The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 473 Perfect Cooperation 4K

Two days later, Xun Wu and others rushed to the specific location, waiting for Zuo Yanhan and others to return.

In fact, the specific distance is not far, but Zuo Yanhan has to escort things, so he will walk for several days. If he is the only one, he will run back to the camp within two days.

Zhao Wumian and the others watched from a distance, chatting in a low voice from time to time.

To be honest, this is just a job of "building a good relationship" with people in the Jianghu, but it is actually not easy to do it.

Everyone is a fast catcher and knows how rebellious those Jianghu people are. Even a person like Bai Yupan who is relatively famous in the Jianghu and often gets along with the Jianghu people, it is quite difficult to control the Jianghu people. .

And on top of that, we can't really "manage" it purely.

After all, Jianghu people walk in the rivers and lakes, and they have a somewhat "comfortable" and "carefree" idea. Even though many Jianghu people really want to be formally established, they will feel oppressed if you really go up to discipline them.

In this case, the performance of the Jianghu people will be affected again.

Wouldn't military control be easier if it were directly controlled?It is precisely because of worrying about various follow-up problems that Man Jianghong asked Xun Wu and others to find a way to reconcile the situation of people in the arena.

It can't be too suppressed, and it can't appear incompetent. It must be useful to the Jianghu people, but it must not make the Jianghu people too disruptive...

All in all, it is a "moderate" job, which is not difficult but extremely troublesome.

On top of this, there are more troublesome things——

"Here we come." On the other side, Ji Lian'er suddenly appeared beside Xun Wu and the others, reminding them.

Xun Wu ordered the arresters who followed him to act hastily.

Compared to those Jianghu people who came to Yingzhou purely to mess around and want to fight against the Demon Cult to become famous, what could be more troublesome?

Opposite gate!

This group of straight-forward people will never wait for your No. [-] straight-forward sect if they talk about being a demon sect!

And what's more troublesome is——

Zuo Yanhan!

The head of the pole gate!

The master of masters, the trouble of trouble! !

Not long after, a group of people escorted a car and walked slowly from the horizon.

There is an old man with white hair in the leader, his beard has been combed for a long time, and his hair is quite messy, but because of his appearance and demeanor, he does not look sloppy, but has a sense of madness and wildness.

He wears a huge blue gauntlet on his right arm. Even in this hot weather, he still wears a huge white woolen cloak. Surrounded by people from all walks of life, he walks forward like a tiger, looking majestic. , Incomparably domineering!

Exactly, Zuo Yanhan, the number one expert under the Grandmaster!

Zuo Yanhan walked a few more steps, and when he saw Xun Wu and the others, his eyes lit up, he laughed, raised his left hand, and greeted Xun Wu and the others.

"Hahaha, Xun Wu, are you here?" Seeing Xun Wu and the others coming up to him, Zuo Yanhan shouted with a smile.

Xun Wu also showed a smile. Seeing that the old man came back safely, he felt relieved.

Although they had other goals this time, their respect for the old man was not fake, not to mention that Zuo Yanhan just took away so many things, so naturally they should be praised.

On the other side, the group of people following Zuo Yanhan was also a little excited at this time.

They have just done a big event with Zuo Yanhan, and now is the time to be excited, and in a blink of an eye, they met Xun Wu, Zhao Wumian, Bai Yupan, Shuang Manqiu, these well-known masters, and it was rumored that they joined forces to kill the master The "New Four Famous Arrests" of the masters, therefore, were quite excited, and many people even called Xun Wu's name as if they had seen an idol.

After all, compared with Zhao Wumian and others, Xun Wu has done more deeds in the past two years, and he was born in the Jianghu, so he is highly respected by the Jianghu people.

Of course, there are those who are admired, and there are also those who are jealous, some who look down on, and other kinds of things. This is normal.

Xun Wu and others briefly talked about the past with Zuo Yanhan, and then started their work.

Of course, it is definitely impossible for Xun Wu and others to come up and say "you all have to listen to us", which is not realistic. The first goal of Zhao Wumian and others to find Zuo Yanhan this time must be to "rob people".

Grab more translations from Zuo Yanhan, this is really important.

When Zuo Yanhan heard what they said, he was completely indifferent.

"Haha, so that's the case. Is it such a thing?" Zuo Yanhan nodded and said, "It's not a big deal. I brought so many brothers this time, and it really feels like a waste.


But come here!

Xun Wu and the others were not surprised at all.

They also understood Zuo Yanhan's temper.

Zuo Yanhan took out his two iron balls, rubbed them in his left hand, and looked at Xun Wu and the others while turning them: "

Xun Wu, I heard that on Blood Spirit Island, you worked together to kill a master who had just stepped into the realm of a master?Is it true? "

When the surrounding Jianghu people heard it, they immediately started talking about it.

"Can it be fake?" Ji Lian'er pinched her waist and said, "Don't you know what kind of person Xun Wu is!?"

Zuo Yanhan laughed: "It's also—"

Xun Wu smiled wryly.

Although he succeeded in killing Juelong, he was indeed killing a grandmaster, but this so-called "killing the grandmaster" was too much water.

If Juelong had used all his strength from the beginning, Xun Wu might not be able to defeat him.

Zuo Yanhan didn't care, waved his cloak, and shouted at Xun Wu and the others: "Since this is the case, it doesn't matter!

We Jianghu people don't deal with those bells and whistles. Since you want to steal people from me, then do it directly!

If it can convince me, even if I ask you to wait for the command, it's not a problem! "

Zhao Wumian sighed lightly.

Last time, before the martial arts, when Zuo Yanhan was in the palace hall, this Zuo Yanhan was like this. It was indeed unnecessary, so he was beaten first.

But this time it was different, this time it was "necessary for work", so after Zuo Yanhan yelled, he also bent his bow and set his arrow without any pretentiousness.

Compared to him who hadn't used a longbow for a long time two months ago, after two months of recovery, Zhao Wumian, who regained his bow and arrow, no longer hurt himself. It frightened many Jianghu people who were watching.

"Good time!" Zuo Yanhan's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his right hand, and he easily grabbed the bow and arrow with his hand!

Compared to last year, this Zhao Wumian move is even more chilling!

Fighting is indeed a very intuitive way to make people stronger. Zhao Wumian didn't exercise his body seriously for a long time. After fighting Juelong, his combat power has directly increased a lot.

It's a pity that in front of Zuo Yanhan, this level of archery skills is still not enough.

"Everyone, get out of the way for now!" Zuo Yanhan shouted.

A group of Jianghu people hurried away.

Zuo Yanhan's battle might not be a big deal, but the range strike that ignored the enemy and himself was really terrifying.

Afterwards, Zuo Yanhan attacked Xun Wu and the others without hesitation. Shuang Manqiu didn't dare to be careless, and drew his sword almost instantly to protect everyone.

She also participated in the battle with Zuo Yanhan before, and Zuo Yanhan also put tremendous pressure on her.

The Essence Devouring Magic Art she learned has the effects of devouring poison, regurgitating herself, and assisting cultivation. In battle, this ability is manifested as ignoring additional martial arts effects such as poisonous gas, cold poison, and fire poison. It is said that the perfect defensive sword skill is five or six masters of the same level. It is not so easy to take her down. If it is in some narrow places, she can rely on her own continuous ability to consume countless lives and die. Overall, she is better than her master.

But this, in front of Zuo Yanhan, lost most of its effect!

During the last battle, Shuang Manqiu has already discovered that although she can resist Zuo Yanhan's cold poison, but at this time, her internal energy consumption will be several times greater than before, and it is completely whimsical to want to persist for a day , being able to persist for half an hour is considered an extraordinary performance of her.

In other words, in a one-on-one situation, Zuo Yanhan can push her into the ground in at most half an hour!

Fortunately, this time is the same as last time, not a "single-out".

The moment Zuo Yanhan rushed over, Xun Wu and Bai Yupan made moves at the same time.

Xun Wu had already made preparations. The moment Zuo Yanhan made his move, he had already pulled out Wuyu, and made a very classic strike of peace. At the same time, a sword qi swayed out from the white jade plate.

"Oh!" Zuo Yanhan used magnetic field martial arts to deal with it, but found that his inner energy was cut apart from two directions by the two of them!

As the saying goes, there is no woman in the heart, and the sword is natural.

After the birth and death with Yue Ruchou, Bai Yupan has completed his self-transformation, and now, his sword is the sharpest sword in the world!

In this world, among first-rate masters, there is no one whose sword energy, penetrating and cutting ability is stronger than him!

At the same time, Xun Wu is also very clear that Zuo Yanhan is definitely not an easy person, and if he wants to fight him, it will definitely not work if he does not use all his strength!

Therefore, for the first cut, Xun Wu activated the sword spirit, and under the combination of the sword intent, the sword energy, and the sword force, he easily cut through Zuo Yanhan's first line of defense!

But, this is not enough!

"Heh——" Facing the two shockingly destructive moves of Xun Wu and Zhao Wumian, Zuo Yanhan did not hesitate, and the cold air burst out all over his body, causing the two attacks to gradually slow down in mid-air, and they were about to hit him. For an instant, it froze in the air!

No matter how strong the sword qi or saber qi is, it is useless if it cannot hit someone!

"Good!!" However, even so, Zuo Yanhan was still extremely surprised, "Compared to that day, you are actually much stronger!"

Of course, except for Shuang Manqiu, he didn't feel any changes in Shuang Manqiu, but he estimated that since the three of Xun Wu had become much stronger, this Shuang Manqiu should also have become stronger.

However, if it's just that, he is confident that he can definitely win.

The cold poison in his body is inexhaustible, he doesn't know how long it can last, his own internal energy is also under the action of the magnetic field and the cold poison, it becomes extraordinarily large, coupled with various self-created moves, What Xun Wu and others have shown so far is not enough to restrain him.


It's different from the last battle!

"Guard Frost, you mainly defend his left arm, don't worry about his right arm; Brother Zhao, shoot behind him to limit his moves!

Lao Bai, attack with me and break his magnetic field! "

While Xun Wu was shouting loudly, his movements were not slow at all, and he quickly attacked the weak points in Zuo Yanhan's martial arts moves.

He has seen Zuo Yanhan's martial arts a long time ago, and Zuo Yanhan even gave him the secret book of this martial art directly. Although he didn't learn it, he has already studied it with Dajuguan and knows the restrictive techniques.

Although Zuo Yanhan's cold poison is extremely strong, in order to use this kind of trick reasonably, he still needs to cooperate with the Sinan Jing of the opposite pole to exert the greatest effect.

As long as Xun Wu's position is limited, then Zuo Yanhan's attack is predictable for them. Strangeness can create a chance of victory——

Not long after, Zuo Yanhan also felt more and more strenuous. Although the internal energy and cold energy were still inexhaustible, he was almost nailed by Zhao Wumian's attack. This made him realize that although Xun Wu and Bai Yupan's moves Ling Lie, but the "breakthrough hand" that Xun Wu really arranged was Zhao Wumian, who was not very destructive, but cunning enough to attack any part of him as Xun Wu wanted!

He wanted to attack Zhao Wumian, but found that in front of Zhao Wumian, Shuangmanqiu was following him like a shadow. No matter how he used Tianshuang Palm, he would always be caught by Shuangmanqiu. Waiting for others to cooperate with the feeling of a "narrow" position!

And if he wanted to attack Xun Wu, the "commander", then Xun Wu would give up without hesitation, draw back, and use the power of the sword to avoid the edge——


Zuo Yanhan was startled.

Although the three of the four famous arresters are much stronger than they were in the last battle, they still cannot reach his height. No one can compare with him on an equal basis in one-on-one, and last time, there was also a Zuo Yanhan felt completely different with the assistance of the tricky and weird "Eunuch Wei"!

The extra Xun Wu made the four famous arresters who were not good at cooperation and excluded cooperation reach a perfect state, even forcing him to advance and retreat, unable to fight and defenseless !

"Haha——" Zuo Yanhan laughed loudly, "As expected of Xun Wu! It's really eye-opening!"

There was a sudden burst of anger on his body, and then Xun Wu and the others were shocked, they pulled back and retreated, and looked over, Zuo Yanhan's surroundings were instantly frozen into ice cubes!

After a while, Zuo Yanhan adjusted the position of the gauntlet with his left hand, then looked at the four of them, and laughed loudly: "Okay! This time I lost a bit!

Xun Wu, if you have any errands, tell me all of them. As long as you can kill the Demon Sect, I will never refuse! "

Everyone in Bai Yupan breathed a sigh of relief.

It was too much pressure to fight with Zuo Yanhan.

It was at this time that those onlookers finally dared to speak out, some shouted that Zuo Yanhan's miraculous skills were world-class, while others lamented the exquisite and unparalleled cooperation of Xun Wu and others...

People in the rivers and lakes, after making a move, they always have to be ranked, and after the ranking is over, they naturally position themselves as they want. Although it is four against one, the strength of Xun Wu and others is not false, except Some people with darker hearts, most of them also recognized Xun Wu and others.

Seeing this scene, Xun Wu also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that he came at the right time.

On the other side, after the beating, Zuo Yanhan laughed loudly, walked up to Xun Wu and the others, his body over two meters tall looked like a giant, grabbed Xun Wu's shoulder, patted him, and praised him :

"Haha, Xun Wu, you are really getting better and better. Not only have you become so much stronger, but your ability to command and arrange is also amazing. I am no match for you. From now on, under your leadership, the Duoji Gate will definitely become more powerful. Stronger, haha—"

Zhao Wumian and others also knew that Zuo Yanhan was recommended by Xun Wu to Emperor Shengwu, so they were not surprised, and even relaxed a little.

Whether it was intentional or not, Zuo Yanhan helped them and showed their martial arts. Next, work matters will definitely be much easier.

"By the way, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!" He laughed indifferently.

This is indeed true. Now Xun Wu and the others have some doubts and problems in their cultivation.

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