I'm not just an action star

Chapter 412 "The River Mysterious River"

After finishing the call with Fox, Wu Long was still staring at the phone in his hand.

Fox is thanking him for teaching gun fighting skills?

Wu Long smiled inwardly and shook his head.

Tonight, the first episode of the pseudo-documentary "The River" will be aired, and finally the discussion on the Internet about Wu Long going to the Amazon rainforest can continue.

The heat was also heated up again because of the broadcast of "The River".At the beginning, Wu Long went to the Amazon rainforest with great fanfare, but later returned quietly, causing many people to conjecture about the mysterious Amazon rainforest.

American dramas have one episode a week, about ten episodes a season.

The original "River" ended in just eight episodes, and a second season was not filmed because of low ratings.

Wu Long doesn't know the ratings of the improved version of "River".But even if the ratings are good, he will not continue filming.The filming of "River" was just incidental to the filming of "The Plague of Python".By the way, do a marketing hype, which is the so-called operation.

Some people worry that the low ratings of "The River" will damage Wu Long's reputation.Wu Long didn't think he would lose too much.Because he has always been successful, it is normal that there will always be failures.

Wu Long really wants to give people a normal performance.

So, "The River" has low ratings, so be it.

"The drama starring Kung Fu Dragon will be broadcast tonight!"

"I just don't know if it looks good or not!"

"Kung Fu Dragon movies must be good!"

"It doesn't matter whether it looks good or not, what matters is whether it is true or not."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know? I heard that Dr. Cole entered the forbidden area of ​​the Amazon rainforest, and the TV series should show the strange things in the forbidden area."

"Is there really a forbidden area in the Amazon rainforest? Are there really strange things?"

"Of course there is, and it's very dangerous. Otherwise, why would Dr. Cole's family ask Kung Fu Dragon to find someone? It's because of Kung Fu Dragon's performance in Philippines!"

"I've heard that Kung Fu Dragon can roar like a lion, and can scare away lions. He also knows martial arts and is good at marksmanship. If he encounters danger in the Amazon rainforest, Kung Fu Dragon will definitely be able to solve it. That's why he is invited to go."

"I heard that they really went to the Amazon rainforest to shoot, and they also met an eight-meter-long anaconda. The anaconda climbed onto their boat at night and wanted to eat people, but was beaten back into the water by Kung Fu Dragon!"

"Most of the movies and videos of Kung Fu Dragon are true, so his distress in the Amazon rainforest is also true!"

"They came back without finding Dr. Cole, that's because they encountered something weird in the Amazon rainforest!"

"That's why I want to see if there is any weird thing in "The River" and whether it is true."

On the Internet, various discussions followed the passage of time to the moment when "The River" started to play.

First broadcast in North America, followed by Europe and Asia.

This is also the first TV series broadcast globally at the same time.It can be seen that Wu Long's global fame and popularity at this time are already unmatched by other stars.

"The River" begins with the introduction of Dr. Cole's disappearance.Dr. Cole and his team, who have been missing for several months, are believed to be dead by the outside world.

Dr. Cole's family also held a memorial service for Dr. Cole.

However, Dr. Cole's annunciator suddenly appeared again.It's just that Dr. Cole's family couldn't go to the rescue because it would take a lot of money to search for it.

The TV station wanted to make a search documentary and decided to provide financial relief.However, it is required to shoot the whole process, and at the same time, it is required to invite a famous star to participate together.

The participation of famous stars can guarantee the ratings.

It turned out that the TV station contacted several well-known anchors for survival or adventure in the wild, but when they heard that they were going to the Amazon rainforest, they all refused.

If only on the edge of the Amazon rainforest or near inhabited areas, they can participate.

But if they are going deep into the Amazon rainforest, they don't want to take risks without goals and directions.

The Amazon rainforest is a terrible place, where any mosquito or an unremarkable grass can kill a person.

No matter how much money the TV station pays, money does not necessarily mean life.

Finally, after contacting Wu Long, Wu Long agreed to go.

This is the background of the film introduced at the beginning of "The River".This part of the background introduction lasts almost 10 minutes. If it is another film, it will definitely hit the street.

Well, that's true of the original.

Now Wu Long's version, because of Wu Long's fame and some Wu Long's introductions, the ratings have risen instead of falling.

It's like a book written by a great god. Even if the beginning is slow, readers will read it, because the great god has many fans and is willing to read it patiently.

If a new author writes like this, let alone no one reads it, it is impossible to sign a contract.

Many editors receive books and read the text, and they say it sounds good, and the text is so good.In fact, submitting to him is not accepted at all.However, if you add a system, there will be a "ding" or something.It's still the original beginning, and I'll give it right away.

The same goes for TV shows.The beginning was slow, there was no hot spot to attract the audience, and it rushed to the street.

Wu Long's version of "The River", when introducing Wu Long, showed some videos of Wu Long that are not available on the Internet.For example, the video about why Wu Long was invited to participate in the search to show Wu Long's marksmanship has never appeared on the Internet.

It is said on the Internet that when Wu Long was filming "Quick Chase", he practiced with live ammunition humanoid targets in the shooting club.

"Bang bang bang!"

Wu Long demonstrated gun fighting skills on the shooting range, making audiences who like Wu Long and gun fighting skills feel that "The River" is very good!

In the previous movies, Wu Long was either practicing kung fu in ancient times, or he was playing kung fu and shooting guns in the modern city.

In "The River", Wu Long plays kung fu and guns in the tropical rainforest. This novel setting must attract many people.

The mouth of the vast Amazon River, with picturesque views of the tropical rainforest.

In anticipation, the ship came to where the signal appeared.However, when they came to the position where the signal appeared, no ship was found, and no person was found.

The water is empty!

Moreover, the location of the signal has changed!

The laptop showed that the coordinates of the signal appeared in another location.However, in that place, there is no accurate map, and the river is not marked on the map.

Wu Long asked the guide to take them to the new coordinate point.When the local guide saw that place, his face changed drastically.He was reluctant to go there and advised them not to.

Because there is Boyuna!

Boyuna is the meaning of the snake god in the Amazon rainforest mythology, and it also generally refers to the territory of the snake god.

The snake god is the embodiment of the Amazon rainforest, also known as the black snake.

Elsewhere, river diversions are uncommon.Even if the river diverts, it will take a long time.

Not so in the Amazon rainforest, where river diversions are the norm.

This rainy season, the river goes this way.In the next rainy season, maybe the river will go somewhere else.

And the place where the river diverts most frequently is Boyona, the territory of the snake god.

If you go to a place by water, suppose you pass through four points abcd.Go next time, it is very likely that the order will become acbd.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the local residents feel very mysterious, and attribute those areas where the river diverts too frequently to the mysterious power, which is called Boyona, the territory of the snake god.

In the original "The River," one of the characters is Jael, the ship's mechanic's daughter.The setting of this role is to be a godmother.All the mysterious and weird events and elements in the original version are drawn or explained by this Yael.

In this play, Wu Long canceled this role.

Wu Long kept the mysterious forbidden Boyuna.The original version was proposed by Jael, and now it is proposed by the guide.

And, the guide insisted on leaving them.And warned them that if they entered the forbidden area, they would never come out.Even if it comes out, it will be plagued by bad luck and die unexpectedly.

The guide was a local who was strongly opposed to entering Boyuna and was determined not to enter himself.Only in this way does Boyuna seem dangerous and more attractive to the audience.

In the original version, Yael suggested not to enter, without explaining how serious it was, and then he followed suit.This cannot form a strong contrast, and cannot make the audience think that entering is dangerous.So the original hit the street.

Because the guide insisted on leaving, and threatened that if he did not send him back, all of them could not leave the Amazon and would face revenge from the tribe.

Wu Long and the others had no choice but to send the guide back, and asked if anyone was willing to lead the way, and the TV station offered a high price.However, not only did no one respond, but more people stayed away from them, seeing them as people of bad luck who were about to die.

Wu Long and the others had no choice but to re-add the quality of shopping, and went to the place they had been before again, intending to find it by themselves.

On the way to find it, I came across a merchant on the water.Water vendors are driving a small boat on the waterways of the Amazon rainforest and selling the materials on the boat to tribes, villages or boats in need.

After hearing the high price, the merchants on the water said that they only brought them to the entrance.The host agrees, and the other party should stay away as soon as they bring it to the entrance of Boyuna.

The entrance only allows small boats to enter, and everyone enters in two kayaks.It's like walking in a tree-lined path, with the top of the head covered with light and leaves, and many unusual insects flying around.

There are also strange big blue dragonflies, and beautiful water birds that have never been seen before.

Passing through this narrow and long waterway, the eyes suddenly open up.They came to a river, which, according to the saying, should be the channel of Boyuna.

In fact, there is also a large river outside that connects with Boyuna's river.It's just because the river often changes its course, and sometimes I don't know if I can really go there.

According to the water vendor, the small waterway he pointed out is relatively fixed and will not be diverted frequently.

According to the coordinates displayed on the laptop, they slowly approached the location where the signal was sent.

"Look, there's a boat ahead!"

Everyone drove over excitedly.

"found it!"

"It's Dr. Cole's magic number!"

"Dr. Cole!"

"Dr. Cole!"

No one on the Magic responded.It was quiet on the bow, and the surrounding area was also quiet, only the calls of birds and unknown wild animals.

The kayak stopped beside the Magic, and everyone got on board.Along the way, two cameras have been following the film.One camera is for the photographer and one camera is for the presenter.

Wu Long went up first, and Dr. Cole's son, a doctor, a Ph.D. in biology, and a ship mechanic boarded successively.

In this play, there are no women.The entire expedition search party was all men.Doctors of biology and the people sent by the TV station are all people with field hiking experience.Doctors have participated in military training and can fight and treat.

Wu Long asked the doctor and the photographer to stay outside, and the others went into the boat with him to search.

The cabin was dark, and Dr. Cole's son had stayed on the Magic, so he knew where the switch was, so Wu Long asked him to open it.

Everyone searched carefully, and suddenly heard what seemed to be an unusual sound.Wu Long knocked on the cabin and got a response.

Dr. Cole's son heard the noise and quickly said it came from the safe room.To ward off bandits, Dr. Cole converted the vault into a safe house.

Led by Dr. Cole, everyone followed the sound to a cabin door.

It turned out that the hatch had been welded firmly from the outside, and the words "Do not open at risk" were written on it.

The sound came from inside again.

"My dad is inside!" Dr. Cole's son touched the door and shouted to the inside: "Dad! Dad!"

"Maybe it's not Dr. Cole." Wu Long analyzed.

"Maybe someone locked my dad inside!" Dr. Cole's son shouted anxiously: "Otherwise, how could the signaler re-send the signal?"

The host said: "It's all here, we have to find out. Maybe Dr. Cole is really locked in. Someone wrote it like this on purpose, just because they don't want people to open it to save people."

"How to save? The door was welded to death."

Dr. Cole's son said: "There are cutting tools on board! I'm going to turn on the power and find a cutting machine to cut it!"

Wu Long and Dr. Cole's son were cutting the door, and the host came to Dr. Cole's editing room.He found Dr. Cole's video material, and thought that by watching Dr. Cole's video material, he could speculate where he had been, and then follow Dr. Cole's path to find clues.

The ship mechanic started overhauling to see if the ship could still start.

Over there, Wu Long is about to finish cutting.

"Doctor, get ready. Dr. Cole must be weak if he's in there."

After the cutting was completed, Wu Long put down the cutting machine.

"Be careful, everyone, I'm about to open the door!"

The hatch was opened carefully, Dr. Cole's son turned on the light, and was the first to go in.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed out, and there was a strange sound that seemed to be screaming.


Dr. Cole's son was so frightened that he fell on his back.Others felt a gust of wind blowing, and a black shadow seemed to fly out of the lights.

"what is that!"

"do not know!"

Wu Long and the doctor chased them out, but they didn't see anything.They came back, checked the safe room, and found a special bowl in it, because there were blood stains in the bowl.

"You're hurt!" The doctor noticed blood on Dr. Cole's son's forehead.

"Maybe it was injured just now."

The doctor shook his head.

"No. You fell on your back just now, how could you be injured by a fall? Maybe you were injured by that thing!"

That thing, that gust of wind or that shadow.Nobody could see what it was anyway, but there must be something.

"You have to disinfect and clean the wound immediately. Otherwise, you may be infected with unknown germs. Infection in this place can easily kill you."

"Listen to your doctor, please help me clean the wound."

In the safe room, nothing was found.Wu Long and others went to clear the water plants on the propeller.It was already night, and it was too dark to see anything around.From time to time, strange noises sounded, making people feel horrified and frightened.

"I feel like someone is watching us!"

"I feel it too. Everyone, pay attention to your surroundings and try to be careful!"

After clearing the water weeds, the ship mechanic successfully started the engine after overhauling the wheel room.Seeing the propeller turning, everyone cheered.

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