I'm not just an action star

Chapter 205 Fans Please Film

The film review of "Shadows and Voices" didn't come out quickly, it came out the next day.

"A lot of people thought they were going to see a zombie movie, and instead we saw a sci-fi movie.

Why am I writing a movie review today?Because after I learned that there are two versions of this film, I specially flew to Hong Kong Island to watch the other version.

Then, I regretted it.

I advise people who have the same thoughts as me to watch science fiction movies.

Is this movie a bad movie?

Not at all.

Brother Long's performance is still online.Seeing him, I really thought that there is really Taoism in the world, and he is really a Taoist priest of Zhou Tiandao.

Although there are no long shots in the action scenes, fans who like to watch Long Ge's action scenes are a bit uncomfortable, but Long Ge's performance and movements are still very good.

Then, no then.

This is a movie that can only be supported by Long Ge.If the main character is changed, the film will definitely flutter.

Times have changed and no one likes to watch zombie movies anymore.

Hong Kong Island itself has not had a zombie movie in the past ten years, which is enough to explain.

But why did Hong Kong Island want to make this "The Road is High", I saw one of the investors behind it, and I understood.

Hong Kong Island Numerology and Fortune Association.

It is also an association for fortune-telling and feng shui.

Well, let's stop here.

What is my rating?

I can only say that the score is in everyone's heart. "

Netizens read the film reviews of "Shadow Passing and Leaving Voices" and left messages below one after another.

"Don't dare to rate, afraid of being scolded by Wu Long's fans?"

"There is no brainless flattery, which proves that there is no good food."

"It seems that you are not a fan of Brother Long!"

"I'm on Hong Kong Island, so I don't regret it. But..."

"Big brothers, who has the seeds of the Hong Kong version? Here are my tickets for the premiere [Photo]"

"On the second day after the premiere, you asked for seeds?"

"Same request!"

"Same request +1"


On Hong Kong Island, the people in the land company are spreading a story. After watching "The Way Is High", someone said in the movie theater that being hacked to death is better than the death in the movie, but he came out of the movie theater and had a late-night snack. was hacked to death.

Whether it is true or not, many people do not know.

However, this "Tao Gao Yi Zhang" is indeed passed down as mysterious and mysterious.

Some people also said that after watching "The Road is as High as One Zhang", you must burn incense and ask Long Ge to bless you.Otherwise, the evil spirit inside will get on your body and bring you bad luck.

Wu Long's performance at the premiere of "One Zhang High" also appeared in the movie.It shows that the movie is not fake, and Wu Long really knows the law.

The reason why Wu Long's kung fu is so high is because he first learned the art in Shaolin Temple, and then got the true instruction from the ancestor Zhou Tiandao, so he is so strong.

Dao Wu Shuangxiu, Long Ge is not strong, who is strong?

It was also rumored that Wu Long's flying knife hidden weapon stunt was not a flying knife at all, but a flying sword!

It's not martial arts, it's Taoism!

Wu Long described Taoism as kung fu, which is why he was so amazing.

Master Longhu took Luo Tiandiao's money to harm Wu Long, but in the end he harmed himself, and the matter became more and more popular.

What is it said that every time Wu Long shoots a dangerous scene, he has to calculate the hexagram first, and then he will shoot the auspicious hexagram.So Wu Long dared to do many actions that others dared not do.Because it is an auspicious hexagram, Wu Long will not have any accidents or injuries at all.

When hanging the wire rope that day, Wu Long pinched his fingers and found that there was a problem with the wire rope of the wire rope. He asked Cheng Shaodong to change the wire rope, but Cheng Shaodong didn't change it, so he called a dragon and tiger warrior to come.

As a result, the dragon and tiger martial artist who broke his leg was the one who took Luo Tiandiao's money to tamper with the wire rope in order to harm Wu Long.

It must be Wu who calculated that he was in danger and used his magic to rebound, and the dragon and tiger martial artist turned into himself to harm himself.

This statement is recognized by many people.If it wasn't for the spell, Master Dragon and Tiger must have known what he did, so how could he still go up there foolishly?

The director of "Rarely Invited" saw Wu Long's wonderful performance last night and wanted to invite Wu Long to the show again.

For Wu Long, money is enough.Compared with 50 last time, Wu Long bid 100 million this time.

The director of "A Rare Invitation" wanted Chen Shibei to intercede, but the price was still the same as last time.Chen Shibei invited Wu Long to have supper, but he didn't mean to intercede.

She is not stupid.

In the morning, Wu Long's cell phone rang.

He sat up and leaned against the head of the bed to answer the phone.

Chen Shibei's hand stretched out like a snake.

"President Huang, if you call me so early, something will happen, right?"

It was Huang Lilin who called, and Wu Long couldn't help thinking about the bad side.

"It's a good thing. Are you free in the morning? Someone wants to ask you to film."

It is a good thing to have a filming, and the two parties made an appointment to meet and talk.

Chen Shibei drove Wu Long to the place and went to work at the TV station by himself.

Wu Long watched Chen Shibei's car leave, then turned around and looked up. The antique facade had three golden characters "Jinyulou" written on the plaque.

A young man standing at the door saw Wu Long and stepped forward excitedly.

"Brother Long!"

"You are my idol!"

This young man who adores himself is actually the son of the owner of this restaurant!

Going up to the box, Wu Long saw Huang Lilin and Ou Jiafeng, the owner of the restaurant.

Ou Jiafeng is a gourmet family who has been running restaurant business for generations.The signboard of Jinyulou has a history of more than 200 years.

Today, one of the most famous restaurants on Hong Kong Island is Jin Yu Lou.

Jinyulou not only has stores in Hong Kong Island, but also in several major cities in the Mainland.

Ou Jiafeng's son, Ou Zhenrong, is a fan of Wu Long. He thought that Shaolin Temple invited Wu Long to make a film for publicity, and the Hong Kong Island Numerology and Fortune Games also invited Wu Long to make a film for publicity. Why can't my restaurant invite Wu Long to make a film for publicity?

He doesn't shoot martial arts scenes, action scenes, or big productions, he only shoots gourmet movies.The venue is provided by the house, the kitchen utensils are provided by the house, and even the food ingredients are provided by the house.

Except for the big star Wu Long, the other actors are all cheap actors.After all, it shouldn't cost much to make a movie.

He started persuading his father last night, and finally got Ou Jiafeng to agree to talk to Wu Long after a whole night of persuasion.

"Do you have a script?" Wu Long asked.

Movies about food, in Wu Long's memory, the more famous ones in his previous life are "God of Cookery" and "Mansion of Gold and Jade".

It seems that there is another "Diet Man and Woman"?

Ou Zhenrong quickly replied:

"There is no script yet. As long as Brother Long agrees, I can find someone to write the script. Soon, it will be a good script written by a good screenwriter."

Wu Long asked again:

"How much do you plan to pay?"

He didn't know if it was Jin Yulou's exclusive investment in filming.If so, how much can Jinyulou pay him.

This kind of film is the same as advertising, Wu Long is no longer the unknown Wu Long.Now this kind of advertising movie, no matter what, it will cost 1000 million.

Thinking of this price, Wu Long himself was startled.

Now his highest salary is "The Road is High", 200 million.

But now he gets 300 million for a commercial song, and Xing Zhongfei helped him raise it to 1000 million for the commercial song of the Feifan brand.

If he follows the normal price increase, he will obviously be at a disadvantage.It's fine if it's another movie, this gourmet movie is obviously Jin Yulou trying to use his fame to advertise.

No, based on the 2000 million endorsement of the Feifan sports brand.

Wu Long realized that he had become ruthless.

Did it float?

Just as Ou Zhenrong wanted to ask Wu Long how much he wanted for the film, he was held down by Ou Jiafeng.

"Mr. Wu, I know that you paid 200 million yuan for "The Way Is High", and we will give it to you at that price. Food movies, you don't have to worry about shooting action scenes, and there is no danger..."

Wu Long shook his head:

"If it's another movie, it's reasonable for you to bid like this. But the movie you asked me to shoot is actually promoting Jinyulou for you. Isn't this equivalent to an advertisement endorsement?"

"If I sell any commercial song, it will be much higher than your bid. Mr. Ou, I'm an actor, not a businessman. I don't like the twists and turns in the business world."

"I still have something to do..."

"Brother Long, don't go." Ou Zhenrong turned to look at Ou Jiafeng angrily. "Dad, say yes, I'm in charge!"

"Brother Long, I'm your fan!"

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