The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 471 Arranging 4K

After a while, the Second Highness's order was transferred to Blood Spirit Island again.

Choose Zhao Wumian, Xun Wu, Bai Yupan, and Shuang Manqiu, and then Sheng Jinshui will go to Yingzhou together to provide research assistance for Yingzhou's intelligence.

Among them, Xun Wu, Zhao Wumian, and Bai Yupan were commended for their outstanding performance in this battle, and they blamed Shuang Manqiu and ordered Shuang Manqiu to go to Yingzhou to take the crime and make meritorious service.

Of course, if Ye Zhenji is not willing, she can still write to the second prince, but Ye Zhenji cannot go to Yingzhou no matter what. If Ye Zhenji is in danger again, the second prince may hang himself up.

To be honest, this made Ye Zhenji a little uneasy. After all, Shuang Manqiu had rarely acted apart from her a few times. Last time...she was working with Xun Wu in Yunzhou...

Oh, that doesn't seem like a big deal.

Ye Zhenji herself really wanted to go back to the capital, and it was not only Xun Wu who saved her, but also the help of Zhao Wumian and others, as well as the help of Cong Yun. It is necessary for her to go back to the capital with Cong Yun and handle this matter in person in Beijing.

And this is exactly what everyone wants.

Xun Wu felt that Cong Yun's life had finally changed completely, which was a great thing; Cong Yun felt that this way, he would not need to go back to Yingzhou, and face those old friends from the past and confront them with swords and swords, which relieved the pressure in his heart; Man Qiu felt that with the protection of Cong Yun, the combat power around the princess was not bad; even Bao Yuan and the others thought it was a good thing.

However, Bao Yuan could not go to Yingzhou with Xun Wu, Xun Wu did not agree.

Even if Mr. Bao did not object, he would not support Bao Yuan to go to Yingzhou together, and even Roman might not be able to follow—no general would dare to transport this treasure, Luo Man, to Yingzhou!

In other words, if Hilda, who was completely irrelevant, and Xun Wu's party were removed, Ji Lian'er was basically the only one left. She has both ability and ability, and it makes more sense to go to Yingzhou.

Bao Yuan hesitated for a long time, but Ji Lian'er called her out alone, chatted for a while, and then blushed and agreed to the arrangement.

Zhao Wumian carefully read the reply letter for a while, and already had a guess in his heart, couldn't help but let out a long sigh, pondered for a long time in his room, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Isn't it just a "head arrester"?It's not a great job...


As a family caregiver, as a relative of the Second Prince, even if the Second Prince did something that he was not happy with, as long as it was not too much, he would not say anything.

After all, this is family politics.

In the next two months, Xun Wu and the others will receive some messages near Blood Spirit Island, and when the people in Yingzhou need them, a special ship will come to pick them up.

Although he had some conjectures about the fact that the "General Commander of the Detectives" did not fall on his head, Xun Wu didn't pay much attention to this matter, and was still preparing for the next job. That willow box.

To say that Juxue is worthy of Juxue, Xun Wu observed it for a long time, even if he entered the "image" world of the box, he only felt some snakes and insects, and he didn't comprehend the content of this martial arts at all— ——However, even so, Xun Wu found that his "intent" was still growing at a high speed. After observing this box, every time he entered the world of ideas, Xun Wu would obviously feel the growth of the sword's will, which was comparable to his own painstaking efforts in cultivation. Even faster several times!

The reason why treasures are treasures is precisely because they are indeed "miraculous".

After two months, Xun Wu finally felt something. The boat sent by Man Jianghong had already arrived near Xueling Island.

Bao Yuan and the others had left long ago, and Xun Wu didn't have any nostalgia for such a filthy place like Blood Spirit Island, so he boarded the warship without hesitation. Holding a jug of water, he drank gurglingly.

And beside him, there was a petite girl with a stack of rocks tied to each hand, holding her teeth with her teeth gritted.

"Xun Wu seems to be gone." This person is the man in the mirror "Hehe...I saved that kid named Du Ren for you, but did he escape from the Sheng Jin army, or what will he do next? The old man won't care."

Hearing this, the girl let out a sigh of relief, loosened her hands, and almost fell to the ground. After trying to slowly lower the rock, the girl hesitated and said, "Senior...why did you save me alone?"

She is none other than the blood ghost among the four ghosts of Blood Spirit Island that Cong Yun has been looking for for many days.

The man in the mirror chuckled, seeing the girl's ignorant expression, and smiled lightly: "The crows in this world are so black.

A place like Blood Spirit Island is like a huge dye vat, no matter what kind of people come in, they have to be dyed black.

But you, girl, are different. In this quagmire-like place, you are like a lotus flower that has emerged from the dust, and you are constantly saving and releasing people through all sorts of vague methods...

If it weren't for you, the maids and guards of Princess Ye would have died long ago, right? "

Blood Charm did not refute.

Maybe she can fool other people, but she can't fool the person in the mirror.

"A good seedling like you is no worse than others at all. I have a hunch that you will definitely bring me something different from the past... Hehehe..."

We fun people don't play tricks.

He really found this blood charm very interesting.

"..." Xue Mei understood what the man in the mirror meant.

It's like the person in the mirror walking on the rivers and lakes, giving martial arts to those he is optimistic about, except that her "material" is slightly more advanced, and the person in the mirror thinks it is more interesting to teach it personally.


Xue Mei is a very assertive person. Seeing her hesitate for a moment, she asked: "Then... if I follow Senior, can I win against that Cong Yun, or even Xun Wu?"

"Cong Yun, there is still hope... Xun's difficult." The man in the mirror would not deceive people about such trivial things, let alone such a girl "Why, you Do you still want to avenge that brat Wu Wuwu?"

Xue Mei thought for a while, hesitated for a moment, then rubbed her head with numbness, "Forget it, I won't report it!"

"Hahaha—I really didn't miss it." The man in the mirror laughed.

Although Xue Mei said so, he could see that in the future, she would inevitably have ties with Xun Wu and others, and this was much more interesting than the random people the man in the mirror found before!

At the same time, in the northwest of Xueling Island, Du Xin exhausted his last strength and sent one person to the boat: "Go!"

"Teacher—" The person who boarded the boat was the spirit devourer, one of the four ghosts of Blood Spirit Island.

At the beginning, he was in charge of connecting with Tiankui Xingyue Rushou. Because he believed Yue Rushou's inference, he did not prepare in advance for a possible surprise attack from the Heavenly Court, which eventually caused a sudden loss of a large number of soldiers and seriously affected the endurance of Blood Spirit Island.

He originally wanted to fight to the death with the court people on Blood Spirit Island, and make a final atonement, but at this time, because he was the least injured, he was selected by Du Xin, one of the three crossings, and took a small boat alone.

"Go!!" There were bloodstains all over Du Xin's face and body. The continuous battle for more than two months not only exhausted his internal energy and blood energy, but also turned him into a walking blood mass.

He wanted to seek revenge from Xun Wu, wanted to avenge Jue Long, but the imperial court's follow-up troops followed up one after another, Xun Wu and others were busy preparing for new tasks, and did not appear on the front line of the battlefield at all.

But now, Du Ji, who was most afraid of death and best at saving his life, died in battle. Du Ren was seriously injured and fell into a coma. Seeing that the Blood Spirit Island would be completely destroyed, Du Ren finally found a chance. To send out the most talented ghost among the four ghosts.

Devouring wanted to refuse, and wanted to make the last effort for the sect that raised him, but seeing Du Xin's appearance like a ghost from hell, Devouring was frightened.

"Revenge me!!" At this moment, Du Xin didn't look like a Buddhist master at all, he was just like a bloody devil who crawled out of the eighteenth floor of hell, "Linggu, you are the most talented and most talented person!" Talented, you are our brother's hope—

You must find Xun Wu, you must find a way to kill him, avenge me, our brother, Juelong, brother, and the island owner! ! "

Roaring angrily, using the last of his inner energy, he pushed the boat violently.

"Don't look back!! You have to become the devil of devils, the devil of devils!"

"Become the Demon Lord! Take revenge for us!!!"

Devouring's hands trembled and clenched into fists, Du Xin's ferocious face seemed to be directly imprinted in his heart.

Full of sadness and determination, he took a deep breath and nodded deeply at Chao Du.

There was no red light on his body, but at this moment, there seemed to be anger rising from his body.

This will be the last burning spark of a cult.


When the tragic scene was playing on the Blood Spirit Island, Emperor Shengwu was smiling, very happy and very obvious.

A few days ago, he had already returned to the capital, relieved the power of the second prince's regent, and at the same time began to listen to the summary of the courtiers during this period.

After all, a country cannot be without a king for a day, and it is not always possible to do such a thing as a royal conquest, even if Emperor Shengwu is thinking about the achievements of the "Eternal Mingjun" in his heart, and even has a master-level combat power, he can't do it easily. The emperor's personal conquest.

After all, the king of a country needs dignity and other things. What's more, if the national army is personally marching, the people in this territory will be excited, and they will wonder if the country is dying.

Although Emperor Shengwu has high martial arts skills, the number of times he personally went to the battlefield in these years is still relatively small.

After checking things and making arrangements, Emperor Shengwu had already returned to the capital, then summoned his ministers, and began to listen to them talk about the past few months.

Guess what?

Hey - Bao Huaiying really did not disappoint him!

He remembers clearly what the second child has done in the past few months, which ones are good, which ones are problematic, and which ones he thinks need to be considered. They are really precious. At the beginning, the second child asked Bao Huaiying to tell some of his outstanding deeds , There was still light on the face, but then the complexion became worse and worse, especially after the first two months, it was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Gee tut.

No way, no way, this technique of nourishing qi is too bad.

Emperor Shengwu's smile was obvious, but none of the courtiers dared to say that he had a bad manner. After all, His Majesty loved to laugh, and everyone knew it.

Regarding the second prince's appearance, Emperor Shengwu was not really surprised, nor did he think that the second prince's behavior was so bad.

It is the first time to supervise the country, and it is the first time to taste the taste of power. It is normal to make some mistakes.

It's just that he is not young, and he still makes mistakes like this, which makes Emperor Shengwu not very satisfied.

Can't stand Bao Huaiying, it's normal, Bao Huaiying, let Emperor Shengwu himself, it's probably hard to bear it, after all, no one would like someone to be by your side all day and say that you are not.

Emperor Shengwu could bear it. It was cultivated by him through decades of various hardships and his own master-level mentality. However, apart from the crown prince, none of the sons of Emperor Shengwu had dealt with difficult issues in the world with him. The troublesome things that made Emperor Shengwu want to break his scalp.

You are not happy to see Bao Huaiying, Emperor Shengwu can accept and understand.

However, after all, he is still in his 40s, and he can't even "distinct rewards and punishments", which makes Emperor Shengwu very dissatisfied.

After a while, all the courtiers finished reporting. Emperor Shengwu glanced at Eunuch Wei and waved his hand. Eunuch Wei immediately understood, stepped forward, and began to read the imperial edict that he had prepared long ago.

After a while.

The second prince was shocked!

Father wants to let me go to Yingzhou! ?


Before the second prince could think about it, Emperor Shengwu said softly after the imperial decree was finished: "King Chang, this battle to kill demons is a matter of life and death for the people of Jin and Li, and I cannot personally supervise the battle." , it's up to you, don't be careless.

When you get to the place, you should learn from Jiye and Xiaoman. When you encounter something you don’t understand, just ask. "

Even so, Emperor Shengwu did not give him the power to command and mobilize.

The second prince was shocked, but he still walked out excitedly, and hurriedly shouted: "I obey the order!"

This is another exploit for nothing, just a formality!

"Oh—that's right." Suddenly, Emperor Shengwu changed the subject, "Didn't you mess with something before... No. 1 arrest in the world?


This can't work, how boring is it?

Coincidentally, Xiaoman also resigned from the position of chief arrester, and it was time to choose a new chief arrester.

You go to Yingzhou, if you have nothing to do, let them compete.

This time, it must be chosen! "

The second prince's back was drenched when he heard it, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, but he quickly said yes.

"Okay, let's go—"

Then there was the etiquette of retreating from the imperial court. After Emperor Shengwu finished, with his hands behind his back and wearing a dragon robe, he came outside the cold palace again.

A group of guards in charge of "special missions" saw him and rushed over to report to him.

"Hmm... not bad." Emperor Shengwu was extremely surprised, but he just said it was not bad.

Before the crown prince died, he was heartbroken. He wanted to see Ye Fengge and find out what the crown prince looked like when he was alive, but unexpectedly found that Ye Fengge had changed so much that he couldn't help but move some special thoughts .

However, he is still not sure whether this is a complete change or a temporary illusion; at the same time, although the second prince has some flaws, his general direction is not bad. It can be seen that at least he can listen to other people's suggestions.

He thought for a moment, then turned his head and asked, "Wei Wei, in recent days, is there any minor matter in the Jianghu that you can get involved in?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the Zhuhai faction welcomes back the sect's magical soldier Cuiyu, but its master died strangely. The forces of all parties are intertwined. It seems that the murderer is not innocent... Among them, there may be three or four rivers and lakes gangs involved, five or six first-class gangs." Master."

The most important thing is that the Zhuhai faction is close.

"Okay, this is good." Emperor Shengwu nodded, "Let Feng Ge and Hua Wuji go around and see how they are doing now."

If it can be done, let alone the chief arrester or the No. 1 arrester, it is just to give Xun Wu the title of catcher god, and Emperor Shengwu thinks it is all blood money.

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