I'm not just an action star

Chapter 236 Jin Da Weapon

As the old saying goes, moves are fake, but power is real.It's not just a joke to drop ten meetings with one force.

To practice the power of traditional martial arts well, you must practice horse stance, and you must unite the waist and horse.Those who don't practice horse stance or Zhuanggong are not really traditional martial arts.

If you don't practice horse stance or Zhuanggong, there is no need to learn traditional martial arts, and it is more practical to learn martial arts instead.

Attacks such as defense and double-clicking require the most basic technique of exerting force, which is the unity of waist and horse.Without the unity of waist and horse, there is no strength at all.

You can't achieve the unity of the waist and the horse, let alone the whole energy.

If you can't practice traditional martial arts very well, you can only beat ordinary people without strength.Some people say that if you don't practice horse stance, you can practice strength according to the modern training method of fighting and fighting, and you can also have muscles and strength.

Can.However, according to modern training methods to train strength, the strength used in traditional martial arts, the effect is not so good, and it does not match.

Practice strength according to modern training methods, and learn to fight faster and better.

After listening to Wu Long's explanation, some people seemed to have a sense of enlightenment.Some questions that New York can't figure out, seem to understand a little bit.

Wu Long demonstrated double-click again.

"Double-click, as the name suggests, means that the two hands no longer defend, but attack at the same time. This kind of attack is usually used when one has an advantage. It can quickly solve the opponent and make it difficult for the opponent to parry the defense."

Wu Long punched out with both fists, the position is assumed to be the position of the target's ears.

"Everyone must have heard of a trick, double wind piercing the ears. This trick is double-clicking."

"You can use your fist to hit the opponent's ears, the side of the head, or the temple, or you can change the fist into a palm. You can also use the Phoenix Eye Fist to hit the opponent's temple. A similar move is double-click, which can be called Shuangfeng Guaner, It can be called another name."

Wu Long gestured the Phoenix Eye Fist. When making a fist, his thumb and index finger were clasped in the shape of a Phoenix Eye, and the protruding second knuckle of the index finger was used as the hitting point.

"A blow to the ear does not necessarily mean death. A blow to the temple can easily kill a person. Especially for those who have practiced boxing strength, the strength penetrates the temple into the brain..."

Wu Long shook his head.

He picked up the big spoon and frying spoon again, took a lunge, and performed the second stance of the trick of "deception".When the big spoon hit the opponent's face with the shield, the frying spoon in the right hand swung out like a knife, slashing towards the opponent's feet.


Everyone clearly heard two wind noises.

It is really two sounds, because they are issued at the same time, the two sounds become one.Everyone was watching around, and they could clearly hear the sound of the big spoon being pushed out, and the sound of the frying spoon being cut.

The large spoon is pushed out, and with one push and one meal, it can be seen visually that it is full of power.

The frying spoon swung out, fast and hard.If the frying spoon is a knife, everyone believes that it can cut off the opponent's feet.

Everyone has seen the video of Wu Long's swan song, and now I saw it with my own eyes.Even if the knife is replaced by a frying spoon, it can make people feel the power of the knife.

A sense of power!

The left hand and the right hand attack at the same time, and at the same time, a sense of power is produced.

It's not that double-clicking can't create a sense of power, it's not that it can't be done, it's that the practitioners can't!

Lin Shangxiong couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Seeing Brother Long using a weapon, I remembered some videos of soldiers attacking on the Internet. Take a weapon and put on armor, and you can laugh at this and that, as if you are the best and most qualified. In fact, as a perennial Martial arts practitioners, at first glance, find it a bit funny."

"Some people do have some skills, but many people just develop their muscles and dance around with weapons. There is no strength at all. The weapons are not what they fight at all."

Wu Long nodded.

He also watched some videos of soldiers attacking.There are people with real skills, but there are also many fake skills.

Some people do strength training, some don't do strength training at all.

Even if you practice strength, because you practice strength according to modern training methods, the way you use force in using weapons is not correct at all, and the force cannot reach the weapon directly.

The simplest way is to slash horizontally with a knife, the route the knife crosses fluctuates up and down, and the force is floating.

The trajectory of the knife is not on the same plane, and the cutting force of the knife will be reduced by at least half.

Some people say that it is impossible to see whether they are on the same plane.It doesn't matter, see if the knife vibrates back after slashing with the knife, or the knife will swing at the end.

People who really know how to use weapons can't have such a situation at all.

Just like the second trick demonstrated by Wu Long now, after the left hand pushes out the big spoon, the big spoon will not shake, and there will be no small recovery or slight shaking operation.

Instead, he exhausted his strength and stopped instantly.

The same is true for the frying spoon in the right hand.After cutting from left to right, the arms are straightened, and the frying spoon will not shake or hit back.

The strength was exhausted, and the arms and weapons stopped instantly.

The operation of the left hand and the right hand are coordinated and synchronized, and the whole body is also synchronized.

After the movement is finished, the whole body stops instantly at the same time.

When moving, the whole body starts at the same time.

In the process of moving, the whole body movements are coordinated and synchronized.

When stopping, the whole body stops at the same time.

This movement of stillness, sudden movement, and sudden stillness.

The whole process is seen by everyone, with a sense of rhythm and power.The movements are beautiful, and people who know how to do it can also see that this is whole energy.

Assuming that the big spoon and frying spoon in Wu Long's hands were replaced by real shields and knives, then the opponent in front of him would have already been injured and fell to the ground.

Move like a rabbit?

No, attack like a cheetah, and attack like a tiger!

This is the shock that the sense of power brings to people.

"The second move is called 'green dragon out of water' or 'poisonous snake out of hole'."

"The shield in this move is still the same as the first move of 'deception', pushing the opponent's face. However, during the pushing process, there is a small movement of moving outward in the final stage. The shield moves outward, and the knife moves forward prick."

Wu Long pushed the big spoon forward and upward with his left hand, and finally the big spoon moved slightly.You can see that his left hand walks in an arc.Just now, in the move of "deceiving the up and the down", the left hand walked in a straight line.

"Now we have a large spoon in our hands. The area is not that big, and we can use the frying spoon to poke it out without moving it. This must be applied flexibly."

Fang Zhuming knew that he was mentioning his performance in filming, so he nodded quickly to explain.

"There are three moves in this move. The first move is to use the shield first and then the knife. The second move is to use the shield and the sword at the same time. The third move is the impact move. First use the shield to break through the opponent's defense. If the opponent also has a shield, then use Knock away the opponent's shield, or knock away the opponent's weapon. The sword is released at the same time or later."

Wu Long demonstrated the three moves of "green dragon out of water" respectively.

"The third move is 'Great Wind Sweeps the Fallen Leaves'."

"This move can be followed by the move 'Blue Dragon Out of Water', or it can be used alone."

"The name is very imposing. In fact, it is a move that stabs out with a knife, and the opponent retreats to avoid it and continue to attack."

"Continue to attack, you can retract the knife and continue stabbing. But with a knife and shield, it is usually on the battlefield. There is more than one enemy on the battlefield. When you attack the enemy, it is very likely that the enemy's companions will attack from the side or behind."

"What should we do at this time? It is impossible for you to look left and right, and then look back, to confirm that there is no danger behind the left and right, and then continue to chase the opponent in front."

"At this time, the most common trick of the knife-catch method is 'wrapping the head and wrapping the brain'."

"Progressive pursuit, 'wrap the head and wrap the brain' to prevent sneak attacks, 'wrap the head and wrap the brain' to the top of the head, just slashing the opponent in front of you."

"If the opponent in front is dodging in a hurry, it cannot form an effective counterattack. At this time, the shield in your hand can be blocked on the left side of your body to prevent the enemy on the left from sneaking. If the opponent in front can form an attack, the shield cannot be removed."

Wu Long stabbed with a frying spoon, and the big spoon in his left hand was still acting as a shield in front of him.Progressing, the "wrapping the head and wrapping the brain" knife circled around the upper body, and slashed forward.


After the frying spoon was chopped down, it finally stood still, without any shaking or back shaking.

"The key to this move 'Winning the Fallen Leaves' is to 'wrap the head and brain'. The key to 'wrap the head and brain' is to turn the wrist."

"Maybe some of you only practice boxing but not swords. When you see the 'head wrapped around your brain', you think you must go around the back and train the back of the head before you can attack."

"Not really."

"If you can be sure that there is no sneak attack around you, you don't need to use a knife to protect your body. Then you don't have to wrap your head around your brain. You can cut people more quickly by turning your wrist."

"At the same time, if the opponent in front of you suddenly slashes downward from your upper right side, 'Head Wrapping Brain' can block the opponent's attack with just one wrist turn."

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