The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 474 Roll Call! 4K

I don't know if Zuo Yanhan himself intends to cooperate with Xun Wu and the others, or if Zuo Yanhan doesn't have those redundant ideas, but it doesn't matter. After all, after Zuo Yanhan returns, the work of Xun Wu and the others will be can be expanded normally.

On this basis, Xun Wu also prepared means to deal with those Jianghu people.

In fact, to put it simply, it is not a great method. In the final analysis, people in the Jianghu "disobey discipline" does not mean that they do not want to achieve fame and fortune.

The people in Yingzhou are either for fame, wanting to fight the Demon Cult in Yingzhou, and make a name for themselves; or for profit, they know that the more peaceful Zhongyuan is, the fewer opportunities to make big money , That's why I came to Yingzhou, I want to fight against the Demon Sect, so as to find opportunities to earn more money;

Of course, there may also be some rare individual cases, such as some bloodthirsty people who like to fight, but they can’t do it in the Central Plains, so they come to Yingzhou; those who want to find breakthrough martial arts in Yingzhou; rare treasures...

Although these can also be classified into the three major categories, they need additional attention because of their particularity.

In short, now that there is a general division, there is a way to "mobilize" them.

And the method is naturally simple. Xun Wu adopted the "adventurer's union" system that was often seen in previous lives——

Of course, it is the official version.

Xun Wu's strategy is also very simple. Since people in the Jianghu do not like to "obey orders", let them "choose by themselves".

Xun Wu specially invited the next area, and specially arranged a group of policemen, who would post and arrange some things needed by the court every once in a while, and let the people of Jianghu choose by themselves.

Among them, there are four types of "probing", "exploring", "defending" and "chasing and killing".

The investigation project is very simple, it is to investigate someone or something, and bring back that information, and at the high end, bring people back and so on.

Although the titles of exploration and investigation are similar, the categories are completely different. It is to go directly to some areas that Sheng Jin does not know, and generally integrate information.

Defense is very simple, go to a certain area, or cover someone for action, similar to bodyguards.

Hunting and killing is naturally easier. Those who accept the mission can directly follow the information provided by the court and specifically kill some people related to the Demon Cult. This is the most dangerous, but the reward is naturally the greatest.

For each major category, there will be many sub-categories. At the same time, each task will be classified separately, with "A, B, C, D" as the level. It's quite clear that people boast about how many xx-level tasks they have completed and it's over.

Of course, in order to further control and influence the actions of people in the rivers and lakes, Xun Wu also specially designed an "upgrade system". In addition to basic rewards, as long as you complete as many tasks as you want, you can increase your "knight level" by accumulating points. Accept the task, have a higher level of "priority", and even have the special treatment of calling names in the stronghold - it is almost equivalent to a strongest king coming to an Internet cafe.

But I have to say that this kind of method, which is very useful in Xun Wu's world, really grasped the lifeblood of these people in the Jianghu, and made many people in the Jianghu crazy about it, which is quite reliable.

In addition, because it is targeted, it can somewhat prevent things like killing good people and taking meritorious deeds-of course, Xun Wu reckons that such things are still inevitable, which is quite normal, but while arranging the actions of Jianghu people, it is also necessary to prevent People in the Jianghu should not go too far, this is the job of Xun Wu and the others, so they have made corresponding preparations.

"Wuhu, I'm coming back"

On this day, Ji Lian'er jumped in from Xun Wu's window again, turned over lightly, fell to the ground, and put all the things in her hand on Xun Wu's desk, pinched her waist, and laughed : "cat catcher, look, these are all the news I have investigated in the past few days, seven or eight tasks are absolutely perfect!"

Xun Wu laughed when he heard the words, picked up the things in front of the table, shook his head to look through them, and said helplessly: "Why do you compete with those Jianghu people all day long...

Besides, if you really want to help, are there more really important things you can do? "

"Hey—those can't be put on the record board!" Ji Lian'er, as always, had her own reasons, forced Xun Wu to go back, and then laughed again, "The main thing is that you made those things very interesting, I think it's quite fun.

Wait a few more days, and when I reach the level of a tiger knight, I will help you investigate those things."

Xun Wu couldn't help shaking his head, quite helplessly.

Ji Lian'er is Ji Lian'er, she likes to participate in those fun things, and this time can increase her reputation, she is naturally very interested, after Xun Wu tossed about the related design, she went straight to it for a week, several times Sexually connected several tasks, and completed a lot of tasks that are extremely difficult in the eyes of Jianghu people.

Now, there is actually a bit of an "addicted" posture.

Fortunately, exterminating the Demon Cult is a long-term task even in Shengjin. It may take several years. Xun Wu currently does not have the kind of information that requires Ji Lian'er to leave urgently and search immediately. It is also possible to let Ji Lian'er deal with some minor matters.

Moreover, Ji Lian'er can also adapt to the environment of Yingzhou a little at this time.

You know, Ji Lian'er is not Zhao Wumian, Bai Yupan, Shuang Manqiu, etc. She was born different from the normal Central Plains people, and was born as a substitute for the Ji family.

As for the Ji family, what is the greatest obligation?

Deal with aliens!

To complete this kind of task, "language" is indispensable. Ji Lian'er is not like Zhao Wumian's purely native Central Plains people. In addition to several Central Plains dialects, she is also proficient in several barbarian languages. Europa's language has now been mastered a lot after getting acquainted with Hilda.

Her grandfather, Ji Shuangshi, also fought against barbarians with Emperor Shengwu in the early years. Although he didn't fight against the Demon Cult very much later, he had long thought of Yingzhou. Therefore, Ji Lian'er really learned Yingzhou's characters and language. , to facilitate her exploration.

It's just that I have learned it, but I haven't used it. Although I know more words and language logic than Xun Wu, there are still many problems in application. Therefore, I "play" for a while and do some A simple little person, familiar with the environment of Yingzhou, and adapting to Yingzhou's words, is also quite good.

After talking about these things, Ji Lian'er casually moved a chair, moved it to Xun Wu's side, and turned her head sideways to look at the things in front of Xun Wu.


Ah - new support is coming? "Ji Lian'er's eyes lit up.

"Yes." Xun Wu rubbed his forehead and said with a smile, "It's the mechanism masters of Xuanji Building, and one of them is the Yan Weixing I told you about."

"Yan Weixing?!" Ji Lian'er was a little surprised, picked up those things, and looked carefully, "Is that Yan Weixing who you said can change the food system in the Central Plains, benefiting tens of thousands of people and countless future generations?

Why did this kind of baby come to Yingzhou? "

Xun Wu didn't feel that Ji Lian'er's behavior was exaggerated.

He had told Ji Lian'er before that the mechanism engineer he met in the Xuanji Building was extremely capable, and he had created many ingenious things that could change farming activities. In terms of value, it might not be lower than Roman's, and even Xun Wu was getting to know him. On the first day, I called him "Xiandi", which can be said to be quite respectful.

Ji Lian'er knew that Xun Wu always had something to say, so it was impossible for her to talk nonsense exaggeratedly. Naturally, she was puzzled that such a genius came to Yingzhou.

"The reason is naturally simple... Heavenly Creation!"

When Ji Lian'er heard these four words, her brows instantly stretched open, the corners of her mouth turned up, and she immediately understood: "Oh, I understand—the Xuanji Building and the public servants sent people to Yingzhou for a whole day. The work was not done properly, so Yan Weixing and these more capable people had to come here to build it, right?

Hmm, normal, normal...just like this, the defense work needs more manpower, right?Is that going to give you more points? "

Ji Lian'er's guess was accurate. The public servants were punished by Emperor Shengwu because of their strong public servants. Now they are leading people to build Tiangong Kaiwu in the military center. Although it is impossible to build a set comparable to the interior of the Xuanji Building Sheng Jin didn't care about it.

They don't need this small Tiangong creation to be able to match and manufacture at will like the "prototype machine" in Xuanji Building. As long as they can provide good strategic resources, such as feather arrows, blades, and armor pieces, they can also enough.

"It still depends on the needs of the general... If they have been in the army, they shouldn't need us to provide additional manpower..." Xun Wu shook his head.

Ji Lianer nodded casually and didn't pay much attention.

You can't expect her to do "defense" type work, can you?That's not realistic, is it?

Let Ji Lian'er defend, let Shuang Manqiu spy on the enemy's situation, this kind of thing, even the most brain-twitched person, must not be able to do it.

"Speaking of... Xuanji Building... It's a pity that I didn't go with you at that time." Ji Lian'er saw the matter of Xuanji Building, and couldn't help thinking about it, "Well... Sister Cong Yun, It was at that time that I made a promise with you to make a complete change, and then it will become what it is now, right?"

"Yes." Xun Wu nodded.

Ji Lian'er giggled, put her head on her arm, tilted her body, looked at Xun Wu, and looked at Xun Wu inexplicably.

"What's wrong?" Xun Wu felt a little uncomfortable.

"Ah—it's okay, it's okay, you seem to be more energetic, look at it more." Ji Lian'er laughed and said, "As expected of the opponent chosen by me, Ji Lian'er, he is indeed the best person in the world!"

As she grows older, although Ji Lian'er's temperament is still out of control, she has become more "retractable", and now she is not afraid of even the person in the mirror. Thinking about what will happen next, Xun Wu has the characteristics of being quick-witted, and still has a common language with her. Hearing her words, he suddenly coughed a few times.

However, Ji Lian'er just mentioned it like this, and won't go any further, because she knows that the situation is different now, and she doesn't have the time to chat, so just mention it casually: "Well... Then again, left Senior Yan Han also met in the Xuanji Building, right?"

"Yes." Xun Wu nodded, "Senior did teach me a lot, and he also helped me a lot during the martial arts exam."

Ji Lian'er also nodded, and then remembered another thing, fiddled with it for a while from the side drawer, and took out a box: "Oh, yes, did you show him this stuff?"

Xun Wu saw Liu Xiang, nodded his head, and said, "That's right, I did ask him."

Xun Wu flipped through the things in front of him, and said to Ji Lian'er: "He said that besides needing attention, there is a more convenient way for such similar things, that is to refer to...

According to him, if it really doesn't work, try catching a few snakes, it should be easier to understand. "

"Oh? That's it—" Ji Lian'er was stunned.

The Liu Box, Xun Wu, and Lian'er have been studying this for more than two months, but until now, both of them just have a vague feeling that they haven't realized the magical skill in the box, which shows the difficulty of this martial art.

Although Ji Lian'er and Xun Wu were not discouraged, they also realized that apart from the martial arts that perfectly fit Xun Wu like Dajuguan, I am afraid that other martial arts in the Shan Hai Qi Jing are all first-class and difficult. One is difficult to learn, and it has been studied for years.

Unexpectedly, this Zuo Yanhan is worthy of being an old senior, who knows a lot, and really knows a way to make it easier for Xun Wu and the others to comprehend.

"The guy in the mirror must also know this method, and he didn't tell us, it's too petty." Ji Lian'er muttered for a while, took the box into her hand cheerfully, and said excitedly, "I Changed my mind!

Don't mess with tigers, go catch a few snakes first, and study them carefully, and you, cat catcher, you can only drown in this pile of books!Wait for me to write this kung fu in two days, you just admit defeat honestly! "

Ji Lian'er directly held the box, with an exaggerated smile on her face, stepped on the back of the chair, supported her body with one leg, swung her limbs, imitating several snakes moving together, and called out "the power of Xiangliu"

Xun Wu was no longer surprised, and chuckled lightly as he flipped through the things on his desk.

Ji Lian'er thinks about it all the time, one moment she was still thinking about something, and the next moment she changed her mind. It is changing every moment, endlessly interesting and elusive. It has always been like this, and it has always been like this. The most authentic appearance, the most natural thoughts.

It's just that Xun Wu was halfway through laughing, and suddenly got stuck in the middle.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Ji Lian'er turned over to the back of the chair, folded her arms on the back of the chair, and looked at the table curiously.

"...The Second Highness is coming."


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