I'm not just an action star

Chapter 204 is different

"Boss Hu, I suggest you choose the second method. Judging from the decline of your business, it can be inferred that the wealth you obtained through the yin house is disappearing."

"Therefore, it is very likely that there is something wrong with the bones in the coffin."

"The so-called where you come from and where you go back is the truth."

In the end, Hu Zhengren did not choose the second option, and asked Wu Long to help find a geomantic treasure and then move.

As a result, Hu Zhengren was affected and asked someone to dig out the coffin overnight, and transported it to a warehouse for hiding.

The next day, the 12 people who participated in the digging of the coffin staged a multi-style discussion on tragic death.

The one who used an electric drill had an accident and was drilled into his temple by his own electric drill and died on the spot.

Accidentally fell down on the construction site, a half-foot-long steel bar was inserted through the eye, and he died on the spot.

Killed by billboards on the street.


All kinds of accidental deaths made the audience chill.

The occurrence of these accidents seems to be possible for everyone.

Hu Zhengren heard that the 12 people who participated in the digging of the coffin died tragically last night. He was so frightened that he went to Master Gao for help, and told the story of finding someone to dig out the coffin overnight.

Master Gao said that they dug the coffin without permission, and it was night, all of them were tainted with evil spirits and had bad luck, and it was definitely bad luck.It is also said that Hu Zhengren's Yintang is black, and I am afraid that something will happen to him.

Hu Zhengren begged Master Gao to save him, but Master Gao said he had no choice but to find his uncle Wu Long.

Wu Long asked Hu Zhengren to take him to the place where the coffin was stored, only to find Hu Feifei, Hu Zhengren's daughter, lying on the ground without breath.

The coffin compartment was opened, and the coffin was also opened, but there were no corpses inside.

"Uncle Master, why did my daughter die here?" Hu Zhengren asked in tears.

Wu Long pinched his fingers and said:

"You said that you dreamed that your father said that I was uneasy and kind enough to burn the coffin, which means that when we went to the cemetery during the day, you were influenced by demons."

Hu Zhengren didn't quite believe it.

"Master Uncle, why haven't you and Master Gao been affected by the devil?"

"You and the corpse are in a father-son relationship. Across the coffin and the soil, it can only affect you, not us."

"After you bring it home, it is possible to infect your daughter. Your daughter was summoned by the demon in the coffin to come here, open the coffin and let the demon come out."

"It's also possible that when you left home last night, your daughter followed you. It wasn't until you left that your daughter opened the coffin and released the demon."

"No matter what, the demon has escaped. Your daughter is just suspended animation. If she can recover her soul within seven days, she can still come back to life."

Hu Zhengren immediately knelt in front of Wu Long.

"Uncle Master, how can I bring my daughter back to life?"

"Eliminate demons and exterminate corpses!"

"But how do we know where the body is?" Hu Zhengren asked.

"Go to the graveyard!"

Wu Long and the others came to Hu Zhengren's father's grave and jumped into the pit to check.He jumped up again and asked Hu Zhengren to jump into the pit and dig out the soil in the pit.


"Of course it's you. This is your karma. If you don't jump in and dig, your daughter will definitely die."

Hu Zhengren was a rich man, so he had no choice but to jump down to dig the earth.

"Three feet of soil must be dug out!" Wu Long emphasized.

Hu Zhengren quickly made a mark and dug again.

Master Gao whispered to Wu Long.

"Uncle Master, is it true that the matter of karma is settled?"

"of course it's true."

"What if he doesn't go down to dig?" Master Gao asked because Hu Feifei was actually dead.Hu Zhengren's willingness to dig down shows that he loves his daughter.If it were someone else, for the sake of their own lives, they might not go down to dig.

"He won't go down to dig,

Even he will die. "

Master Gao sighed: "Boss Hu has never done physical work, so it's really difficult for him. Fortunately, the coffin is buried vertically, and the pit is not big."

Although the coffin was buried vertically, the cross-section of the coffin is not large.But digging the coffin last night must have required more soil to dig out the coffin easily.

"Uncle Master, we have already dug three feet deep."

Hu Zhengren climbed up panting.I didn't care about getting mud on my body, so I sat on the ground and drank water to catch my breath.

Wu Long took a shovel and rummaged through the excavated mud.

"Uncle Master, what are you looking for?" Hu Zhengren asked.

"I'm looking to see if there is any problem with the soil. If there is a problem with the soil, you can use the soil to help me find the demon."

Soon, Wu Long found some black and smelly soil.

"It stinks! Uncle Master, are you looking for this soil?" Master Gao asked.

Wu Long nodded.

Gu "It's the dirt that smells foul."

"Master Uncle, will we be infected with evil or evil?" Master Gao was a little worried.

"No, but it will be bad luck."

Master Gao had a bitter face.

"Ah? Uncle Master, does this mean that I will also have bad luck and die?"

Wu Long shook his head.

"You are still a little bit good, so you won't die. At most, you will be injured and lose some property."

Master Gao had a painful expression on his face.

"It's miserable!"

Hu Zhengren was shocked and chilled.

"Uncle Master, what about me?"

"You?" Wu Long shook his head: "You've been involved for a long time, you're dead anyway, it doesn't matter if you have more or less."

Hu Zhengren looked loveless.

"Uncle Master, you told me to dig a hole just now, did you use me as cannon fodder? If you dig it, you will get more bad luck, right?"

Wu Long shook his head:

"With my skill, this bad luck is easy to resolve."

A clear look appeared on Master Gao's face.What is the cause and effect, I almost believed it.I just don't want to get too bad.

"Give me a yellow paper talisman." Wu Long stretched out his hand.

Master Gao quickly took out a yellow paper talisman from his bag. Wu Long wiped the black and smelly soil with the yellow paper talisman, and then used the yellow paper talisman to fold a paper crane.

He was very careful not to let his hands touch the place where he had touched the black and smelly dirt just now.

After folding the paper crane, he put the paper crane in his left palm and held the sword in his right hand.

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"

"Use the crane to find the trace!"

The paper crane on the palm turned in Wu Long's palm by itself, and then pointed in one direction.

"Hurry up as a law!"

"go with!"

Wu Long sent his left hand forward, and the paper crane in his palm flew into the air.


The paper crane flew three feet away.

Master Gao and Hu Zhengren were dumbfounded.


Master Gao hurriedly ran behind Wu Long's buttocks.Hu Zhengren also immediately stood up from the ground and ran to catch up.

Hu Zhengren drove Wu Long and Master Gao to chase the paper crane.

"Uncle Master, can this demon eat people?"

"There are many kinds of demons, and I don't know what kind of demons they are. The zombies in your movies are actually a kind of demons. If they are that kind of zombies, uu will suck human blood when reading books."

Wu Long finds Mo, who uses mental influence to control Hu Zhengren and Master Gao, and uses them to deal with Wu Long.Finally, the demon was subdued by Wu Long and burned with fire.

The demon was eliminated, but Hu Feifei's soul failed to return to her body.

Wu Long opened the altar and took Hu Zhengren into the underworld to find and bring back Hu Feifei's soul.

At the end of the movie, although there was applause in the theater, it was not as enthusiastic as "Shaolin Bodyguard".Frightened by the fancy accidental deaths of the twelve coffin diggers, many people have not recovered even after the movie is over.

"Is there a mistake? I thought that people would just rush to the street to die, but I didn't expect to die like this?"

"Being hacked to death is better than dying like those people in the play."

"Crow's mouth, stop talking."

"What, are you afraid?"

After leaving the theater, Wu Long said to Huang Lilin:

"President Huang, it seems that the performance of this drama is not as good as "Shaolin Bodyguard"."

Huang Lilin smiled and said:

"It's fine, it's fine, that's the effect. It doesn't matter how many people see it. The important thing is to spread the word and let everyone know. That's enough."

There are two versions of "One Zhang High".In the version screened in the Mainland, there is a meteorite in the dug out soil.The so-called demons are alien creatures that can use spiritual power.

The accident that happened to twelve people was also cut.Only Hu Zhengren received the news that the twelve people had an accident.

Wu Long is a little bit looking forward to it, how will "Shadows and Voices" evaluate the mainland screening version of "One Foot High"?

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