I'm not just an action star

Chapter 552 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Released

After returning to the imperial capital, Wu Long continued to work on the later stage of "Fast and Furious 2".When the schedule of "Reaper 5" comes to an end, the production of "Fast and Furious 2" will be completed.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King opens worldwide.

There is no premiere ceremony, but fans' enthusiastic discussions cannot be stopped.

"The long-awaited Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is finally here!"

"Three years, the wait finally came to an end."

"It is said that there will be a big battle."

"Is there a big scene? I think the last one is already a big scene. When Gandalf rushed down the hillside with reinforcements, it was really spectacular and thrilling!"

"It's a pity, I didn't get a ticket for the premiere!"

"It's really lucky that I snatched the last ticket for the premiere. Although the location is not good, I can buy a ticket with a good location when I watch it for the second time."

"Must be swiped three times!"

"The "Lord of the Rings" series, the absolute pinnacle of medieval fantasy epic blockbusters!"

"Wrong, if Brother Long shoots "The Hobbit", I think it will be even more exciting."

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" has no one who dares to be black or ridiculed, because the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy was filmed and produced together.The first two have already won word-of-mouth, and the third will certainly not be bad.

Those who come out to hack and spray at this time, be careful that they will be sprayed into autism.

In the evening, an hour earlier, many "Lord of the Rings" fans arrived early.This process of waiting for the opening is also a kind of enjoyment.

From time to time, strangers or small groups discuss "The Lord of the Rings" with each other because of their common obsession, making the front of the cinema seem like a seminar site.

Short brought Barbara to the cinema ahead of time to feel the atmosphere.

"See if Cross and the others are here?"

"These uncles don't come so early."

"It's hard to say, the uncle prefers medieval fantasy blockbusters. You see, there are not a few people over the age of 30 who come here."

"Look, my God, Cross is here!"

"The bookstore owner is here too!"

"Unexpectedly, they came earlier than us. There is still an hour to leave the field."

Short and Barbara squeezed into the agreed meeting spot to greet Cross and the bookstore owner.

"I didn't expect you to come earlier than me."

"I thought it was only us young people who came an hour early."

Cross said:

"Come here to experience a different atmosphere, and everyone discusses with each other. It seems to have a feeling of traveling to Middle-earth. I didn't know it before, and I heard you tell me to come early, so I gave it a try."

"how do you feel?"

"It's great. Everyone is immersed in the world of "Lord of the Rings" and temporarily forgets the troubles in reality. This is actually a way to relax, and it is healthier and harmless."

The bookstore owner finished chatting with someone, and assured the other party that his bookstore had many books that the other party liked to read.Then, he came over.

"Great, I didn't know that I could sell my bookstore by coming early."

The reason why the bookstore owner came early was to advertise his bookstore and spread word of mouth. This was his purpose.

For an hour, if you are waiting for someone, you will definitely feel that you have to wait for a long time.

But waiting for the opening time here, there are many colleagues discussing together.It seems that a temporary social place is also formed, and an hour passes quickly.

"Oh my god, an hour has passed like this. I thought it was only ten minutes." Cross sighed.

"Quickly line up, you can enter." Short took Barbara's hand.

The crowd poured into the cinema.

Soon, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King begins.

In the opening 5 minutes, it tells that Gollum killed his companions in order to get the Lord of the Rings.

The first exciting scene is Gandalf vs. Saruman.Saruman attacked Gandalf with fire from his wand, but Gandalf said only one sentence:

"Your magic wand is broken!"

The magic wand in Saruman's hand shattered.

The audience enjoyed watching it, and secretly praised Gandalf for becoming stronger than Saruman.

But when they saw Frodo being provoked by Gollum and driving away his friends, the audience hated Gollum in their hearts.

When the regent of Gondor, the old Hutu, sent his son to die, some viewers even scolded him.

The three of Aragorn entered the passage of the undead, and when they encountered the undead, they were almost drowned by countless skeletons. Such a scene made the audience feel thrilling and terrifying.

The army of Mordor came under pressure, and the regent yelled to give up resistance.Knocked out by Gandalf, Gandalf gave temporary command and yelled to fight back.

The scene of the great battle appeared, first the trebuchets of the army of Mordor orcs.Stones fell on walls and killed people.

Then the defenders of Minas Tirith of Gondor counterattacked with trebuchets under the command of Gandalf.

However, the Ringwraiths attacked in the air, and the defenders of Minas Tirith were beaten helplessly.

The half-orcs not only attacked the city wall, but also dispatched a huge tool "Gelong Langtou" to hit the city gate.

The Mordor army has the upper hand.

Frodo, who was going through the tunnel, was in danger. A big spider wanted to eat him.Frodo, who was suffering from lack of food and mental torture, was already weak, and desperately fought the spider and escaped from the tunnel.

Gollum, who was influenced by the Lord of the Rings, showed his true colors to snatch the Lord of the Rings. During the fight, Gollum fell off the cliff.

Frodo, who was unconscious, dreamed of the Elf Queen, and was encouraged by the Elf Queen, and Frodo stood up again.

In Minas Tirith, the half-orcs used the "Gron Wolf Head" to break open the city gate.It turned out that "Gelong Langtou" is a huge metal pillar. The front end of the metal pillar is cast in the shape of a monster wolf's head, and a flame is burning in the wolf's head's mouth.

This kind of door-ramping tool has shields and anti-arrows on the top and around it, which can cause a huge impact on the city gate.

Gandalf personally led the soldiers to guard the city gate and fight against the half-orcs who rushed in.

Frodo, who continued to move forward, finally saw the evil eye from a distance, but unexpectedly the big spider attacked and grabbed him from behind, and bound him with silk.

Sam follows and fights the big spider.

In Minas Tirithri, the fatuous regent thought his son was dead and wanted to burn him alive.

The Witch-King of Angmar, Lord of the Ringwraiths, stopped Gandalf and shattered Gandalf's magic staff.Just when it was about to kill Gandalf, it heard the horn of human reinforcements.

The Witch-King of Angmar gives up killing Gandalf and flies away.

Theoden King of Rohan came with reinforcements, and they charged the Orcs in ranks.

Princess Yin Owen of Rohan disguised herself as a man and wore armor, and rushed towards the orc army with Merry.She and Mellie were very scared, and with Theoden's encouragement before the battle, they mustered up the courage to charge.

The orcs fired arrows, and the charging cavalry kept getting shot and fell, but no one retreated.

With such a charge, the orc was afraid and retreated.

The half-orc formation was broken up by the cavalry reinforcements from Rohan, and they entered a stalemate.

Gandalf broke in to save the surviving Prince Regent's son Faramir, and the Regent said that even if you win this time, so what?The East cannot be defeated.

Pippin risked to save Faramir, but the regent wanted to come and grab him, but was kicked into the fire by Gandalf's horse.

The regent, who was on fire, ran out and fell.

King Theoden repelled the goblins, stopped the reinforcements from pursuing, and wanted to defend the city of Minas Tirith.As a result, I saw the giant elephant soldiers of Mordor!

The giant elephant soldiers were too huge, armed to the teeth, and Theoden led the cavalry to rush over, but they couldn't pose a threat to the giant elephant soldiers at all.

With heavy losses, some methods were found to bring down a few giant elephants.

Princess Yin Ouwen and Mei Li also brought down a giant elephant to make a contribution.

The Witch King Angmar, the ring spirit, flew to kill Theoden, and Princess Yin Owen came to protect her father.She beheaded the wraith, forcing the Witch King of Angmar to come down to fight her.

Princess Yin Owen is no match for the Witch King of Angmar.

Aragon, the elf prince, and the dwarf Ji Muli arrived with the undead army on the pirate ship they killed.The half-orcs thought it was the pirate alliance to help out, but the undead army appeared and killed them.

At the port, the undead army stepped across the water and rushed to the battlefield, which finally made the hearts of the audience excited.

There was no hope at all.

With the arrival of Aragorn and the undead army, the audience finally saw the dawn.

The Witch King of Angmar pinched Princess Yin Owen's neck, and said to Princess Yin Owen:

"no man kill me."

"man" means both human beings and men.

It didn't know that Princess Yin Ouwen, who was wearing a helmet, was a woman.

And Merry is a hobbit, and like dwarves, he cannot be classified as a human race.So, Meli sneaked up on the Witch King of Angmar from behind, and stabbed the Witch King of Angmar with the dagger given by the elf.

The elf's dagger can break the black magic of the Ringwraith, making the Ringwraith lose the ability to freely control the body.

It was Meli's knife that made the Witch King of Angmar unable to move.

Princess Yin Ouwen lifted the helmet, revealing her long hair and the appearance of a woman.

"I'm not a man."

After Princess Yin Owen finished speaking, she pierced the Angmar Witch King's helmet with a sword, killing the Angmar Witch King.

Next, is the performance of Wu Long, the prince of elves.

He dexterously jumped on the long tusks of the running giant elephant, which was violently swinging and attacking, jumped onto the front feet of the giant elephant in the violent shaking, jumped from the front feet of the giant elephant to the back feet of the giant elephant, and climbed from the hind legs of the giant elephant to the top of the giant elephant. .

In the picture, the giant elephant is running, and the whole body of the giant elephant is shaking violently.

Wu Long's martial arts were exposed, making his jumps so chic and elegant, as if they were like the lightness of oriental martial arts.

Wu Long's completion of these shots is much more perfect and better-looking than the actor who played the elf prince in the original version.

In the gallop of the giant elephant, he killed the enemies who came down from the elephant's back and attacked him, and cut the ropes so that the enemies all fell down.Finally, come to the head of the giant elephant and shoot the giant elephant with three elf bows and arrows.

The giant elephant fell to the ground, and he jumped all the way from the top of the giant's head, landing in a thrilling way from the long tusks.

The battle ended and King Theoden died.

Such a result made the audience sad.

The undead army wants Aragorn to fulfill his promise and let them rest in peace.The dwarves stopped, but Aragorn kept his promise and gave the undead army rest in peace.

The battle scenes of the entire Mordor army besieging Minas Tirith were fierce, tense, and grand, and the momentum and results that the audience wanted were filmed.

Frodo is captured, and the orcs cause infighting because they want the treasure on him.

Sam arrives in time to save Frodo.

It was very difficult for the two to pass through Mordor, so Aragorn decided to attack the Black Gate to attract the attention of the evil eye and attract the orcs away, so that Frodo and Sam could pass through Mordor.

Unexpectedly, the two met half-orcs gathering and transferring on the way, and were pulled into the army.Just when they were almost discovered, Frodo thought of a way, and the two pretended to fight to cause a riot, and took the opportunity to escape.

In front of the black gate, an army of orcs poured out.They are several times the size of the human army and surround the human beings.

Looking down from the sky, the human army has no hope of winning and can only die in battle.

Aragorn led the charge towards the orcs.The two little hobbits also charged.But before rushing out a few steps, he was overtaken by others.

Unfortunately, this joke did not make the audience laugh, but made the audience feel sad.

Frodo and Sam fall down on the hillside, Sam climbs the mountain with Frodo on his back, and Gollum reappears causing a fight.

Sam defeats Gollum, and Frodo runs off to destroy the Ring.

At the last moment, Frodo was tempted by the Lord of the Rings, unwilling to throw away the Lord of the Rings, and put on the Lord of the Rings to hide himself.

Sam was knocked down by Gollum, who judged Frodo's location through footprints, bit off Frodo's finger and snatched the Lord of the Rings.

Frodo and Gollum compete for the Ring, and Gollum drops lava.Sam saves Frodo.

In front of the black gate, humans fought to the death.

The ring spirit in the air came, but was stopped by the giant eagle that rushed over.

Just when the human army was in despair, the Lord of the Rings was destroyed, followed by the evil eye, Mordor collapsed, and mankind won.

In the end, Aragorn became king and married the elf princess.

Frodo followed the elves and Gandalf to leave Middle-earth.

A movie that lasted over four hours is finally over!

The next day, discussions and film reviews about "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" flooded the Internet and various entertainment media around the world.

"The super-long epic fantasy blockbuster is finally over, and "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" finally showed the audience a huge medieval battle scene.

Catapults, climbing towers, gate rams, giant elephant corps, undead corps, the fierce battle on the entire battlefield is tense and thrilling.

There are also various twists.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is definitely a classic! "

"The Lord of the Rings series ushers in the third and final series.

The movie does not simply talk about war and evil, but also about humanity, dedication, and dedication.

Gondor did not go to rescue Rohan because the Lake Regent was painted.Theoden, king of Rohan, didn't want to rescue him, but under Gandalf's persuasion, he also knew that the survival of mankind was at stake.If Mordor wiped out Gondor, Rohan would be next.

So he called on the armies from all over the world to jointly rescue Gondor.

Hobbits fight for their friends.

The princess of Rohan fights for her lover and for love.

Knowing that his father's order was wrong, Faramir, the son of the regent, still carried out his troops to die.People don't know what to say.


"Perhaps some people don't understand why Frodo left. I can tell everyone that Frodo was traumatized physically and mentally.

Many people don't pay attention to the details, in fact, the movie also explains it at the end.Frodo tells Sam that the wounds on his body are still tormenting him.

In fact, the torment of the mind caused Frodo more pain than the torment of the body.

Even when he was victorious, there was hardly a smile on Frodo's face.

Because he knew that his mission had failed.

If Gollum hadn't snatched the Ring, the Ring would not have been destroyed at all.And he competed with Gollum for the Lord of the Rings not to destroy the Lord of the Rings, but to get the Lord of the Rings.Dropped with Gollum because of the competition for the ownership of the Lord of the Rings.

He grabbed the edge, and Gollum fell into the lava with the Ring.

Frodo has been blaming himself that his will is not as strong as he imagined. "

"Some people say that the production cost of the "Lord of the Rings" series is high, and Wu Long's film salary is high, but everyone just counts each film, but ignores the fact that the "Lord of the Rings" series of movies is very long.

The first part is 228 minutes, the second part is 235 minutes, and the third part is 263 minutes.

Not to mention the 90 minutes of an ordinary movie, even if it is calculated as a 120-minute piece of two hours, the trilogy of the "Lord of the Rings" series is equal to six other movies!

In other words, one "Lord of the Rings" series is equivalent to two other films.

Calculated in this way, the production cost is equivalent to 5000 million U.S. dollars for a movie, and Wu Long's salary is equivalent to 5000 million U.S. dollars for a movie, so it doesn't seem high.

In this way, Wu Long combined the duration of the two films into one, and combined the six parts into a trilogy, which can be said to be for the sake of the audience, saving the audience the ticket money for the three films.

From this point of view, is Wu Long very conscientious? "

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