In addition to food, kung fu food movies also have kung fu.

In addition to integrating kung fu into the cooking process, one has to fight for fun.

At least, that's what Hong Kong Islanders think.

Master Xing's "God of Cookery" has kung fu sparring, of course it is exaggerated.

In my brother's "Gold and Jade Mantang", I also used two tricks, but of course I didn't use many tricks.

Ou Zhenrong is a fan of kung fu, especially Wu Long's. If the film does not show Wu Long's kung fu, there will always be a sense of blockage in his heart.

In the movie, Wu Long wins the culinary competition, but Huang Hu refuses to accept it and shoots Wu Long directly.

When fighting in the kitchen, the sharp weapon everyone can think of is the kitchen knife.

It stands to reason that it is normal to hit with a kitchen knife.

It can be played with a kitchen knife, and it loses the fun of the movie.

It's also not very good in the senses.Every household has a kitchen, and every household has a kitchen knife.Hitting with a kitchen knife subconsciously gives people a feeling that the kitchen knife is a murder weapon.

The screenwriter designed to use a frying spoon and a large spoon.The big spoon is also called a single-handled wok. As the saying goes, a big spoon is a big spoon.Turn over the pot, it is a wok with ears but no handle.

The frying spoon has a long handle, like a knife like a sword.

Big spoon, such as shield.

The two fought with frying spoons and big spoons, just like swords and shields fighting.It seems that it is not as fierce as slashing with a kitchen knife, which also adds to the fun of the drama.

As for how to fight the sword and shield soldier's moves, the screenwriter doesn't understand, so he can only leave it to the dragon and tiger warriors.

Dragon and Tiger martial arts masters don't understand either, so they can only ask the martial arts instructor.

The martial arts instructor also didn't know much, so he let Wu Long do it.Wu Long claims to be proficient in various martial arts, which must have been lost for a long time, and he should know the sword and shield moves that he has not practiced much.

"Brother Long, have you practiced the sword and shield move?" Fang Zhuming asked.

"know a little."

Fang Zhuming held a large spoon as a shield in his left hand and a frying spoon as a knife in his right, and began to practice with Wu Long.

Wu Long also took the big spoon and frying spoon and started to demonstrate.

In addition to Fang Zhuming, Lin Shangxiong and his dragon and tiger warriors were also watching from the sidelines.Wu Long didn't let them leave, they had the opportunity to learn another martial art, and no smart person would miss it.

Sun Jian, Luo Chang, and Qi Ke were going to shoot "Legend of the New White Snake", but they didn't follow.

"The combination of sword and shield, the sword is attack and the shield is defense."

"Some people think that the shield should be close to the body so that it can resist impact. Although it is resistant to impact, the defense ability is reduced."

"Why?" Someone was puzzled.

Wu Long signaled Fang Zhuming to draw the ladle closer to his body first, and then explained.

"You see, when the shield is closed, more parts of the body are exposed. Even if your shield is big enough, it is half the height of a person. But when you retract the shield, it also blocks your vision."

"Even if you use a knife to hack and chop in front of the shield."

Wu Long signaled Fang Zhuming to demonstrate as he said.

Fang Zhuming raised the frying spoon in his hand to the big spoon and chopped.

"At this time, I only need to use my own shield to block, and at the same time get close to his shield. With my arm stretched over his shield, the knife can hit the opponent's head."

Wu Long stepped forward suddenly, the big spoon in his hand blocked Fang Zhuming's frying spoon, and the frying spoon in his right hand was raised obliquely upwards, and the frying spoon was attached to the side of Fang Zhuming's head from top to bottom.

At this moment, Fang Zhuming felt the coldness of metal coming from the side of his head, as if a steel knife that could cut off his head was attached to the side of his head.

Fang Zhuming didn't dare to move.

"Everyone look at my movements. The angle between the arm and the knife is [-] degrees. Even if the shield in the opponent's hand is very large, because the distance between his body and the shield is too close, I can still use this corner to bypass the opponent's shield. , causing harm to the opponent."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Wu Long took back the frying spoon and signaled Fang Zhuming to take out the big spoon.Fang Zhuming stretched out his hand, and kept the spoon away from his body, standing in front of him.

"Look again, everyone. At this time, the shield is close to me, blocking my view. In this way, I can't see the whole body of the opponent."

"However, the shield is far away from Fang Zhuming, but Fang Zhuming can see me."

Lin Shangxiong sighed:

"It's really knowledgeable. Without Brother Long's explanation, we don't know that it's just a shield, and there are so many details."

Everyone nodded.

Fang Zhuming said: "Brother Long, I think extending the shield like this can also play a buffer role in the face of the impact."

"If the arm strength is good, it can act as a buffer. If the arm strength is not good, the hand will be hit by the shield and easily injured or even broken."

When Wu Long said this, everyone was puzzled again.Since it is dangerous to extend the shield, why extend it?

Or, is it okay to take the intermediate value?

"Brother Long. What should I do if I encounter the situation you mentioned?" Fang Zhuming asked.

"At this time, your field of vision is better than that of the opponent. In addition to raising the shield slightly, you must also pay attention to the movement of your arms. Most importantly, you must observe the opponent through the shield to understand the opponent's attack intention. Pay attention to relieve the opponent's attack by unloading the force. hit."

"At the same time, the shield should not be fixed. It must move forward and backward, left and right, up and down, so as not to let the opponent grasp the opening."

Wu Long used the large spoon in his hand as a demonstration.

"Next, I will show you a few simple moves."

Hearing that the tricks should be taught, everyone raised their spirits.

"The first move is to deceive the superior and the inferior."

"In addition to defense, the shield can also attack. Its attack is defensive and offensive, which is to push the shield forward. Some shields will be equipped with spikes on the shield surface, which can prevent the opponent from getting close to the shield, and can also threaten when pushing. opponent."

Wu Long pushed the big spoon upwards obliquely.

"Pushing the opponent's body with a shield is not very effective, and hitting the face is the most effective. First, it can block the opponent's perspective, and second, it can blur the face."

"When you face the sword and shield soldier and push the shield to smear your face, you have to be careful. This move is likely to be deceiving. The upper shield is a fake move, and the lower knife is the real killing move."

When Wu Long pushed Fang Zhuming's face obliquely with the big spoon, the frying spoon in his right hand chopped at Fang Zhuming's foot.

"There are two ways to do this. One way is to push the opponent's face with a shield first, and then cut the opponent's foot with a knife."

"There is another style that strikes with both hands at the same time. When the shield hits the opponent's face, the hands also chop at the opponent's feet at the same time."

"The use of these two methods depends on the situation."

Someone gestured with empty hands about the second pose Wu Long said, frowned and said:

"Brother Long, it's not easy to use the shield and sword at the same time like this."

"What boxing did you practice?"

"Muay Thai, boxing."

Wu Long looked stunned.

"If you have practiced Nanquan, you should understand that among the various Nanquan moves, there are double defense, double-click, and defense."

The other party shook his head:

"Brother Long, I don't understand."

"Do you understand?"

Someone shook his head.

"Brother Long, I practice Hongquan, why don't I understand? Hongquan is also a kind of Nanquan?"

Wu Long put down the big spoon and frying spoon.

"It's not just that Hongquan is Nanquan, and the Southern Lion Dance is also a kind of Nanquan."

The man said:

"Brother Long, don't you be joking, lion dance is also boxing?"

"You can learn more about this if you are interested. Now I will talk about double defense, double-click, and defense. Few masters talk about it like this now."

"Two hands, and their moves are defended at the same time, which is commonly known as double defense."

Wu Long blocked his head with one hand, and put his other hand across his chest.

"It's defending the middle."

Change the trick again, put one hand in front of the chest, and the other in front of the lower abdomen.

"This is the middle and bottom lane."

"Double defense is to defend the opponent's double attack."

Wu Long made a left block with his left hand, and punched with his right hand at the same time.

"This is defense. One hand defends and blocks, and the other hand attacks at the same time. There are such moves in many traditional martial arts."

The man said:

"Double defense, I understand. Boxing and fighting also have two-handed head protection. But your defense, defense and attack at the same time, is only useful in performances, and it is useless in real fighting, right?"

The other party didn't make it very clear, but what he meant was actually very obvious, that is, fighting and fighting questioned the transmission of martial arts.

Wu Long said: "There is no distinction between high and low fists, but there are strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you come to hit me, I can use this move."

"I know, I've seen you play double-flowered male cudgels. But doesn't that mean that you can only use this move if you are higher than your opponent?" The opponent objected.

Wu Long shook his head.

"Actually, this can be explained clearly with scientific principles. Assuming that I am not stronger than you, and you punch, I judge that you have the first-mover advantage, but I am only defensive, and I can still prevent it. Do you agree with this? "

The other party nodded in approval.It's unreasonable not to recognize it, even if it's fighting.Otherwise, those who come late will be punched KO.

"Then while I'm blocking, I punch and attack. Will my punch be faster than the opponent's second punch?"

The other party thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, because you punch between the two punches of the combination punch. Even if the punch speed is not fast enough for the opponent, you will hit the opponent first."

Wu Long spread his hands.

"Look, isn't this very useful?"

The opponent scratched his head.

"Brother Long, what you said makes sense. But why didn't you fight like this in fighting?"

Wu Long stretched out a finger.

"Because I'm not brave enough."

He holds out a second finger.

"Because I didn't practice enough, I didn't react enough, and I didn't respond enough after I reacted."

Extend the third finger.

"The strength of this kind of moves is different from that of fighting and boxing. It is not only difficult to practice, but also requires understanding. In terms of time cost, it is better to practice fighting and fighting."

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