I'm not just an action star

Chapter 553 A Different "True Lies"

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" ending song "i", the voice is low and slow.

If it was Westna before, she was a mezzo-soprano and couldn't sing this song.

But in the days when she followed Wu Long, she learned to sing from Wu Long, and was slowly trained by Wu Long. Her voice was developed by Wu Long, and she could sing low-pitched bass.

Her bass is different from that of the original "i".

Her bass has a sonority in the low, and a little bright in the sonority.This makes her sing "i", in addition to bringing people sadness, the bright colors in her voice also bring people hope and expectation.

As the lyrics sang, night fell.What people can look forward to is the dawn before dawn.

As the lyrics sing, the journey has come to an end.But the end, why not a starting point?

Memories are not just sad.It also enriches our emotions and makes us be more kind to the future.

It can be said that the artistic conception of this song "i" by Westerna is no less than that of Laleman singing "Scarborough Fair".

And such a song needs to be listened to quietly and patiently, and this song cannot be heard impatiently.Those who have more experience, or those who have experienced suffering, feel the deepest.

The original version of this song is said to have been inspired by a teenager from Xinxilan who was suffering from cancer.In his last days, he went to the set to watch the filming process.I also became friends with the actors.

And in this world, there really is such a cancer-stricken Xinxilan teenager who is a fan of Wu Long.He hoped to watch Wu Long shoot "The Lord of the Rings". After the operation of the fan group, he reported to Wu Long. After Wu Long agreed, he quietly invited him to watch the filming process.He also became friends with the actors, and there are photos of Wu Long and the actors.

Wu Long promised him to write a song for him, which will be used as the theme song at the end of the last part of "Lord of the Rings".

This matter has been kept secret.

It wasn't reported by the media until "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" was released.

Originally, Wu Long said not to hype it up.But what the media reported was what the teenager with cancer himself said.

He got a free ticket from Wu Long to watch the premiere, and he cried after watching the movie.

This song was written in his heart.

Because I cried in the movie theater on the spot, which triggered an interview with the local media of Xinxilan, I only knew about this incident.

Immediately, "i" added a stronger humanistic color, attracting wider attention.

There is also a paid download of this song online.

A single-disc CD of this song was also released simultaneously.Someone left a message on the Internet, listening to this song, you must use an audiophile-grade stereo, so that you can hear the flavor of the song sung by Westerna and the delicate emotions intertwined by the performance of various instruments in the music.

Westna's North American tour also officially kicked off with the hit screening of "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"!

The repertoire of this tour not only includes her previous songs and new songs, but the focus is "never say goodbye" written by Wu Long for her, as well as the two theme songs "may it be" and "i ".

There are also "The Moon Represents My Heart" in Chinese, and "Li Sao: Searching Up and Down".

Especially the Chinese version of "Li Sao: Up and Down Searching", for a foreigner, it is extremely demanding to sing this song well.

Because of the vocal range, even Yin Lian couldn't sing this song well.

Westna practiced whenever she had time, and finally let her sing the taste that Westerners like.

Moreover, at her request, Wu Long specially cast a set of chime bells for her to sing this song for her.She also invited a chime orchestra from China to play chime accompaniment for her.

This is a good thing for Wu Long and the land of China.

This is to promote the traditional culture of the Chinese nation!

Moreover, it is not the people from the land of China who will promote it, but foreigners who will enthusiastically help to promote it.Such propaganda is easier to be accepted by the West.

Because it is in line with the popularity of the movie "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", the first show of Westna's North American tour was held in Los Angeles.

Many people came here for the two theme songs of the "Lord of the Rings" series and the Chinese chimes.

The first game was full and added positions.

The singing was smooth and successful.Especially for the four songs "never say goodbye", "may it be" and "i", "Lisao·Search Up and Down", listening to the live music is completely different from listening to the CD.

Many details, as well as the delicate voice and instrument performance, are shocking.

Westna's first North American tour ended perfectly.Professional music critics gave her pertinent praise.

On the Internet, music fans can express their praise.

"So beautiful!"

"It feels like being immersed in a musical paradise."

"Ethereal, epic, touching the depths of the soul."

"Even if I don't understand Chinese, I can feel the meaning of the song Chime Bells."

"Although "Li Sao · Up and Down Search" is not as good as Brother Long, it has a flavor that Brother Long doesn't have. It's great!"

"A fast-rising rookie. If Shanna Laleman hadn't gotten the "scarbh fair" written by Long Ge for her, Shana Laleman would have been surpassed by Hayley Westner. Now, the two Can be called Queens vs Queens."

"Hailee Westner's success once again proves Wu Long's ability. He is the one who makes actresses. Not only can actresses become famous, but female singers can also become famous."

On the street, Short and his girlfriend Barbara are shopping.Before they knew it, the two went to the bookstore owned by the bookstore owner.

Barbara couldn't help sighing:

"If I hadn't met Kloss and the bookstore owner, I wouldn't have spent so much money to listen to songs live. If I hadn't spent money to listen to songs live, I never knew that there was such a big difference between live and CD."

"Me too. It turns out that listening to music live is really shocking." Short felt sorry for his wallet. "It's just too expensive."

"But it's worth it, isn't it?"

Short nodded quickly:

"Yes, it's worth it."

When I came to the door of the bookstore, I faintly heard singing coming from inside.It's the theme song "i" from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

The two went in and found that Cross was not there.But someone else was listening to the song quietly with the bookstore owner.

Such a song is really suitable for listening to in a bookstore.

The next stage of "Reaper 5" has a global box office of just over 7000 million US dollars!

Compared with the previous "Reaper 4", the total global box office is nearly 3000 million dollars less.

When "Reaper 5" was first released, someone compared the box office chart with "Latent 3".Now that "Reaper 5" is down, it is being compared again.

"Insidious 3" has a total global box office of more than 5000 million US dollars, which is 5 million US dollars less than "Reaper 2000".

However, the production cost of "Latent 3" is only 1000 million US dollars!The return on investment is 15%!

What about "Reaper 5"?The production cost is 4000 million US dollars, and the return on investment is less than 5.

Comparing them twice, you can tell who is better than who at a glance.

Of course, "Latent 3" is better than "Reaper 5", and the "Latent" series is better than "Reaper" series.

It can be deduced from this that Wen Zhiren and Werner are stronger than Wu Long.

This is another battle for the king of horror movies.

Seeing such old arguments, Wen Zhiren and Werner could only shake their heads at each other.As long as they know the truth, they, like Huang Yiyu, are filming for Wu Long.

The difference is that Huang Yiyu also has Lion Films behind him.And behind them is Wu Long.

Huang Yiyu is only getting the director's price, and they can share the dividend.

If they play tricks, the money can be said to be all theirs.But do they dare?

They dare not.

Even the military of the country where the sun never sets wants to find Wu Long to make commercials for fighter jets. You can imagine how terrifying the strength behind Wu Long is!

It is said that those who use gun fighting skills in the killer world are all fans of Wu Long.

If this is the case, who can guarantee that he will not be killed by gun fighting?

""Latent 3" is as expected by Brother Long, the box office is not as good as the first two."

"So I proposed to Brother Long that "Latent 4" should be filmed in a few years to avoid audience fatigue."

"I am now worried that "Spiritual: Ghost Story 2" will not have as good results as the first one."

"Brother Long said, it will definitely not be as good as the second one, but the production cost is only 300 million US dollars. Think about it, even if the global box office is only 3000 million US dollars, that is an ROI of 10. More What's more, I am confident that the global box office will exceed [-] million!"

"If that's the case, the box office will explode again. I'm afraid people on the Internet will be even more oppressive about Brother Long."

"So what? The more they do that, the more it will hurt to slap them in the face when we announce it in the future."

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

Wen Zhiren and Werner both had smirks on their faces.This feeling of calculating others is really wonderful.Especially with so many people being counted around the world, it's really not too good.

Those of you who use us to oppress Brother Long, no matter how hard you suppress now, you will be beaten in the face in the future.


Wu Long came to Los Angeles to discuss cooperation matters with Weiner Films and Lion Films.

The movie "True Lies", plus Wu Long's 5000 million salary, the total production cost is 500 million US dollars.

Wu Long's remuneration will be paid 5000 million U.S. dollars by Sun Never Set, and the remaining 1000 million will be negotiated between Weiner Pictures, Lion Pictures and Sun Never Set.No matter how much they invest in the end, Wu Long will participate in the share when it is divided.

Get the salary first, and then participate in the share after getting the salary, Wu Long is so domineering!

Who doesn't want to, don't have to participate.

Will the two studios not be involved?

Certainly not.They were afraid that if they didn't participate, another film company would join in and squeeze them out, and Wu Long would no longer play with him in the future.

The movie "True Lies" has many wonderful plots.For example, the part of chasing criminals on horseback is very imaginative.

When Wu Long watched it in his previous life, he was also very surprised.Repeatedly shouting "Fuck", expressing the emotion in my heart.

There are five big action scenes in the whole movie.

The first is that at the beginning of the film, he sneaks into the criminal's home to steal account secrets.Come out from the main entrance, sparking a fierce battle.

The second is that criminals saw through and wanted to assassinate him, but he counter-killed him.Chase criminals on horseback.

In the third place, the criminals tied the protagonist to Kaiser Island in the Florida Keys, and there was a fierce battle when the protagonist escaped with his wife.

The fourth is to blow up the bridge and save his wife in the air.

The fifth place is to finally fly a Harrier fighter jet to save her daughter.

If it is shot according to the original version, it is probably like this.

If it can be shot according to the original version, there are three problems.

First, criminals smashed the cockpit glass of fighter jets with light weapons in their hands.In fact, the cockpit glass of fighter jets is quite special, it needs to withstand the impact of flying birds, and it is not so easy to break.

Even if it can be broken, it will not be broken like in the movie, that is the ordinary glass breaking method.

Second, the film sets people in a certain place as murderous lunatics, which led to the ban, as well as protests and boycotts of this film by many national actors in a certain place.

Third, the actor who played the protagonist's daughter was only 14 years old at the time, but broke multiple ribs while filming the scene on the plane.

Wu Long felt that these three questions needed to be avoided.This is not just about the box office, but also about his reputation and personality.To avoid it, it is necessary to change the original plot and settings.

In order to prevent the 14-year-old actor from breaking his ribs, Wu Long decided to abandon the plot.

In order to increase the thrill, the original version let a 14-year-old underage girl perform such a dangerous action without using a double. I believe that any parent who loves his child would not want his child to film such a dangerous thing.

Let such a small actor do such a risky action, as a director, he should not make such a decision for the box office.

Although Wu Long can ensure that the actors will not have accidents by letting the actors enter the play.But others don't know.

This would give excuses to those who attacked Wu Long.After all, Wu Long knows that he can guarantee that actors will not have accidents, but others don't know that Wu Long can cheat.

And the setting of the crime has also been changed to the beginning, and I don't know why these criminals did this.It was finally revealed that the criminal was not an ordinary person.

That is to say, in Wu Long's version of "True Lies", the villains are no longer the terrorist criminals with regional discrimination in the original version, or the terrorist criminals are deliberately set as a certain type of person.By changing this setting, it can be released in more countries and regions.

At the same time, Wu Long's personal image will not be damaged because of this, and he will be boycotted by those countries and places.

The heroine is played by Scarlett Johansson.This role is set at an older age, which is very challenging for the young Scarlett.

In terms of appearance, makeup can make her look older.But in terms of acting skills, she has to show the maturity of being married for many years.

Another reason for Scarlett to act is that she is young enough.She is young, so she can make the audience feel good when performing strip dance.

The actor in the original, seriously.Looks too old anyway.If you follow the story excuse arranged by the protagonist in the plot, it is still not convincing enough.

There is a kind of contrast in the movie, which is to let the beautiful actors look ugly at the beginning of the movie, and then suddenly change from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan in the later stage or at a certain moment, which makes the audience feel novel.

Wu Long asked Scarlett to act because he wanted such an effect.

And because Scarlett was young, Wu Long changed the age of the heroine to a smaller one.In this way, the age of their daughters in the movie will also be changed to a younger age.

In the setting of the original movie, their daughter is 14 years old.Now change to seven years old.The plot does not run to the roof of the building as originally planned, and there will be no plot of climbing the boom and jumping from the plane.

After changing, start to make a shooting plan.

The plot at the beginning of the film is winter, and it needs to be shot in winter.After the plan is made, the outdoor shooting of this plot will be reserved for shooting after snow falls in winter.

Indoor scenes can be filmed as planned.

There is a wonderful scene in this plot, which is dancing tango.

Can Wu Long dance tango?

No problem at all.

The question is, who will play the villain heroine?

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