Wu Long's three films released this year are currently among the top three at the box office this year.Even foreign blockbusters are second to none.

A romance film "Sweet Honey" can beat foreign special effects blockbusters, which is surprising.

Many people can't figure it out, "Shadows and Voices" has analyzed it.It is said that although there are not many characters in "Sweet Honey", all the characters are outstanding.

The excellence of these characters is not due to the excellence of the characters, but the excellence of the actors.It is very easy for the audience to step in and follow the characters to experience their joys and sorrows.

Only those who appeared on the Internet, after watching "Sweet Honey", there are many people who successfully held hands and proposed marriage.

Are they because of the three words "sweet honey"?


They were infected by the emotions in the movie, and they also learned to cherish the present moment.

Whether you have money or not, you can fall in love, and you can have love.

Love is not measured by money, and money is not the only criterion.

What is the output of foreign special effects blockbusters?Just one word, expensive!

When watching foreign special effects blockbusters, what you watch is not the plot, but the special effects.

Looking at the special effects, there is nothing but amazement.

When I first came into contact with it, I was shocked.

The more I was shocked, the more I got used to it.

Special effects films cannot arouse the emotions in our bodies, and it is difficult to resonate.

"Sweet Honey" is very ordinary, just us ordinary people.The male and female protagonists, male and female supporting roles, can be people around you, your friends, your colleagues, or yourself.

However, the emotion of the movie overflowing the screen directly pulls the audience into the world in the movie to experience the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of each character in the movie.

"Sweet Honey" moves people with emotion, and "The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade" moves people with food.

The delicious food inside seems to float out of the screen, pulling the audience into the movie, drooling but unable to eat.

Even restaurants and restaurants all over the country are proud of imitating the dishes in the movie and attracting diners as a gimmick.

There has even been such a saying in the diet industry.

Those who have not tasted the dishes in "The God of Cookery: All the Gold and Jade" cannot be said to be a complete gourmet.A chef who can't make the dishes in "The God of Cookery: All the Gold and Jade" cannot be said to be a top chef.

There is one and only one movie that can influence the national catering industry.

"The Mighty Dragon of Fa Hai" even produced effects and actions that foreign special effects blockbusters don't have. Although the plot is mediocre, it is a real fight, which is very enjoyable to watch.Many effects are comparable to blockbuster special effects.

"The winner of this year's Golden Phoenix Award for Best Editing is "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long"!"


"The best music award of this year's Golden Phoenix Awards is "Sweet Honey"!"

This is not a surprise. In addition to the theme song of "Sweet Honey", the other four episodes are also classics.Especially "Sweet Honey" and "The Moon Represents My Heart", there are these two songs for couples, weddings, and K songs.

"The winner of this year's Golden Phoenix Award for Best Cinematography is "The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade"!"

The reason why it was awarded to "The God of Cookery: The House of Gold and Jade" is because Wu Long's culinary skills are pleasing to the eye and shocking.

It turns out that you can also cook like this.

It turns out that martial arts can also be used in cooking.

For food, clothing, housing and transportation, food ranks first.Some people may have thought of applying martial arts to cooking.Maybe there are novels, written like this.However, no one has ever been able to film this idea and present it to everyone on the movie screen.

There are not many movies about eating and drinking, it can be said that there are very few.

None of the movies about eating and drinking are as drooling as those made by Wu Long.I want to eat it just watching it, and I have to eat a lot after watching the movie to satisfy my hunger.

"The winner of this year's Golden Phoenix Award for Best Supporting Actor is..." the award presenter gasped on purpose.

Fang Zhuming looked at Luo Chang, and Luo Chang also looked at him.The two crews they were in were just next door.Both were nominated for Best Supporting Actor and were rivals.

The two looked at each other and smiled.We all know that many people at the scene, as well as award presenters, are watching them.

Even the camera is facing them.

"Luo Chang, "The Mighty Heavenly Dragon of Fahai"!"


Luo Chang stood up, hugged Wu Long, and thanked him.After thanking Wu Long, thank Guo Hao and Sun Jian.Clap and celebrate with the rest of the crew.

Going up to the stage and receiving the trophy, Luo Chang thanked the two award presenters.

Excited, he actually got stuck when he was giving his speech.

Wiping away his tears, he thanked Wu Long choked up.

"I'm a martial arts practitioner. There are very few people who can stand out in martial arts. Some people leave because of injuries."

"In "Drunk Caught", I was fortunate to meet Long Ge. He acted as a martial artist in "Drunk Catch" for the first time, and he was a substitute for my role."

Everyone laughed.

"Later, Director Guo and Director Sun thought that Brother Long was good at martial arts and handsome, so they added a role for him. I was fortunate to play opposite Brother Long, and I learned how powerful Brother Long is in martial arts, and I also learned a lot from Brother Long... ..."

"The winner of this year's Golden Phoenix Award for Best Supporting Actress is..." The pair of award presenters followed suit and began to pant.

Because, Wu Long's two crews also have competitors.

Jiang Shuang'er who played Xiaoqing in "Fa Hai Zhi Da Wei Tian Long", and Chen Shibei who played Wu Long's wife in "Sweet Honey".

With the previous best supporting actor experience, other actresses nominated for best supporting actress no longer have much hope in their hearts.

Jiang Shuang'er and Chen Shibei also looked at each other and smiled.

"Chen Shibei, "Sweet Honey"!"

Chen Shibei got up and hugged Wu Long, then Zhang Zhulin.

"Congratulations, Sister Shibei."

"Let me also congratulate you first, Golden Phoenix Best Actress Queen." Chen Shibei whispered in Zhang Zhulin's ear.

She and the crew thanked one by one, accepted everyone's congratulations, and walked onto the stage.

Looking at Chen Shibei's back, Jiang Shuang'er inevitably showed disappointment in her eyes.

Li Siyi sensed Jiang Shuang'er's emotions, approached her ear and said softly:

"Don't worry, your Yujiaolong is the best actress."

"Thank you, Miss Si Yi."

Both of them have been involved in the acting with Wu Long, and they also know that it is easy to get involved in any drama that plays Wu Long.Being able to act opposite to Wu Long is even more involved.

Zhang Zhulin is an example. She joined the play and became Wu Long's "queen" heroine.

Chen Shibei played the role of Wu Long's wife in "Sweet Honey", so she can naturally play opposite Wu Long.After entering the play, his acting skills exploded.Nobody can say anything about taking Best Supporting Actress.

Jiang Shuang'er's Xiaoqing, in "Fahai: The Mighty Tianlong", does not play a heavy role, so naturally she does not play as long as Chen Shibei.

Chen Shibei's speech was very simple, thanked his parents, thanked the Golden Phoenix Award, and then said the last sentence even if he looked in the direction where Wu Long was.

"Thank you Brother Long, you are Brother Long in my heart forever!"

Awards continue.

"The winner of this year's Golden Phoenix Award for Best Screenplay is..."

Why are you still panting?For this award, only Wu Long's "Sweet Honey" was nominated for nominations.Is Wu Long still winning the award?

Still make people not live?

Can't you give someone a small prize?

Wu Long, you and your people, are you really going to do such a great job and get all the awards?

Finally, the name given by the guest of honor was not Wu Long.




I finally gave others a way out, so I must applaud vigorously!

Then, the awards for basically guessing who will win are announced.

"The winner of this year's Golden Phoenix Award for Best Actor is..." the male guest presenting the award didn't finish.

The award-presenting female guest didn't take a big breath and said her name directly.

"Wu Long!"

The applause was not as enthusiastic as before.

Everyone guessed that this award would be awarded to Wu Long, and it was true.

Wu Long got up to thank everyone, accepted everyone's congratulations, and went to the stage to accept the award.

"Wu Long, you have been nominated for Best Actor for three films, do you know which film you won the award for?" the host asked


The host nodded.

After the best actor was awarded, the best actress began to be awarded.

"The winner of this year's Golden Phoenix Award for Best Actress is..."

For this award, apart from other actresses, Wu Long's two crews also competed.

Li Siyi from "The Great Power of Fa Hai" and Zhang Zhulin from "Sweet Honey".

Li Siyi looked at Zhang Zhulin first, and Zhang Zhulin smiled back.

"The winner is Zhang Zhulin!"

Zhang Zhulin got up and hugged Wu Long and Chen Shibei, accepted the congratulations, and thanked the crew.

After receiving the trophy, Zhang Zhulin first thanked her parents and the Golden Phoenix Award, and then looked at Wu Long.

"Thank you Long Ge, the heroine I played in "Shaolin Bodyguard" fell in love with you, but you didn't accept it and ran away."

"In "Sweet Honey", the heroine I played experienced a lot of twists and turns. Fortunately, you finally arranged for us to meet by chance in the vast crowd, and it ended happily."

Everyone laughed.

The last two important awards are the best director, Wu Long for "The Great Power of Fahai".

Best Feature Film, "Sweet Honey" by Wu Long.

Just as some people feared, Wu Long led his two crews to attack left and right, sweeping this year's Golden Phoenix Awards.

Nominations for Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Supporting Actress were won by Wu Long and his two crews.

Wu Long is in full swing!

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