I'm not just an action star

Chapter 307 The Best Foreign Language Film is Nowhere

At the celebration banquet, Xing Zhongfei showed Wu Long his mobile phone.

"Look, some people on the Internet say that you are in full swing now."

Wu Long shook his head and chuckled.

"Those people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. They want to lift me up to the sky so that I will fall even worse."

Xing Zhongfei didn't see it that way.

"No, they were right."

"Huh?" Wu Long looked at Xing Zhongfei.This guy, what's the weird theory?

"If you and I cooperate, it will be like the sky." Xing Zhongfei began to talk about his strange theory.

"Look, there is a character '中' in my name, a character 'Dragon' in your name, and a character 'Fly' in my name. When you and I are put together, isn't it like the sky?"

"There is only one word '中', where is the word '天'?" Wu Long wondered.How did Xing Zhongfei have such a brain, how could he be able to talk about "Rising Sun"?

"My 'fly' and your 'dragon', don't they mean 'flying dragon in the sky'? The dragon is the sky, isn't there the sky? Today, it's hidden. Most people can't see it." Xing Zhongfei looks amazing Mysterious secret.

Wu Long felt amused. "What about 'day'?"

"'日' is in your surname. In fact, sky is also in your surname. Although your surname is Wu, you took the name 'Dragon', so you are a dragon and a sky. 'Hao' also means sky, The '日' on the top of this word, the one inside flies out and turns into a dragon to become your name. Look, if your name is Haolong, doesn't it mean that the sun is in the sky, like the sun in the sky?"

"But your surname is not Hao, but your surname is Wu. If your character 'dragon' can fly back into the 'mouth' above your character 'Wu', you will be in full swing."

"Your name cannot be directly named with such a powerful name, so it was hidden. This is also the reason why you have been unknown before. Because you are a hidden dragon."

"Qianlong meets the situation and soars into the sky. When you meet me, my name happens to have the word 'Zhongfei'. Your dragon immediately rides the wind, and the flying dragon is in the sky. Now your dragon is flying across the sky. , it is flying back to your surname, and it is in full swing."

"Some people say it out of nowhere, but in the eyes of sensible people, it is intentional. As the saying goes, the Tao follows nature, and the secrets of heaven cannot be leaked. However, secrets of heaven are hidden, and there are always traces in nature."

"What is missing is a pair of eyes of discovery."

"The sky is like the sun, shining on the world. The dragon soars all over the world, and the sky is free to fly. There is no room for you in this domestic pond." Xing Zhongfei sighed.

Wu Long just wanted to hit this old magic stick.

"However, for the traditional characters of Wu characters, the bottom is not the sky. Going forward to seal characters, Wu and Hao are also different." Wu Long showed Xing Zhongfei the one he found on his mobile phone.

Unexpectedly, Xing Zhongfei was neither taken aback nor embarrassed, but seemed confident.

"As expected of a person who can see the scenery side by side with me, he does not follow blindly, and does not trust people easily. Even if he is a partner, he still has doubts in his heart."

"However, those who are obsessed with this are like carving a boat and seeking a sword, and they will never get the true way."

"Why do so many people study the Dao, but never get started? It's because they don't know how to adapt."

"Taking the gossip as an example, there are Xiantian gossip and Houtian gossip. What is Houtian gossip? It is a gossip map suitable for himself that King Wen of Zhou changed from Xiantian gossip based on his own era at that time. So Houtian gossip is also called Houtian gossip. King Wen gossips."

"Many people are obsessed with innate gossip, but they don't know how to change according to the times, so how can they adapt to the dynasty?"

"The innate gossip came out, the beginning of the creation of the world. In the dynasty of King Wen of Zhou, how many historical changes? How much information has been added? This heaven and earth luck is definitely not the same as when the world was opened. How can it be measured accurately by using the innate gossip? "

"That's why King Wen of Zhou, a genius of the ages, changed into Houtian gossip, destroying Shang and prospering Zhou."

"King Wen of Zhou can change the hexagrams, so why can't us descendants? It's just that no matter how we change them, we must follow the laws of the innate gossip."

"So King Wen of Zhou wrote the Book of Changes to tell future generations to know how to be flexible. What is 'Yi'? This word means change!"

"The 'Wu' and 'Hao' you mentioned are different, because they were different in ancient times. In modern times, these two characters are the same. We live in this era, we live in the present, and everyone writes in simplified characters. Think about how many People? How many people were there in ancient times?"

"There are so many people who write and recognize simplified characters. The luck lies in the simplified characters. If you use traditional characters and seal characters to test, it is already inaccurate, and you will not be able to grasp the pulse of the times."

Wu Long was stunned.

Xing Zhongfei seemed to be talking nonsense before, but at this point, he was actually rounded up by him.Moreover, after hearing what he said in the end, it made people feel that there was some truth!

Oh my god, this Xing Zhongfei is really evil, you can't talk to him too much.If you talk too much with him, you may be brainwashed by him someday!

A magic stick is a magic stick, this mouth is no weaker than heresy words!

Seeing Wu Long's stunned expression, Xing Zhongfei felt satisfied.

Wu Long is amazing, so what?

Wasn't he taken aback by what he said?

No matter how strong, it is still too young.

As long as Wu Long can be stunned, Wu Long's chances of abandoning him will be less.


"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has been filmed and is in post-production. "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is still being filmed, and it is estimated that the snow scene will be filmed in the winter, and it will be finished before the Chinese New Year.

Xing Zhongfei was not right to say that Wu Long is at the top of the sky, because Wu Long has not yet received an invitation to the Yangshi Spring Festival Gala next Spring Festival.In fact, the program of Yangshi Spring Festival Gala has been roughly set, and Wu Long was not invited.

On the contrary, Shanghai Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala still invited Wu Long.It's just that I made a little request this time. It's best not to sing those songs of congratulations and blessings.

They knew that with Wu Long's current coffee position, it was impossible to get 30, so they took the initiative to raise it to 100 million.Unexpectedly, Wu Long asked for 300 million yuan, which made Shanghai Satellite TV hesitate.

Double movie star, and a singer-songwriter, the traffic has already squeezed into the top.The starring movie even won the Golden Hill Award and the Best Foreign Language Film Award of Hauska.

A mere 300 million is already based on affection.

It's not that Wu Long values ​​money, but that he can't let those traffic stars who are not as powerful as him compare.If the appearance fee paid by the traffic star is higher than him, his position will not be able to rise.

Who knows if Shanghai Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala will secretly laugh at him as a fool?He has no reason to be taken advantage of.

At the end of the year, Shanghai Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala finally invited Wu Long to participate in their Spring Festival Gala.The premise is to look at the quality of Wu Long's original songs.

Wu Long sent them a sample of the song, and they immediately agreed that Wu Long would sing this song in the Spring Festival Gala.

The Golden Hill Awards in January were held as scheduled again, and Wu Long went to Merikan to attend the Golden Hill Awards ceremony.

Last year, Wu Long's three films "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long", "The God of Cookery: Jin Yu Man Tang" and "Sweet Honey" plus the previous "Drunk Caught" were handed over to Weiner Films for global distribution.

"Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long" and "The God of Cookery: Jin Yu Man Tang" performed well, but they were not as good as Shaolin bodyguards.

"Drunk" is a little bit worse.

"Sweet Honey" is poor.There is no shortage of literary and artistic romance films in the world.Eastern love does not resonate with them.

However, none of these three films were shortlisted for this Golden Hill Award nomination.

Wu Long really wanted to call Xing Zhongfei to ask, is this what you said?

Fortunately, Scott's "Columbus" was nominated for the best original film score with "1492 conquest of paradise".Wu Longcai participated in the Golden Hill Awards with "The Biography of Columbus".

Rocky came back with him, and went home to reunite with his mother to see how his mother was doing.

Weller Films paid him upfront and barely managed to get his mother treated.Seeing his mother's condition improved, Rocky was happy for his mother.

He will continue to perform the contract.If the contract plan is not implemented, Weiner Pictures will sue him for fraud.

Wu Long discussed with Weiner Films and planned to release "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" globally simultaneously.After watching some clips, Weiner Pictures agreed to Wu Long's proposal.

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