I'm not just an action star

Chapter 413 The Mysterious Amazon

The successful rotation of the propeller means that the ship can still move.It also means that everyone can leave here and stay away from danger.

At least you can leave the shore to prevent the beasts on the shore from attacking the boat.

Just when everyone was cheering, there was a sudden sound: "Boom!"

With a sound, the boat was hit by something and shook.

Someone was not careful and almost fell down.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

Just when everyone was asking each other, they heard a sharp, half-screaming voice.

"This cry is the same as something coming out of the safe room!"

"It's that thing, it's been around the Magic and hasn't left!"

"Just now I felt something was staring at me, it must be it!"


A dark figure swooped down from the sky, knocking the photographer down.



The camera falls to the ground.

"Pull me up! I'm attacked and I'm bleeding!"

Another burst of yelling sounded.The son of Dr. Cole, who originally wanted to run to help the photographer, was hit by something when he felt danger, and he flew up and hit the cabin.


"Ah!" Dr. Cole's son screamed.

"Everyone hide in the cabin!"


"Close the hatch!"

Wu Long entered the cabin last.Just as he closed the hatch, there was another crash.If the door is not closed in time, it must be bumped in by this unknown thing.

The doctor hurriedly checked the wound for the photographer and Dr. Cole's son.

The photographer's wound was on the back of the head, Dr. Cole's on the chest.

"Look at the wound, it's something that came out of the safe room!" The doctor said while bandaging the two.

"Shit, what the hell is that!" the photographer yelled. "Aren't you a doctor of biology? Why can't you tell?"

The doctor of biology shook his head: "I am a doctor of biology, but do you know how many animals can bite people in the world? How many can I actually see? How many can I remember?"

The host appears.

"I might know what that is. We really shouldn't have opened that door."

Everyone looked at the host.

"What is it?" The doctor of biology hurriedly asked the host.He doesn't even know that he has a PhD in biology, but the host does.Could it be that the host's professional knowledge is stronger than his?

The host said it seriously and seriously. "Vampire trick!"

"Vampire trick?"

"This is impossible!"

"The vampire is just a fabrication!"

Amid doubts, the host said, "I didn't say it, but Dr. Cole said it."

"Dr. Cole?"

"Yes. I looked for his clues in his video, and accidentally found a video about why the hatch of the safe room was welded shut."

"Why? Is it because of the vampire?"

"Yes, the bloodsucker killed a person on the Magic. Dr. Cole dripped his own blood into a bowl to save others. He put the bowl full of blood in the safe room and planned to lead the bloodsucker into the safe house."

"This plan successfully introduced the blood-sucking ghost into the safe room, and closed the hatch to prevent the blood-sucking ghost from coming out. In order to prevent someone from accidentally saving it, the hatch was deliberately defended, and a warning was marked on the hatch, so that later people should not open it."

After listening to the host's words, everyone looked at each other.Obviously, I didn't expect it to be this answer.

The photographer covered the back of his head and said:

"It turned out to be a vampire! When I came here, I read the legend of the Amazon rainforest, and there is a legend about the vampire in the Amazon."

"When night falls, the locals seldom go out for activities, just because they don't want to meet vampires. No one knows what vampires look like. They only know that they have been bitten by vampires, and vampires will follow this person until Drain this man's blood dry."

The photographer's narration made everyone tremble.Both the photographer and Dr. Cole's son have been bitten by the blood-sucking ghosts. Will they really be followed by the blood-sucking ghosts until their blood is sucked out?

"Don't worry, everyone doesn't go out at night. Wait until daytime before going out," the doctor said.

The photographer shook his head:

"No. If you hide at night, vampires will come out to attack during the day."

"We can see it during the day!" Wu Long said.

"Boom!" The hull was hit and shook.

"That's it!" said the doctor, "It's the vampire that is hitting our boat and doesn't want our boat to leave."

Wu Long asked the host: "Did the camera capture its appearance?"

The host shook his head.

"I looked at it frame by frame, and it was just a black shadow."

After pondering, Wu Long said: "The sight is bad at night, so it will come out frequently. During the day, when the sight is good, it may not come out frequently. But if it attacked during the day, with the force of its impact just now, it is likely to knock people into the water. There are not only piranhas and black caimans in the water. If it attacks people in the water, it is easy for people to drown."

The doctor added: "Even if you don't die by drowning. If the wound enters the river, it is more likely to be infected."

Dr. Cole's son also said: "If someone falls into the water, the person who rescued him is also vulnerable to attack. If everyone falls into the river, everyone can only let it attack."

"Then what should we do?" the host asked worriedly.

"I'll go out and fight it." Wu Long said.

"It's hard to hit it with a gun, let alone kill it," said the photographer.

Wu Long pulled out the dog-leg knife.

"Use this. I have kung fu, as long as it gets close to me, I believe I can hit it with a knife!"

"But it's a vampire, it can't be hurt by a knife, and it can't be killed. Unless your knife is made of silver." The photographer said.

"Are there any silver products here? Silver knives or something." Wu Long asked.

Everyone is shaking their heads.

"I'll try it first, and come back and find a way if I can't hurt it. Otherwise, it's not a problem to let it hit the boat all the time. If the boat is hit and something goes wrong, we will be trapped here."

Wu Long held the dog-leg knife and insisted on going out.At this time, his eyes showed determination and bravery, just like the heroes in many western movies.Coupled with Wu Long's kung fu and strength, Wu Long's heroic demeanor made the audience fully believe in him.

If Wu Long makes a move, it will definitely work.

Even if it is a vampire, he will be killed by Wu Long without any silver knife.

The force of the ship being hit by the vampire is very strong. If you don't hold on to the fixed objects, it is difficult for people to stand on their feet, and they will fall down when the ship shakes.

Wu Long held the cabin door, and opened it immediately after the impact.

He stood on the bow of the boat with a dogleg knife and shouted loudly: "Come on, come and attack me, you dog!"


The hull was hit again, Wu Long stood on horseback and swayed with the shaking of the hull, but he was not thrown out.

He immediately stood on the bow of the ship with a horizontal knife, but the vampire did not attack him and continued to hit the ship.Every time the hull is bumped and shaken, the navigation will deviate and need to be corrected manually, otherwise it will definitely hit the shore.

Some of the viewers who watched the TV series discussed it at home, and some discussed it online.

"Kung Fu Dragon is so strong that even blood-sucking monsters dare not attack him!"

"A dragon is a warrior and a hero. He is born to restrain the vampires, and the vampires are afraid of him!"

"Haven't you watched "The Way Is High?" The dragon knows magic and is an oriental magician who can destroy vampires."

When everyone was discussing Wu Long's power on the Internet, on TV, Wu Long took off his shirt and slowly cut a wound on his chest with a knife.

Blood flowed from the wound on his chest.

This way of self-mutilation, this kind of action, Wu Long did, gave people a kind of tragic feat of a hero going to death.

Many female fans were moved and praised on the Internet, saying that Wu Long's action is very heroic and cool.

Perhaps because of the smell of Wu Long's blood, the vampire no longer crashed into the boat.You can see black shadows flying past in the lens from time to time.Soon, it was impossible to see what it was.All he knew was that this flying black shadow was flying around Wu Long.


The black shadow was circling continuously, and suddenly rushed towards Wu Long.

Wu Long didn't have time to slash the black shadow with the knife, but only had time to block the knife in front of his chest.


Wu Long was hit by the shadow and took a step back.The black shadow left as soon as it hit, and continued to circle around Wu Long.Wu Long looked at himself, he was not bitten by the vampire.

He stood up again and roared at the shadow:

"Come on, you can't hurt me!"

The black shadow also seemed to be angry, and made a sound that seemed to be screaming.

Suddenly, the black shadow rushed towards Wu Long again.This time Wu Long was able to dodge and swing the knife, but unfortunately he failed to hit the black shadow.The blood-sucking ghost also failed to bite Wu Long.

"I told you, you can't hurt me!"

Wu Long roared at Sombra again.

The black shadow also responded to Wu Long again with a voice that seemed to be shouting but not screaming. To everyone's ears, this was the roar of the blood-sucking ghost to Wu Long.

The black shadow revolving around Wu Long suddenly rushed towards Wu Long again.This time Wu Long dodged again, and the dog-leg knife slashed out again.

A shrill cry came out.Although the cry this time was similar to that of the previous one, everyone could tell that the cry this time was a scream.

The scream of being cut!

"It hit!"


"I know Kung Fu Dragon can do it!"


Something fell on the bow deck.

Because it is a pseudo-documentary, the footage is provided by the host's camera.At this time, I only saw something falling on the deck in front of the bow, but I didn't know what it was.

And Wu Long, holding a dogleg knife, was looking down at the things on the ground.

"Did you cut it?"

"Is it dead?"

"Can we go out?"

In the cabin, everyone shouted at Wu Long.

Wu Long still held the dog-leg knife like that, without moving or looking up, only heard him reply:

"You can come out."

The hatch was opened immediately, and everyone rushed out and surrounded them one after another.

The body on the ground was black.

The so-called vampire is actually a big bat!

The wings of this big bat were more than one meter long before they were fully extended.The whole body is as big as a human head.

The face of the big bat is a bit like a human face, and the two eyes do not seem to be on the sides of the head like a bird, but like a human, almost on the same side in front.

What's even more frightening is.At this time, the bat opened two blood-red eyes, and looked like it was dying.

"Shet, is this a vampire?"

"It's a bat, isn't it?"

"No, it's a big bat!"

"It's still a vampire bat!"

"No, it's not a bat. That's not the face of a bat."

"Look, its two eyes are in front, just like a human."

"No, no, no, bats don't have eyes at all. Bats' eyes have degenerated!"

Everyone quarreled and finally looked at Wu Long.

"Dragon, what is it?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"I don't know what it is either."

Everyone looked down at the big bat on the ground, and the photographer suddenly said:

"Maybe it's really not a bat, it's a vampire. It's just hacked to death by a dragon, and it looks like a bat."

"What shall we do with it? Throw it in the river?"

"Burn it to ashes. Otherwise, maybe it will come back to life," the photographer replied.

"Resurrection?" The biology doctor looked at the photographer in surprise.

The photographer said seriously:

"Legends may not be credible. But at this time I choose to believe, I don't want to gamble with my life. Dragon, what do you think?"

Everyone looked at Wu Long, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Burn it."

Someone brought a barbecue grill, put the big bat on it, poured oil on it, stuffed a few pieces of firewood under the dead bat's body, and set fire to the big bat.

At the end of the first episode, everyone used kayaks to transport the materials on the outside ship to the Magic, planning to drive the Magic to find Dr. Cole.

This concludes the first episode of The River.

Discussions quickly formed online.

"Such a big vampire bat, is it real or fake?"

"It's true. I just checked, and the Amazon rainforest once had the largest bat in the world!"

"I also checked. There have been incidents of vampire bats attacking people in the Amazon rainforest."

"This is not a vampire bat at all, it is a vampire!"

"I heard from my grandfather. He heard from his grandfather that vampires turn into bats after they are killed. If the bat's body is not burned to death, it will be resurrected the next night and become a vampire bat. This As long as a vampire bat sucks human blood, it can be resurrected as a vampire!"

"Why is there no one discussing it. This big bat is put on the grill, is it fragrant or not, and is it delicious?"

Discussions about vampires and vampire bats on the Internet are becoming more and more bizarre, and many of them are based on the legends of the older generation.

Searches for the Amazon rainforest skyrocketed as "The River" aired.Inquiries to travel to the Amazon rainforest have multiplied.

All the travel agencies that carry out trips to the Amazon are thankful for Wu Long's "River", which has increased their business volume soaring.

Many people left comments on the Internet that this "River" is not bad, and they will watch it afterward.It's just a shame the next episode won't air until next week.The torment of this kind of drama is uncomfortable.

Everyone is very concerned about the ratings of "The River", even the TV station is very anxious.Finally, "The River" came out, and the ratings came out, which reassured everyone involved.

Wu Long received a call from the TV station and knew that the ratings were not the highest or the best, but they were still in the top three of the year.

Everyone knows that Wu Long's trip to the Amazon rainforest not only made a TV series, but more importantly, he made a movie.

Of course, everyone didn't know that Wu Long made two movies, but thought he made one movie.

But even if it is a movie, everyone has expectations for this movie.

What kind of movie will this be?

Is there a connection between Dr. Cole and the show "The River"?It's a pity that Wu Long didn't disclose too much, and he didn't find much on the Internet.

"The Plague of Python" was co-produced with Lion Pictures.Seeing the good ratings of "River", Lion Pictures couldn't help looking forward to "The Plague of Python".

Movies are not TV shows.

In "The River", a big bat was hacked to death so easily.This is impossible in the movie.

If the big snake in "The Plague of Python" was killed so easily, the movie wouldn't look good.

As "The River" played in Europe, in Asia and at home, domestic discussions were equally lively.

"When I saw the vampire, I thought it was a vampire, but showed me a big bat!"

"It's not a big bat, it's a big vampire bat!"

"I thought it was a supernatural and terrifying route, but it doesn't look like it."

"If it's really a spooky horror stream, it won't be broadcast in China."

"It's hard to say, in the past, wasn't Wu Long's action movies not allowed to be screened?"

"It's different, spirituality is the bottom line."

"Bottom line is a good word to use."

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