I'm not just an action star

Chapter 555 The Horse Whisperer

Dancing requires emotional involvement, solo dance, group dance, group dance...

Pas de deux, even more so.

Pas de deux like tango originated in America, developed in the West, and spread all over the world.

It belonged to the Latin dance project at first, and later evolved into the five kinds of dance project of the world dance, and became an official project of the international ballroom dance competition.

However, among the social dances of Western high society, tango is the most provocative dance.

If you are interested in someone, you can invite the other party to dance a tango.

During the dance, the two parties began to communicate in the language of dance.You can feel how the other party treats you from the dance.

Once the song is finished, it is basically possible to determine whether there is a play.

Wu Long and the female villain played by Winslet danced the tango shortly after the opening of the film.

However, Wu Long couldn't help himself, and it was impossible to have a relationship with the female villain.Of course, even if the other party is not a female villain, the character design of the protagonist is not allowed.Aside from these, but from this dance performance, Wu Long will act like he is having fun with the other party.This will not arouse the suspicion of the female villain.

During the practice, Wu Long taught Winslet how to perform in the dance, how to brew and cultivate feelings.

Tango is a dance, once you learn it and start to be interested, you will become more and more fascinated by it.

Especially when there is a tacit understanding between men and women, you look at me and I look at you, and the emotions come out in the dance and music.

Wu Long and Winslet's dance is like this, and Scarlett's dance is also like this.

What Winslet wanted to dance focused more on emotional expression.The teasing and seduction of Wu Long should be revealed in dance movements, body language, and eyes.Let the audience understand immediately after seeing it.

For Scarlett to dance, she also had to bite a rose in her mouth.The props of roses are not just a prop, but also a transmission of emotion.

Can't go too far, because the two are husband and wife.Going too far is like the female villain dancing with Wu Long.

It can't be too flat, flat and flat can't reflect the flames of rekindled love between the two parties.

Wu Long taught the two of them first together and then separately.

Separate one-on-one, and teach Winslet first.After teaching Winslet, Scarlett was taught.

Scarlett not only wants to learn tango, but also learns strip dance.

"You are not a professional, so the jumping in the movie is unnatural at the beginning, and you don't know how to dance."

"Unnatural, because you face moral self-condemnation. Don't know how to jump, because you didn't jump."

"However, when you dance and dance, you jump out of the boringness of the role setting. The role setting, the heroine is a woman who is unwilling to be ordinary. Once released conditionally, she will burst out with energy that even she herself can't think of."

In the original version of this plot, the heroine missed and fell.This accident and fall is said to be not a script arrangement, but an accident during filming.The director thought it was very good, so he didn't cut it.

Of course, say so.As for whether it is true or false, who can know?

Wu Long did not mention such a plot.A plot like a miss can be acted out, but it must not really happen to be realistic.

If he can't influence the live shooting, then let Scarlett act again.

In the movie "True Lies", another wonderful plot is to chase the villain on a motorcycle on horseback.It is said that five horses were used to film this scene.

Wu Long wanted to try to use a long lens, or a pseudo-long lens.If it is possible to shoot like this, only one horse can be used.

Wu Long didn't know where to find a horse.It can only be handed over to the film company to find someone to help, and then to the country where the sun does not set for help.

It was proposed to use mounted police horses.But the mounted police horse is not easy to borrow.

It can be found in the country where the sun never sets, but it can be transported long distances, which is not good for horses.The Sun Never Sets Kingdom and the Merikan Kingdom coordinated, and finally agreed to lend the horses of the Mounted Police to Wu Long for use.At the same time, Wu Long was required to indicate the source of the horse at the end of the film.

This is no problem.

After making an appointment, Wu Long went to choose a horse.

Exchange skills: royal horse.

Horse riding, including horse hunting and horsemanship, and how to communicate with horses.Of course, it also includes skills such as delivering horses, raising horses, breeding horses, and training horses that Wu Long does not need.

According to the system, although the exchange of royal horses contains many skills that Wu Long can't use now, it wastes a lot of reputation points.But Wu Long has so many reputation points, there is no need to worry about reputation points.And if you only exchange horses, equestrian skills and horse language, although the prestige value spent is less, it is not as familiar as the royal horse.

That is to say, exchanging the overall skills of the imperial horse can make the horse feel that Wu Long is very kind and willing to be controlled by Wu Long.If Wu Long is willing, he can also recognize the Lord.

However, this is not a fantasy world or a fantasy world.Even if it recognizes the owner, it is only the kind of recognition that the pet is loyal to the owner.Rather than the identification of alien beasts and monsters like fantasy or fantasy worlds.

Hearing that Wu Long came to select horses, the mounted policemen and horse trainers all came to watch.

"Hi, Brother Long!"

"Brother Long!"

"Finally see the real person!"

"Brother Long, do you want to compete in marksmanship?"

"Ha ha!"

"It's better to race horses with Brother Long!"

"Brother Long is good at driving, but not necessarily as good at riding a horse as we are!"

Many police officers are Wu Long fans.Although I am not a fan, I also like Wu Long very much.They greeted Wu Long, joked, took photos, and asked for autographs.

There are also policewomen who secretly touched Wu Long's body, or sneaked kisses.Not all policewomen are beautiful, but Wu Long can only accept it with a smile.

"Mr. Wu, these are the best horses I have selected for you."

"Thank you."

Wu Long carefully observed each horse, reached out to touch and communicate with the horses.

"Anything else? I want to see."

"You also choose horses?"

"Of course, China has had the "Horse Classic" about horses since ancient times, as well as idioms. The profession of selecting a thousand-mile horse is called Bole."


Everyone followed Wu Long to the stables.Wu Long went in and looked around, and sure enough, they were not as good as the horses that had been selected for him to see just now.

"You have good eyes. These horses are not as good as the horses you picked out to show me just now. I should believe you. I'm sorry. To express my apologies, can I buy all of you for a drink?"

Some people were upset at first, thinking that Wu Long still had to look at other horses, but they didn't believe them.Seeing Wu Long take the initiative to apologize, the unhappiness just now disappeared immediately.

It seems that although Wu Long is a superstar, he is still quite good.

"Then you have to book the venue."

"Then book the venue. It's just that this is your territory, and you need to decide where to go."

"We decided, haha, are you not afraid that we will choose the most expensive place?"

"Don't be afraid, because I will count it into the production cost of the film." Wu Long tilted his head, showing a shrewd expression.

"Ha ha!"

A fair-looking blonde policewoman suddenly said:

"Actually, there's another horse you didn't see."

"Really?" Wu Long looked around the stable again. "There shouldn't be any missing."

"Not here. The horse is too fierce, no one can ride it, and it will fight with other horses, so it is locked in another place alone."

"Really?" Wu Long asked the person in charge here.

"Yes. I don't think you can use it. It's too strong and you haven't been trained yet. You can't ride it at all. If you let it make a movie, I'm afraid it will be messed up. Even if you ride it by force, in case you are caught It falls off and probably hurts."

Someone laughed and said, "Brother Long knows kung fu, he can circle in the air before landing without falling."

Everyone laughed happily.

The policewoman smiled and said:

"I think Brother Long will definitely be able to train it."

Wu Long asked:

"Can you take me to see it? The main reason is that I want to take a long shot. In that case, I have to ride the horse all the time. The horses I saw before may barely reach it, or maybe they can't. Even if I can, it may hurt them. If I don't want them to be too tired and injured, so I can only change horses."

"Let's go."

Everyone came to the place where Lie Ma was locked alone.

The horse was clearly displeased with the crowds coming to see it, and neighed irritablely.

When Wu Long saw the horse, its hair was black and bright, its muscles were muscular, and its eyes were bright.

"What a horse!" Wu Long praised: "Look at this horse, its body is black and its feet are snow-white. In our land of China, it is called dark cloud cover snow. It is a kind of Chollima."

"Dark clouds cover the snow? The vast snowfield, the sky billowing with dark clouds? This phrase is used too well!" When the female policeman looked at Wu Long, more stars appeared in her eyes.

Seeing that Wu Long suddenly imitated a horse call, the fierce horse stopped being irritable when he heard Wu Long's call, and fixedly looked at Wu Long.

"My God, it's quiet!"

"Brother Long was learning how to bray just now?"

"Could it be that Brother Long knows the language of horses?"

"Is it the legendary horse whisperer?"

Some people hurriedly took out their mobile phones to take pictures, only to find that someone was already holding up their mobile phones to take pictures.

"Is this true or not? Brother Long learned the horse bray just now, is it really the horse language?"

"Look, Lie Ma tilted his neck and looked like a curious child."

"Really, it's so spiritual!"

"Shhh, be quiet and watch Brother Long's performance."

I saw Wu Long slowly approaching the fierce horse, and at the same time stretching out his hand, he imitated the sound of the horse.Only this time, the voice was slightly lower, a little lilting.

Everyone at the scene felt that Wu Long's first cry of the horse just now seemed to be calling for a fellow of the same kind.This second acoustic horse cry is like greeting a companion of the same kind.

Wu Long's hand did not touch the horse's head, but the middle and lower part of the horse's neck.The grunt of a horse came out of his mouth.

Lie Ma first raised his head and neighed.Then bowed his head and let out a snort.

Wu Long lowered his head, Lie Ma raised his head, and Wu Long's forehead touched Lie Ma's forehead.

Then, Wu Long was like a horse, his head and the head of the fierce horse touched and rubbed against each other.Sometimes stroke one side of the horse's neck with the left hand, and sometimes stroke the other side of the horse's neck with the right hand, avoid holding the horse's neck with both hands at the same time.

"Oh my God, Brother Long communicates with Lie Ma like a horse."

"I feel that Brother Long is as close to Lie Ma as a horse."

"Are they dating?"

"Impossible, don't you know what a war horse is?"

Wu Long began to untie the reins of the fierce horse tied to the stable, and at the same time signaled everyone to get out of the way with his hand.

He held the reins, and with the other hand he stroked the horse's neck from time to time.

In his mouth, he neighed like a horse first, and then spoke human words.

"Brother, let's go out for a stroll, don't you feel depressed staying here?"

Lie Ma snorted and neighed, as if responding to Wu Long.

One person and one horse seemed to be chatting while walking, like two old friends.


"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!"

"If I watched the video, I would have said it was fake. Now I believe it."

"Brother Long is really the legendary horse whisperer."

"He could actually talk to horses."

Going out to the racetrack, Wu Long sometimes touched the horse's back and sometimes its legs.Mouth continued to praise.


"It's really powerful!"

"Brother, let's go for a ride together!"

After speaking, Wu Long jumped on his horse.

The fierce horse does not have a saddle, and there is no way to step on the stirrup to get on the horse.So no one expected Wu Long to ride a horse in advance.In their view, a horse cannot be ridden without a saddle.

Besides, this kind of war horse has such a high back, how can it get on the horse without stirrups?If you want to get on a horse, you have to find something to step on and get on the horse.

But they don't know that Wu Long has martial arts.His jumping ability is so good, how can he use a pad to step on it.

Therefore, when Wu Long jumped up and sat on the horse, everyone exclaimed.



"My God, how did he get up there?"

"Chinese Kung Fu!"

"Chinese kungfu can also ride a horse?"

"Chinese Kung Fu has horse stance, and horse stance is for riding a horse."

"So, do people who know Chinese Kung Fu know how to ride horses?"

"Anyone who can walk is very good at riding a horse!"

"But, no saddle!"

"Won't he fall off?"

All the policewomen, looking at Wu Long at this time is like looking at a warrior or a hero, their eyes are full of stars.If it weren't for the scruples about identity and occasion, they would definitely all jump on them.

Everyone shouted, Brother Long, don’t ride a horse, what’s so fun about riding a horse, why not ride me.

Only the horse trainer and the person in charge who knew the power of Litma exclaimed:


"Watch out for the horse going crazy!"

However, under Wu Long's reassurance, Lie Ma did not show his usual irritable appearance.On the contrary, he is very obedient and submissive, like an obedient pet.

"Don't worry, I have not only learned how to watch horses, but also how to train horses. Of course, I have also practiced horse riding. I can drive a speeding car, fly an airplane, and ride a horse."


Wu Long shook the reins, and the fierce horse started to gallop.

Seeing the fierce horse running away, Wu Long was bouncing up and down on the horse's back, and everyone talked about it. "My God, how did he ride without a saddle and stirrups?"

"I should ask, doesn't his butt hurt?"

"No, no, you should ask, don't his balls hurt?"

"You are wrong, you should ask, are his balls not broken?"

"Ha ha--"

In this case, the policewomen seemed to be used to it and did not express any discomfort.

Wu Long rode a fierce horse and ran around the field and started to run obstacles.This fierce horse is worthy of being a strong horse. It is really strong and powerful. It is very easy to carry Wu Long to jump over obstacles.

"Good man!"

Wu Long did not hesitate to praise Lie Ma.He has horse riding skills, and Lie Ma can feel Wu Long's emotions, and he can also feel that Wu Long is praising it.

Lie Ma was also excited to meet a bosom friend and neighed happily.

The whole body stood up, only two hind legs were on the ground, and the two front legs were retracted in the air, screaming to the sky.

"Oh my God, it's amazing!"

"Without a saddle, why didn't Brother Long slip off?"

"Is this Chinese Kung Fu?"

"The horse stance must be the function of the horse stance!"

"It doesn't look like a fierce horse at all."

"This horse has become obedient to Brother Long!"

"It was tamed by Brother Long."

"Why? Is it because Wu Long can speak horse?"

Then, Wu Long began to control the horse, practicing according to the scene in the movie after entering the hotel.This Lie Ma is very psychic, Wu Long doesn't need to be trained, Lie Ma can do what Wu Long wants.

"I'm done!"

"It seems that the people on the Internet are right. What else can Brother Long not know?"

"Brother Long looks so handsome on a horse."

"If there are dragons in this world, Brother Long must be an excellent dragon trainer."

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