs.

This is more difficult, more attractive to the audience, and becomes a classic.

"However, it is difficult for us to ensure that two dogs will jump at you at the same time." The dog trainer asked a question.

"Don't worry. You just need to make sure to release the dog at the same time, and at the same time let the dog attack and chase me, and leave the rest to me and the dog. I can not only speak horse language, but also dog language."

Before the filming started, Wu Long communicated with the two Doberman pinschers and became familiar with them.Seeing Wu Long learning how to bark like a dog, everyone couldn't help but think of the scene when Wu Long was choosing a war horse.

Many people did not see it at the scene, but just watched the video shot at that time on the Internet.Thinking that Wu Long can roar at lions and scare them away, maybe Wu Long is also a lion whisperer.

The filming of this scene started when Wu Long crossed a one-meter low wall.

In the middle of the original version, the car starting up outside was cut. Wu Long would not edit like this.You can start the corresponding car and move it before Wu Long crosses the low wall.

The drone is at the height of Wu Long's chest, and the camera is facing Wu Long to shoot him crossing the low wall.As Wu Long runs, the drone moves and rises.

Because the camera is zoomed out from the height, the guard played by the dog trainer is photographed releasing the dog.

Wu Long is always in front of the camera, and in the distant view of the camera are two dogs running wildly chasing after him.Wu Long couldn't stop running, and the drone continued to rise and shoot.

In the camera, Wu Long became a distant view in the camera because of his constant running.And the two dogs catch up and become close shots in the camera.

The picture at this time is of Wu Long's running back.

Then, the two dogs approached Wu Long, jumped at the same time and rushed towards Wu Long.

The two dog trainers were surprised that the two dogs could really jump up at the same time, and they were also worried about Wu Long.Because Wu Long didn't turn around to face him first, now that the dog had jumped up, Wu Long turned around to catch the dog, and time was short.If you don't pay attention, if you miss it, Wu Long may be bitten by a dog.

Of course, Wu Long and the dog were familiar with each other before, and it is also possible that the dog just jumped on Wu Long's back and would not really bite Wu Long, but just pretended to be playing with Wu Long.

Wu Long suddenly turned around, and at the same time stretched out both hands to grab the necks of the two dogs, and bumped the heads of the two dogs in the middle.

As if hearing a bang, the heads of the two dogs bumped into each other.As Wu Long let go, the two dogs fell to the snow.

In the camera, Wu Long turned around and continued to run, and the two dogs stood up from the ground, looking at Wu Long, they dared not chase anymore.

That way, it seems to be saying, what happened just now, didn't we play together?How about banging our heads together and knocking us out of our wits?

But in the storyline of the movie, the audience would think that the two dogs were frightened by the collision and did not dare to chase Wu Long.

"Ok!" Huang Yiyu couldn't help applauding after shouting.

Everyone else applauded, and even the two dog trainers also applauded.

Seeing Wu Long running to look at the monitor, the two dogs ran towards Wu Long, circling around Wu Long's feet, showing off their cuteness to Wu Long.

"In just a few hours, these two dogs have regarded Brother Long as their master."

"The judgment of the two dogs has become too fast. Maybe Brother Long really knows the language of dogs, telling the two dogs is just a joke."

The two dog trainers only called Wu Long Mr. Wu at first, but now they call him "Brother Long".It can be seen that they have been conquered by Wu Long's strength.

Next, shoot the exterior of this scene for other shootouts.

After filming this scene, I started filming the scene of dancing with Scarlett.

The place to dance with Scarlett is another place.This place is more famous, it is the Biltmore Millennium Hotel in Los Angeles.The place to dance is the hotel's Crystal Ballroom.

After filming in the Crystal Ballroom, dance tango with Scarlett and dance with Scarlett.


"A little bit." Scarlett said frankly.

"Don't worry, I will take you into the scene after the actual filming starts. After entering the film, you won't be nervous. This is not the first time you have filmed my film, so you should have experience."

"Experience is experience. It's the first time for me to do a strip dance."

"You are not the first time."

Scarlett understood that it was indeed not the first time she had practiced at Wu Long's house.Thinking of this, the whole person completely relaxes.

What Scarlett didn't expect was that she accidentally fell down during the filming.But the director didn't stop, and she continued to dance as soon as she had an idea.

After Huang Yiyu finished shouting, she quickly apologized.

"Sorry, Brother Long, I made a mistake."

"No no no, your turnover is awesome, that's exactly what I want."

"What? I made a mistake, you wanted it? Brother Long, what does this mean?"

"Think about it. The heroine Helen has never danced the strip dance. Not only is she dancing for the first time in front of a strange man, but this strange man is also a dangerous person. She must be very nervous. Under the tension, she will make a mistake. Isn't it normal?"

Scarlett is also smart, and immediately understood this.

"Brother Long, if you didn't write it down in the script, do you think that if it was written out, Helen's mistake would have been acted out by me, and there are traces of acting."

"Smart." Wu Long praised casually. "It's not that you don't believe in your acting skills. It's that no matter how good your acting skills are, it's not as real as a sudden mistake."

Scarlett thought of a question.

"But what if I don't make a mistake?"

Wu Long smiled.

"If it's the real Helen, how can you not make mistakes? If you make a mistake, it means that you are really involved in the movie, and you are really integrated into the story of the movie."

"Thank you, Brother Long." Scarlett understood that Wu Long was teaching her acting skills with facts.

Huang Yiyu sighed beside him.

"Brother Long, you told me to keep filming no matter what happens. So that's what happened. If you hadn't told me, when she made a mistake just now, I might have stopped."

Wu Long taught him.

"Directors should not stick to dogma, but should use the mistakes of actors flexibly. Sometimes, the unintentional behavior of actors can bring a flash of inspiration to the film."

"Thank you Brother Long."

In addition to Scarlett and Huang Yiyu, other staff members, such as lighting and sound pickup, also felt that they had learned unusual knowledge.

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